Reviews for The Heart of Destiny
1742172 chapter 16 . 11/15/2009
AWESOME! Really well written and flows and just and all around amazingly wonderful story. LOVE IT! Great job!
jedi keliam kenobi chapter 16 . 7/14/2004
*sob* the ending was so happy. i almost cried.{:(.

great! story i love it. you write excillent storys. you know i normally don't like stories with mara jade as obi-wans daughter but i liked this one alot. may the force be with you.:)
Kangaroogurl chapter 4 . 7/17/2002
OMG do you know someone named Alena? my best friend in the world is named that and ive always seen is spelled Elena, except for her of course. was a creey coincidence
phoenixqueen chapter 16 . 4/2/2002
Wow! Good story Laura! I really like the idea of Obi-Wan having a soul-mate, and I think its cool how you made Mara Jade be Obi-Wan's daughter. That was an interesting twist. You are a great writer! Keep up the good work!
Rory chapter 16 . 7/18/2001
OMG! That was one of the best stories I have read in a long time! May the Force be with you...
Ginger Ninja chapter 16 . 7/1/2001
*Loud applause* WELL DONE LAURA! *GREAT* ending! Yay! Happy Obi! That guy deserves a little happiness don't ya'll think? I can't wait for your next story Laura! Be sure to let me know when you post!
Goddess chapter 15 . 6/30/2001
This is a wonderful story of why Obi-Wan has such damn haunted eyes.
Ginger Ninja chapter 15 . 6/30/2001
*sniff* that was SO sad! Poor Obi! Can't wait for the next chapter my friend! May the Force be with you! (runs off crying) Has anyone got a tissue?
Laura Kenobi chapter 14 . 6/29/2001
Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging for too long! * Grin * I should have the next chapter posted tomorrow morning sometime! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed for all the nice comments! You have me smiling every time! It's a great feeling! Thanks a bunch! MTFBWY! _
Goddess chapter 14 . 6/29/2001
Oh well, cliffhangers are good sometimes! Unless you're planning on leaving us on this particular cliff for eternity. I hate authors like that.. *grumble* Well, on a better note: BRAVO! Great chapter n' story. Bomb diggity.
Goddess chapter 13 . 6/28/2001
Woo! *claps wildly* Good job! And gratuitous Obi torture. It's the best, ain't it, folks? Keep writing! I check back here at least 30 times a day waiting for a new installment!
Ginger Ninja chapter 13 . 6/28/2001
YOU ARE LEAVING US THERE! *grins* Ok, I know, Miss Evil Cliffhanger writer of 2001 complaining here but this is soooo cool! Poor old Obi! He never catches a break huh? Cool chapters Laura! More tomorrow? *puppy dog eyes* puh-leassssssssse! May the Force bw with you!
shan chapter 11 . 6/28/2001
I'm glad you explained your reasoning behind no one else sensing trouble. I really like this story, i'm usually more of an "AU" person and was kind of upset that qui-gon actually died in this story. But its still very good and keeping me interested. Now, are you still going to have anakin turn?
Goddess chapter 11 . 6/27/2001
This chapter was DEFINATELY satisfactory! Loved it. Obi kicks butt! WOO!
Ginger Ninja chapter 11 . 6/27/2001
Y'know, you must be one of the best posters on this site! Every day I come on here, there's a post from you! Congratulations on being a diligent writer! *giggles* can ya tell I'm calmer today? Post soon Laura and may the Force be with you~Ginger N.
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