Reviews for In the Nick of Time
madnessdownunder2 chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
Oh boy, that was good! I'm not really fond of Delenn's interfering and though John was WAY too calm about the knowing Anna could be alive but not willing to give him the choice thing! Well done! and yes Delenn and Kosh kept way too many things to themselves!
omry.grinberg chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
This is one of my favorites(?).
Jedi chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Wow you do not like Delenn; That being said WOW! Awsome fic LOVED your John That is the Shereden I always picture when ever I think of B5 the only earth commander to beat a Minbiri warship the first commander to have the corage to break away from Clark the guy that beat BOTH the Vorlon and the shadows at their own game he understood war is not always about out fighting your oponent especially if you can out think them
Soledad chapter 1 . 9/28/2008
This is getting better by every new read. If Sheridan had been like this, I might have even liked him on the show. As it is, I'm still grieving for Sinclair...
Rayhne chapter 1 . 9/27/2008
I find this a fascinating story though I am confused by this 'other' organization. I love to get a hint to this. And I'd love even more to see a sequel, maybe covering Anne's return?
Tryglaw chapter 1 . 4/27/2007
That was... brilliant, simply brilliant. Excellent work you did with this story.
JPH3 chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
I enjoyed this story and I'm glad the dictionary came in handy for you. Although 'manipulative John' was a bit OTT (which is how I think you intended him to be) I like fics that portray Sheridan as more than a lovable-but-dense arm ornament for Delenn. One doesn't rise to command starships by being slow or gullible, and a lot of B5 fic writers tend to forget the 'Starkiller' aspect of his personality and background. He's smart, clever and dangerous...and any enemy that underestimates him is going to regret it.

I also like the idea that he was fully cognizant of Delenn's role in the E/M War (it jibes with his dislike for mysteries and secrets) and that he was playing that knowledge to further Humanity's interests. Unlike your story, he does love her of course and if he did know the true extent of her involvement he'd still forgive but - as you said - this is AU, so I can go with it as you wrote it. :)

Finally its good to read a fic in which someone else recognizes what a sh*t Lennier was for manipulating Marcus into fighting Minbar's greatest living Warrior. I've never been a big Lennier fan, so I hope he fully experiences whatever John, Marcus and Neroon have in store for him.


John Hightower
Ana Sedai chapter 1 . 12/8/2006
Normally I'm not one for majorly dark AU's, but this was so evilly brilliant that I'm forced to concede it as an exception. The words, "cynical" and "grim" don't do near enough justice to the story. I mean that as the highest possible praise. I'd be very interested to meet your muse. She seems to be a devilish little thing.

Excellent work. Now I have to go read "2284" or something to perk myself up again. ;)