Reviews for A Pain in the, um, Back
Shelly chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
LOL Yes if Sheppard only knew. Great tag to Hide and Seek. Makes perfect sense that Rodney would be a bit sore after all that. Liked the back thing. Having had that I could feel it right along with him so well done. I like the beginnings of the McKay/Sheppard?Carson freindship here too. Nicely done, thanks for sharing it.
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
Awesome story! Love the ending!
ferryboat George chapter 1 . 5/27/2008
aww, nice friendship bit. Love the last line
Silverthreads chapter 1 . 12/18/2006
Aw, nice bonding fic.
Llanea chapter 1 . 12/18/2006
Oh nice story, perhaps a sequal to explain the loved one and the malpractice thing?
rebekah78 chapter 1 . 12/16/2006
AH! I like epi tags so much.

and tags from epi tags... wow! and here I was thinking you were taking a break. Thank goodness you're not. I loved it (as always I love a good McKay whump - in fact I'm incredibly addicted!) and I want more more more.

Anyways, Merry Christmas and all that. Thanks for sharing SO much lately and enjoy yourself with those favourite dogs of yours. (Maybe you'll get merry and write some more soon. Perhaps something even longer! hehe - hint hint.

krysalys chapter 1 . 12/16/2006

*revels in the warm fuzzies*

Or, is it the good drugs? ;)

Yeah, the only way John'll ever get Rodney to follow orders is when Rodney's druggd off his ass. And even THEN our uder-brilliant scientist will somehow manage to be a pain in the butt about it. *snicker*

Lovely job as always, hon.

Elisa chapter 1 . 12/16/2006
Love how John is so protective of Rodney. Also loved the last scene with John and Carson talking about Rodney-priceless!
EvilspyAchacia chapter 1 . 12/16/2006
