Reviews for Keraunophobia
lycan13 chapter 1 . 2/12/2021
Rikku actually is very useful as a black mage in Final Fantasy X. She spends less magic then Lulu but does more damage. I use her as my swimming mage.
Benevolent Contradiction chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
The first fanfiction I read in over a year and a half. This reminded me fully how wonderful it is to have internet back. Thanks, my friend.
crystalblue19 chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
That was amazing. Gotta love Lulu x Rikku. x3
Freeverse chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
I've read this story at , but didn't know it was posted here as well. To reiterate what I probably already said on that site - this fic is amazing. I love Lulu and Rikku as a pairing. Was it just me or were there way too many hints with Rikku's strange admiration about Lulu and her... ahem... assets? Anyway, this story is sexy, funny and adorable all at once. Incorporating Rikku's fear of lightning is a stroke of genius.

Great job all around. I'll definitely be visiting your author page shortly to see what other goodies you have to offer.

NobodiesHiiro chapter 1 . 7/28/2009
damn...just damn,wow i mean awesome.
sissyHIYAH chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
Okay, so it would appear that I've turned complete-and-total-internet-yuri-stalker for your fics. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

I'd like to compliment this with something other than oh-my-god-that-was-fucking-hot-and-I've-forgotten-how-to-use-the-spacebar-because-I'm-just-in-total-awe-and-dashes-and-hyphens-seem-to-get-the-point-across-in-a-much-more-dramatic-fashion-oh-by-the-way-did-I-mention-that-this-was-fucking-hot?, but it would seem that I'm just not that creative.


Why the bloody hell have these not received more reviews? You know, never mind. I don't care. I'm just glad that I've found them...the other people reading God-knows-what can keep on reading it.

This is the sort of fic that has religious types praying for salvation. I believe that you could frighten (or convert!) some Bible thumpers if you read this aloud on a bright, sunny Sunday.
AmphrosDragon chapter 1 . 6/21/2009
That purry chuckle of Lulu's just had to be against the Teachings.

u hav 2 be a genius to come up with that

anyway once again an amazing LR

would i b getting my hopes up too much if i asked if there was more?
Kai Haiaku chapter 1 . 1/26/2009
Brilliant, simply brilliant. _ My favorite yuri paring ever, perfect characters, vivd descriptions, and that beautiful Rikku-humor overtone made this the best fic I've read for a while. Lemme know if you do some more LR's. _~

silentalarm17 chapter 1 . 3/31/2008
This is so well written and HOT *drools*

You write wonderful stories, but this one has always stood out to me :)

lovablesiren chapter 1 . 3/30/2007
WELL WRITTEN AND HOT do not begin to describe this. I so wanted to be Rikku in that story. you made everything so visual
Lepchin17 chapter 1 . 2/20/2007
Ah... I'd do so many things to Rikku.
Clairmont chapter 1 . 12/10/2006
Very nice example of some lemon yuri. I enjoyed that very much, Lulu is so very amazing in more ways than one i now see.
Jes chapter 1 . 12/5/2006
Wow. Just, wow.
Kii Wii Fr00t chapter 1 . 12/5/2006
Wow. I enjoyed... reading... that story... lol XD

It was well written, the descriptions were very vivid, it was great. Keep up the good work!

~Kii Wii Fr00t~