Reviews for The Crow on the Cradle
carocali chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
Oh, what an interesting start! Who is this mysterious person that called Sam? Will Jessica still be in danger (you mention the salt around the windows...)? Is it the Big Bad who lured Sam away, saying that Jess would be unharmed if he obliged? You must continue!


Nana56 chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
Wow, very good! I love the suspense and am speculating where you might take this. I'm going along for the ride, for sure!
Faye Dartmouth chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
More fic from you! YAY!

So far this is very intriguing-I'm always fascinated in Dean/Jess interaction, just on the pure speculation of how they might have gotten along.

So now on top of alcoholic!Sam and denial!Sam, you've got missing!Sam? Too many Sams in peril! You must write! NOW!

I'd write more but I've barely got an hour of time before I'm off again for more family fun :)
TendoSky chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
Oh good, I'm glad you're posting this here too. I technically read the story on livejournal but when I went to post a comment I couldn't find the link to do so anywhere. I must have searched that page for five minutes.

But anyway, this is a great story so far. I can't wait to see what has happened to our sweet, beloved Sammy. The poor guy's out there in a pair of sweatpants... and no socks! . _

Good luck on your next chapter. I look forward to reading it.
rozzy07 chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
What an intense start: a missing Sam, a distraught Jessica and the 'estranged' dad & brother turning up to find out what the hell is going on with the youngest Winchester. Very well strung together hitting all my emotional angst buttons that has left me biting my fingernails in desperation for the next chapter! Dean hurry over to that gas station and find out what has happened to your baby brother! More soon please.
Charli chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
this is so intriguing and awesome dude and how much do i adore jess and john and dean working in tandem to find Sammy.
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Wow. Cool. I wonder who lured Sam out. I can't WAIT to see what else you come up with. Catch ya on the flip side.
04238 chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Aw, you have to update soon! Jess and Dean, you just wrote them too well for words. One of my favourites already, but may I ask, what happened to John?

Written really well, great job

Faeith chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
woot, looks freakin awesome, can't wait for the next chapter. :D
Starliteyes17 chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Oh man, this is so neat! Who was Sam talking to? The demon? Is John still going to disappear? So many questions! This is such a neat concept. I love the premise behind it, and the idea that you can go anywhere with it is so cool.

I love how you portray Jessica and Dean here. A lot of people tend to glorify Jess, but you make her very real. Someone who is just as likely to break down, someone who had no idea of Sam's true past... it makes a lot more sense then her having figured it out, or being as stoic as Dean (hardly) manages to be in this situation. If the man I loved disappeared, I'd be going crazy with panic too, no matter how strong I was. You write her very well.

Dean too is well done here. Trying to hard to keep it together, but his slight breakdown while on the phone at the end pretty much gave away how panicked he truly is. Can't wait to see what they find out from the phone. I hope Sam is okay!

Love this already. I can't wait to see where you go with it.
pizzapixie chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Interesting start, Dean's spot on, and Jessica is just as I imagined her. Their concern is touching, but where the hell did Daddy go? Thanks and please update soon!
Insane Troll Logic chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
This is a fantastic beginning. I'll be watching for more updates.
geminigrl11 chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
I got to the end and utterly panicked, thinking this was a oneshot. But then . .. oh, thank heaven. No COMPLETE at the top. *sobs with relief*

Okay, you need to quit your job, forever, and just write. Forever. I am so strung out I don't even know which fic I want you to finish first . . . I want them ALL . . .

(Somewhere in the above, I think there is a "U R TEH BEST RITER EVAR!" and maybe even a "Merry Christmas!" :D).
friendly chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
oh.. intriging... I reall like this.. update soon
Harrigan chapter 1 . 12/23/2006
Yay! New Refur! Holding my breath for the next installment!
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