Reviews for Kosovo Calling
Ditzyleo chapter 12 . 11/25/2006
I am not getting my update emails! grr...howveer that meant i had four chapters to read! And taht ofcourse made me very happy! I love this story and love forward to reading on!
shirik chapter 12 . 11/22/2006
tnx for updating!
ladc chapter 10 . 11/21/2006
"Always Tony, Gibbs thought sourly, they always managed to fixate on Tony."

Well...I know I always fixate on Tony, but I guess that is in a VERY different way.
ladc chapter 9 . 11/21/2006
I could really see this happening with Tony. He is good, a bit reckless, and lucky.
mikiss chapter 10 . 11/21/2006
I really like this story. It is well set up and the characterizations follow the show. Not sure why you aren't getting more reviews, but keep up the good work!
shirik chapter 10 . 11/21/2006
it's going too smooth isn't it?
Ditzyleo chapter 8 . 11/18/2006
ANother brillent two chapters! Can't wait to read on! Love to give a fuller review but i must go- life calls!
shirik chapter 8 . 11/17/2006
i hope tony will get into trouble - even hurt a little - although his instincts are always right- i love it when everybody worry about him!
Smackalicious chapter 2 . 11/14/2006
Wow. Man, I should not be reviewing right now. I feel really tired for some reason. I think I need to take a nap and come back to read the rest of this.
Smackalicious chapter 1 . 11/14/2006
Oh, this is good. I love how in character this is, like I'm watching the show. It's great. I always love a good humor fic when it comes to NCIS, because the show is so funny. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your work.
Ditzyleo chapter 6 . 11/14/2006
Great! Two chapters! Yay! Made my day!X-D

Loved how quickly Tony caught on and the others' amzement. Also the asides about Abby! You have totaly captured the show and i am hooked. Looking formward to the next update!

(also nice hangover cure;-) )
shirik chapter 6 . 11/14/2006
two chapters! wow! tnx a lot for updating!
withoutpic chapter 4 . 11/9/2006
oh, and so it begins...

haha. loved the bit about gibbs hand signals and stuff, then the fbi thing. it was hilarious. i was laughing so much, my brother now thinks i ahev a brain tumor.. but anyway. it was awsum.

cant wait for the next part..
OzGeek chapter 4 . 11/9/2006
Great story! Can't believe I missed the first few chapters, had to go back and read the whole lot. Now have you on my story alert list.
TheNaggingCube chapter 4 . 11/8/2006
You will give us Tony wake up time right?

This is a fun ride so far, keep it coming please!
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