Reviews for Silver Wolf
Visual Bliss chapter 9 . 6/20/2023
Wait do we actually know for certain that lily was raped? Or is that just what severus would rather believe... I mean I can't blame him.. She would have had to go to his house to specifically see him but was either enticed by his father to fuck or was raped by him like severus thinks
hzlanderson chapter 1 . 12/25/2022
Good story
L.Laufeson chapter 9 . 6/28/2022
this is a nice story. do you have plan on continuing it?
Nevertheless chapter 9 . 4/5/2022
Update please
Auriane07 chapter 9 . 3/29/2022
I love the story
Erzsbet Hegeds chapter 9 . 12/27/2021
Please update!
Nevertheless chapter 9 . 12/12/2021
Update please
Zara1017 chapter 9 . 7/29/2021
Nevertheless chapter 9 . 7/12/2021
Update please
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 8 . 7/4/2021
Harry must have been old when he was abandoned, considering how quickly he grasps human language and human concepts.

...maybe I should read it from the start and not just from when they found him. Lol

Have you read the book The She-Wolf? I think that was based on a real story of a feral child.

I love this kind of stories. _
Guest chapter 9 . 6/19/2021
Update please
Rossess20 chapter 8 . 6/15/2021
I'm really trying to imagine feral Harry, crouching in his chair and licking his napkin, being remotely alluring to Mr. Manners Lucius but at this point the image is only serving to make me laugh. :D
Rossess20 chapter 3 . 6/15/2021
I can't say Tarzan!Harry is one I've ever seen before. I do like this though I hope you come back around to it some day.
truskawa1605 chapter 9 . 2/9/2021
Wow! I like this idea! I really hope that you will update it anytime in the future. I am very curious how Lucius and Harry relationship would develop if they would met.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/6/2021
Update please
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