Reviews for Ambush
Oberdrive chapter 16 . 6/6/2011
I laughed my butt off when Dean kissed Bobby on the forehead! It was so funny. And even though it was sort of bad timing, Dean really did need to slip off into unconsciousness. He has been working hard taking care of his little brother! And I have Sam's bloodtype. Figures he'd have one of the rarer ones. :) and I was wrong about the partner in crime. It was just awesome Bobby, lol. When you replied last you said something about Joshua. Hmm... I'm very curious about this character!

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 15 . 6/5/2011
As soon as Dean saw the red light thingy I stopped breathing. I was so nervous reading I forgot to breathe. No worries! I am alive. I remembered when it started burning lol I'm guessing the sharpshooter has a partner in crime. I wonder who it is... And I never noticed that I never commented on Bobby! I love how you portray him. He is definitely a father figure for the boys. I love their little spats and the newspaper moments? Hilarious and heart warming.

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 14 . 6/5/2011
Poor Sammy! He is so broken, withdrawn. He needs to lean on Dean, because let's be honest here: if Sam gave up, Dean wouldn't last much longer. It just wouldn't happen. If Dean did survive, he'd be a very, very different person. Someone Sam would hate to see. I'm glad he is over the peak of the withdrawal. He is on a long road to recovery! Not that it matters, but a bumpy road is always better. I, unlike my heroes Sam and Dean, only have one life. So I hope you brought heart pumping suspense!

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 13 . 6/5/2011
I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry. Nope, forcing the tears back in. You put Sam through hell but I can't seem to get enough. And when I read the part about the doctor possibly being involved I was like, "yes! I knew it! I was sooooo right!" then a few paragraphs later, he was not involved. Until I get to the ending, I'm going to assume he actually is and is just a awesome actor. By the way, I do read fast. I love to read. I'm a huge nerd. )

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 12 . 6/5/2011
I love Dean's mask. I completely understand why he does it. Sometimes it is just so much easier to push the pain aside and just focus on the situation at hand. I haven't told you this yet but you capture Dean's personality to a tee! I'm not lying either. It is so well written. I love how you make me feel like I'm there with them. Praises.

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 11 . 6/5/2011
When Dean was having the nightmare I bout had a heart attack! I was like she said it wasn't a death fic! Then he woke up and I was like, wow. You sure do know how to put your readers on the edge of their seats.

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 10 . 6/5/2011
For some reason I am thinkin the doctor is involved... I'm not sure why but I just got this suspicion that isn't going away! Then I think, if he was involved why didn't he kill Sam sooner? Hmm... I need to read more I think. And this drug? I'm totally googling! Hehe

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 9 . 6/5/2011
Ahhhh! My heart is racing. I was totally with Dean while he was counting down. I'm so glad he killed Gordon. I really really hate him. And if you hadn't said this wasn't a death fic, I'd be fearing for Sam's life right about now! I'm anxious to see what happens next! I'm just hoping I don't have a heart attack before I finish this story! )

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 8 . 6/5/2011
It sucks Sam has to be moved so quickly! But I completely agree with Dean: in order to keep Sam safe, he has to move him from the hospital. But Gordon will make his appearance, I'm sure of it (after all there are twenty chapters left!). I'm very interested to see what'll happen next!

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 7 . 6/4/2011
Yay Sam is awake! This is wonderful news! But Ellen and Jo? I have an inkling feeling it wasn't them in the fire (rather I hope it wasn't them!). I'll just have to read and find out. Yup, that is what I'll do.

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 6 . 6/4/2011
I was honestly thinking this was a death fic! But now Dam is healed but the big question: will he have brain damage? Well time to read more! ;)

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 5 . 6/4/2011
Brain dead? Oh. My. God. This was heart wrenching. And you did make everything go in slow motion! I felt with Dean. I love the emotion and how you allow the readers to feel. I don't know how to explain it but I felt like I was there in this scene. I felt Dean's sickening horror on how Sam might die. I felt Ellen on trying to protect Jo and keep Dean safe and pre occupied so he wouldn't have to think about the possibility of Sam's death. I felt Sam's need for his big brother help. I about balled when Dean laid next to Sammy.

Your medical terminology does need some work haha. I'm pre-med but I'm no professional either in the terminology department but it kept bugging me when you said right side, left side... Cuz paramedics would say medial (towards midline) or lateral (away from midline). I'm writing this review at 8 am so I can't think too clearly right now but my anatomy and physiology instructor always said, "never said right or left." and something else too but I'm too tired to look it up in my anatomy book haha.

Sorry for long review, I'll stop now!

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 4 . 6/4/2011
I'll take some tissues haha and I'm in my room so no one saw me cry! :) it's so sad. I'm addicted to those story, FYI.

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 3 . 6/4/2011
OMG I'm a nervous wreck! Haha you sure do know how to make a scene lol. Poor Dean. Every time he has fought back he has lost :( but at least he isn't giving up! How I love brotherly love hehe :)

Much love,

Oberdrive chapter 2 . 6/3/2011
Suspense is killing me! What do they want? How are Dean and Sam going to get free? Must read more.

Once again your writing is beautiful. I'm glad Ellen is choosing the right side even if it'll cost her her life. Jake is pissing me off though, lol. I already hate him, but then again I'm betting I'm suppose to :) and you mentioned Gordon! Did not expect that. Very well done. :)

Much love,

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