Reviews for The Possession
o0SapphireMyst0o chapter 3 . 8/30/2016
Awesome, I like Teak. I hope nothing bad happens to him! Again, ver6 well written chapter, thank you! :)
o0SapphireMyst0o chapter 2 . 8/30/2016
Oh dear. I don't think Sarah will accept that too well, but I don't think she has much of a choice. Thank you for healing her though Jareth. Very good chapter, thank you :)
o0SapphireMyst0o chapter 1 . 8/30/2016
Wow, what a start to the story! Poor Sarah! Awful stuff! I have to say though that this is quite well witten and I am definitely going to read the next chapter! Thank for the heart wrenching piece.
Cztelnik chapter 33 . 8/1/2016
Liked it despite not being in favor of the power imbalance.
Tear484 chapter 33 . 6/21/2016
will you write an sequel to this story
Guest chapter 33 . 3/15/2016
Lol I call my little sisters the littles and they also refer to themselves as that
ziggy chapter 33 . 3/9/2016
Amazing story!
ariella21 chapter 33 . 12/11/2015
Another amazing story you never disappoint
Ology chapter 32 . 9/6/2015
Love it
Cookietown chapter 33 . 8/5/2015
One of the best
Mynean Rebel chapter 33 . 7/30/2015
...I...I'm not entirely sure what to say.
I guess I can start with the fact that this is probably one of the best Labyrinth fanfics I have ever read.
I'm serious. I literally just spent the last 13 hours (it's a rough esitimate, but I kid you not) readin all 33 chapters of this wonderful thing and I couldn't put it down. I had to force myself at about 6 in the morning so I would get some sleep, but then I woke up 4 hours later to finish it. (Not my best decision, I know, but it was worth it!)
Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed this. I'm at a loss right now...still think I'm kinda in a shock from how well that ended.
I will say that particular parts stuck out to me: like how much I appreciated that you didn't create a love triangle with Candon as that would've been awkward and heartbreaking an I like Candon so I was afraid as to what Jareth would've done to him; the line you said once about how "some girls seem to prefer the dragons to the knights" or something very similar to was brilliant. It spoke so well to my own personality and falls true to a lot of people, I think. And I LOVED how in this story everything seemed to work out for them toght in the nick of time! A lot of stories can get rather angsty, and while angst is good at times, having a story that was (resolution-plot-wise anyway) pretty much angst free is pretty refreshing. I'm sorry if that's confusing as it was angsty at times, and the plot certainly started out terrible for Sarah - her parents dying, burning, babes being taken away, Jareth mad at her, suicidal thoughts - yes all that, BUT you resolved it so well that everyone got their just rewards and it worked out perfectly. I also appreciated how you left it somewhat open ended, just like our dear Jim Henson did with the movie. Closed enough that it felt finished, but open enough so it may be expanded on. I love it when an author/writer/director/etc. is able to do that. It makes for the perfect ending.
Thanks for writing this, I really enjoyed it.
Leestar33 chapter 33 . 6/20/2015
I didn't want this story to end xD I loved it!
nozomiwinter chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
great plot
AislingSmith chapter 33 . 4/7/2015
I love your story especially since you didn't go into the M rated zone during some of the Sarah and Jareth moments, it hard to find a good read that isn't really smutty. This is one of my favorite stories on Fanfiction. Your writing is amazing and ingenious. You have talent. Good luck with any further writing you pursue.
Wynni chapter 33 . 12/29/2014
I have been slowly working my way through your stuff. Yummy reads. Thank you.
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