Reviews for The Possession
DragMeToHell chapter 33 . 12/11/2014
Hi :) i love your story!
This is the second time i read it :) your really good at keeping them in character :) very impressed xx
Tamha chapter 33 . 9/18/2014
Now going back to your earliest of works, I find myself continually impressed with your storytelling. I'm looking forward to continuing to work my way through your archives.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/28/2014
I personally would have never forgiven Jareth at all. He flipping treated Sarah terribly. Does he love her because making her life dirt because she rejected him is not love. That is stupid.
Jenna Jade chapter 32 . 7/10/2014
Love this story so very much! Quite wonderfully literated and emotionally striking and genuine!

FatalStarshine chapter 33 . 3/26/2014
Glad to stumble onto this story, and Ive enjoyed it so much. :]
Thank you for that!
liana slane chapter 33 . 2/18/2014
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. Your story was amazing.
Liana Slane chapter 2 . 2/13/2014
What is this sorcery?! It is only chapter 2 and you already made me cry. You are a genius with writing emotionally charged scenes. I can't wait to read the rest.
One More Disaster chapter 33 . 1/28/2014
Aww. That was so cute. Horrible throughout most of the story, but that last chapter was so adorable. I love the way Sarah paid that bitch back for hitting Toby. And the conversation between Jareth and Tatiana was adorable, too. And the bit between Oberon and Sarah. 333333333

Amazing job. Absolutely loved it.
xyz chapter 33 . 11/24/2013
I really really enjoyed this storyline. I search for this kind of story but rarely find one that I can stomach. This was done very well.

I thank you very much for sharing this.

(plz find a beta. You sometimes use words that sound same or similar but are wrong. It stops the magic of the story while you wonder over the word. feels a bit like suddenly using the break while driving. and you drive so well. - PS: I always thought Oberon's wife was named Titania?!)

I am reading through most of your stories at the moment.
In all the stories of yours I have read I really like your intricate stories and intrigues. You do not present any of the characters the same way from one story to the next. Thank you for the lovely surprises and variety.
Nanyin chapter 33 . 11/9/2013
This was a fun read.
Bloodsired chapter 33 . 9/27/2013
I enjoy your wonderful story. You balance the angst and romance. I find a bit faulty grammar along the way but I understand what you want to say. I like your charaterization and I almost want to strangle that b**ch of a fae. xD
TashaRose chapter 33 . 9/19/2013
I have enjoyed this as one of the best novel length Labyrinth (Sara/Jareth) stories out there. A very full bodied story with many twists and turns, emotions, characters, and intrigue.
TashaRose chapter 32 . 9/19/2013
{cheers happily} Beautiful. Absolutely wonderful!
TashaRose chapter 31 . 9/19/2013
Looks like Adele and Garthon are getting their just due. {grins} Go King Oberon and Tatiana. I like how things are turning out with Tatiana too. {Grins}
TashaRose chapter 28 . 9/19/2013
ROFL ... those two getting interrupted at that point. Poor Jareth. Garthon is lucky Jareth didn't eviscerate him. LOL
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