Reviews for Untitled 13
Guest chapter 25 . 1/10
This was so good
klo21 chapter 1 . 5/1/2023
Please do a sequel!
HMCM0122 chapter 25 . 6/19/2022
Just read this for the first time. Loved it!
Pepja98 chapter 25 . 4/6/2022
A wonderful story! Thanks so much for sharing your talent!
KathyJoK chapter 25 . 1/12/2022
Oh, this was great! Thank you!
Carol421 chapter 5 . 2/26/2020
What a sweet break-up.
JeanieJ chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Great writing! Thank you!
Go1dy chapter 25 . 6/21/2017
Great Story! Hope you'll come back at some point with a sequel I really want to know whose back!
Shanita67 chapter 25 . 5/2/2017
This was so good. Great job
RhoJ chapter 25 . 3/17/2016
Wonderful story, thanks so very much!
HungarianBebe chapter 25 . 11/28/2015
omg ths was an amazing story. i'm happy Joe wasn't the bad guy in this one and Steph saving Ranger was epic.
ladylibra73 chapter 25 . 8/1/2015
Awesome story. Is there a sequel?

lillie.metcalffender chapter 25 . 11/21/2014
That was really good. I am hoping for the next installment, I do hope it is not Scog.
Ybanormlmom chapter 17 . 10/3/2014
It just gets better and better! An amazing story.
MargaritaS chapter 25 . 9/14/2014
this story was good, im hoping if you do a sequel it wont be scrog... you blew him into a million pieces he is gone. but reading about a different enemy could be interesting, maybe the ME that collected the dead nurse from steph's apartment, he gave off a creepy vibe :)
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