Reviews for A Forked Road
Hawkeye116 chapter 4 . 11/17/2006
Yeah Beautifly! I've never actually trained one, just Dustox, so I can't say for certain how strong they are. However, I find your battle scenario with the Slugma vs. Beautifly very believable and quite entertaining; it's not bad, not bad at all.

And sorry about the Magikarp comment, but Gyarados is one of my favorite Pokemon (coming in close behind Feraligatr, Suicune, and Umbreon... I like Water Pokemon a lot...).

Keep up the good work!

Hawkeye116 chapter 3 . 11/16/2006
This a very interesting story; I like the foreshadowing used when Roy just carelessly steps on the Wurmple. And the Pokemon battles in this are pretty cool, too. Definitely a decent story.

fav stories, story alert


PS: Do not underestimate Magikarp. They may be weak, but they're definitely worth raising. Gyarados PWN, hands down. Just my two cents, heh heh.
Capybara 773 chapter 3 . 11/16/2006
Heh, that kid's becoming really ruthless (stepping on bug Pokemon for fun, for example), just like the Pokemon Trainers in my fics. Have you read one of them? My most recent is called 'Pokemon Trainer'. You might like it.

Update soon!


Capybara 773
YeLlOwLiZaRd chapter 3 . 11/16/2006
My only thought is that when you do an abrupt time jump like that, you separate it with something, like an odd jumble of bold letters so it's easier to split up when event from the next. But otherwise I'm interested to see where this goes.
ImportantStoryFrog chapter 3 . 11/16/2006
Did I miss something between chapters 2 and 3? Because something just isn't quite right, there...
Dr. Black chapter 2 . 11/13/2006
I liked your previous chapter a bit better, but still it's good because you can see how the main character is already becoming a bit more of a dark character already.

Did you create your own setting/region for this story, or is it a new region that I don't know about? Anyways, it must've been freakin' disgusting stepping on a Wurmple, lol.
YeLlOwLiZaRd chapter 2 . 11/13/2006
Ah, consumed by greed. How pleasent.
ImportantStoryFrog chapter 2 . 11/13/2006
Quite mysterious... and good! Though it was very sad that he so heartlessly smushed that Wurmple.
YeLlOwLiZaRd chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
I'm eager to see how this kid manages to ruin his life. It's kinda like when kids at school get good grades and have lots of friends and then they decide to shot some heroin up their systems.

*cough* Nice story though.
Dr. Black chapter 1 . 11/11/2006
I must say, this is already looking like it's going to be a very good story. Keep it up, and be sure to check out my 1st story, Kanto Generation 3! That's it I guess...
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