Reviews for Just After Midnight
xXxMartelxXx chapter 11 . 1/19/2011
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay I see. Darn it, now I really wish I could write a decent chapter for this.

Say, if for some terrible or not so terrible reason never finish this fic, there's one thing that I would really, really like to now: was this story going to get a happy ending? I mean, would Snape ever realize how wrong he was about Harry and they'd get along and things would turn out find somehow? Maybe? Please?
xXxMartelxXx chapter 10 . 1/19/2011
Yay Apparition! Now I really want to know what Snape saw in Harry's mind.
xXxMartelxXx chapter 8 . 1/19/2011
Noooo, bad Snape! Feel guilty!
xXxMartelxXx chapter 7 . 1/19/2011
My God. How intense.

I like how Harry now prefers the Dursley's home to Hogwarts. And Hermione was a nice, sweet touch after all that tension.
xXxMartelxXx chapter 5 . 1/19/2011
I hoped he would end up in that House.
xXxMartelxXx chapter 4 . 1/19/2011
Loved Harry's dialogue in this one. XD
xXxMartelxXx chapter 2 . 1/19/2011
D: Wow, Mean!Snape. I can't believe I enjoyed that so much. Heh.

I like how Harry threw up on Snape's shoes here after Apparating, like in Rules of the Game.
xXxMartelxXx chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
Ah-hahaha! Oh, sweet merciful...! I like this story already.

Snape was wonderfully snarky -funny to read, but I wouldn't want to meet the man, and his attitude and view of the world are both well-fleshed out (like the bit about his reaction to hearing the names Potter, Lupin, Pettigrew and Black). Dumbledore blackmailing is so what he would do if he thought he could get away with it, which he certainly can with Snape because Snape doesn't have any illusions about Dumbledore being some saintly, perfect, good wizard. And Hagrid! Oh, sweet Hagrid. That was a very good excuse, by the way, the one you used to make a point of divergence and switch Harry's escort to Diagon Alley. And Snape's entrance at the end of the chapter! Oh, what an entrance!

*reads your profile* Ah, if I had the skill I would take you up on that offer (the writing the next chapter and see if that motivates you to continue; is that still up?).

I'm going to continue reading this anyway, because if the rest of the story is as good as the first chapter then it's well worth it, incomplete status or not.
Ten Toes chapter 11 . 12/14/2010
I stumbled across this fic again and was reminded of just why and how much I loved it the first time I read it. It's been a couple years, but thought you'd like to know that people are still reading it, just in case, you know, the muse comes back or needed another slight bit of encouragement to re-appear again...

I love where it's left off... he's obviously apparated again, back to the cupboard or something, and i'm dying to read what happens next. You did such a good job with setting a tone and imagery.. I felt his escalating tension and the drama of his wanting out and away was very very well done. It was interesting to read a fic where Harry did NOT want to be at Hogwarts, and the first contact was so royally messed up that they have ended up with a situation very far from what they want... now he is well on his way to his distrust of magic & wizards / hogwarts, turning into almost a hatred.

first impressions are very important and almost impossible to change completely and Harry is not going to trust dumbles or anyonw, nor be sticking his neck out for this weird world holding him hostage. I can't see this harry giving a fig about the stone or even having the energy to be curious.

sexypancake chapter 11 . 12/14/2010
Hello there! I just finished reading what you've posted of "Just After Midnight", and though I'm not really thinking you're gonna update it or anything, I wanted to let you know what I thought of the story. _

First of all, I think it's quite a frightening read. Snape is truly psychologically damaged in this fic, leading to him become disturbed and sadistic. I can understand his actions, but his character is definitely being written at an extreme. I also think it's really interesting to consider that if Harry wasn't informed point-blank of the fact that he was a wizard in the books, so much mayhem could have occurred! This fic just proves it! Of course, Snape is no help whatsoever, but it's really an interesting exercise in how devastating a lack of communication can be. I also like that it was all that was needed for Harry to become a Slytherin.

Also, realistically, I can understand Dumbledore and Minerva's actions in this story. Dumbledore knows that Snape went overboard, but he doesn't truly understand the magnitude of Snape's sadism. Also, Dumbledore knows that there is no other option than to keep Harry at Hogwarts. In this case, we're seeing the early appearance of manipulative!Dumbledore. As for Minera(sorry, i don't know how to spell Mcgonagle, lol), I can understand her actions as well, considering that they're very similar to how she is in the books. She takes care of her students, but she's also a stickler for the rules and kind of fails to take students at their word when it really counts(can anyone say Sorcerer's stone?). Basically, in that regard, I can understand them being written the way they are, and feel the same amount of angst, irritation, and sheer frustration as Harry when they fail to help him.

Hmmm, what else...? I like that Harry is sorta becoming friends with Hermione. I can definitely see her as being open-minded and non-prejudiced (especially considering the amount of prejudice the wizarding world throws at her), and I like the idea that maybe some of her brains can rub off on him, which he could then use to fight back against Snape. Oh, and I also thought it was really strange that you made Madame Pomfrey a Slytherin! It just sorta seemed like you threw that in there very randomly. I mean, I love the idea, since it's so unusual, but wow, definitely wasn't expecting that.

Hmm...I love that Harry snapped Snape's wand. I thought that was such a brilliant power play, especially because he keeps throwing it back in Snape's face (that scene during potions class was *amazing*). Probably the most liberating scene for me, however, was in fact the very last scene you wrote before this fic went on semi-permanent hiatus. The ENTIRE time I was reading this fic I kept thinking in my head "Just run away already Harry! Do something!" even though I knew it was an unrealistic thought. Thusly, it made me SO HAPPY when Harry burst out of the castle and onto the grounds. I'm assuming that he ran far enough to unconsciously apparate himself away. It's what I'm hoping he was able to do, anyway.

Haha, weeeelll, hey there, sorry to suddenly spam you with this super long review, but since I decided not to go to bed tonight and just sit up and read this story (it's 4am now, haha), I figured I might as well give you a decent review. I enjoyed reading this story, and honestly, feel that the spot you left us at could almost be good enough to stand as an ending point. I know that there's obviously waaaay more that is supposed to happen in the fic, but something about Harry finally losing it and running away just felt so liberating and climactic. I feel like him bursting away with the rest of the school none the wiser, and us the reader unaware of what fate is before him, could stand as a perfect ending. We don't know what happens next, only that Harry has escaped. The one thing that's been on his mind constantly has finally occurred, and we should be satisfied. *I* am satisfied, at the very least. I know that stories with lots of reviews and epic storylines can often get abandoned (especially in HP fandom), but I don't feel any pressing need to tell you to keep writing this fic. I like where you left off, and am content with what I've read. So...yah, thanks for writing, and sorry again for making you read this ass-long review. I don't usually write them this long...but hey, it's 4:20 now and I might be a little delirious, so let's blame it on the exhaustion, okay? :D Thanks again, and good luck with whatever your currently writing now!
bookfreak1317 chapter 11 . 11/13/2010
This story is really good. It's wonderfully written and you shouldn't just end right ere. I'm sad because of the last chapter/note and really hope this story continues and just doesn't end here. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now and instead I'm reading and reviewing because that's how interesting this is. I know me comparing this to homework probaly doesn't help you at all, but I'm supposed to be writing a letter to the author of a book that's made an impact on my life and mines to J.K. Rowling. I love the project but this story is sooooo much better! I really love this story and hope that it doesn't end here. Please update!
Dugleik chapter 11 . 9/17/2010
I'm an optimist, here's for hoping there will be more some day.
Cassandra30 chapter 11 . 9/12/2010
I really was enjoying this story as well.
Koizumi Romi chapter 11 . 9/11/2010
Please keep writing! I absolutely adore your story, and can't wait until Snape starts to understand Harry! It's so amazing! I nearly cried when I saw that you lost inspiration! Please keep writing!
OnceAPotterHead chapter 11 . 9/4/2010
I really like this. It's different.
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