Reviews for Ambush
KayValo87 chapter 22 . 8/1/2010
Okay, first off, I loved the "add two" and "subtract two" thing. Hilarious.

Second, the part in the Mini-mart was awesome. (Poor cashier.)

On to the next chapter ...
KayValo87 chapter 21 . 7/31/2010
Okay first off, here is my favorite line of this chapter ...

"He didn't like Sam's use of the word murder. The guy had already threatened Sam's life and to Dean, this was just a postponed self defense scenario."

Lol, so like Dean. Anyway, I am just waiting for Joshua to say something that will make Dean put a fist in his mouth.

Maybe in the next chapter ...
KayValo87 chapter 20 . 7/31/2010
I give you a virtual chocolate factory for this story, Willy Wonka's to be exact. (Chocolate waterfall and all. :) )

I loved the heart to heart between Dean and Sam, as well as Bobby trying to be a buffer between the boys and Josh.

Onto the next chapter!
KayValo87 chapter 19 . 7/31/2010
I finally finished this chapter. YAY!

I liked this one, especially the part where Sam was telling Dean he wasn't allowed to die.

Anyway, on to the next one. :)
KayValo87 chapter 18 . 7/29/2010
Holy freaking crap! I already read this chapter! (Like, ages ago.) I can't BELIEVE it took me this long to review.

Anyway, I loved the bedtime story, as well as the whole "Sam you okay?" "D-Dean, you o-okay?" thing. (SO like them.)

But if you don't mind, I am going to cut this review short so I can read a few more chapters while real life isn't looking. ;)
LvSammy chapter 29 . 7/21/2010
OMG! OMGOMGOMGOMG! This was amazing...I started this on Monday and just kept reading...I've left so many things just laundry wasnt done and so many things to do in the house...but I couldn't stop reading this...hated to stop to cook dinner for the family...this just kept calling me. Thank you for a great, great story. I loved it...wasnt happy that Sam was hurt so much..but the love between Sammy and Dean was just amazing. YOu made me cry so many times. The ending had me in tears with Bobby saying goodbye to the sweet. I just loved it. I can't wait to read more of your stories. Thank you for a truly entertaining story. I just loved it. ((((((((HUGS)))))))) Keep up the great work.
Devil917 chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
awesome, awesome story.
KayValo87 chapter 17 . 6/9/2010
Oh man, I love defiant Dean. :)

It is SO like him to keep putting off his problems while he deals with Sam's ... then again had Sam been aware of it he might have started refusing treatment until Dean was taken care of.

One thing that kept coming to mind reading this chapter was ... poor Bobby. (Seriously, you need nerves of steel to deal with those two when they are hurting.)
KayValo87 chapter 16 . 6/9/2010
You enjoy giving people heart attacks don't you? ;)

First the gun shot, then the closet, now both boys are collapsed on the floor. I don't know whether to hug you for a great story or hit you for freakng me out.

Hmm ... I think I will just read the next chapter instead ...
KayValo87 chapter 15 . 6/9/2010
Here is my reaction to the end of this chapter, word for word ...

"Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!"

That being said, great chapter. I love when Sam considered himself hugged and when he was entertaining himself with the ceiling ...

"He was convinced there was a leaky pipe somewhere in the ceiling adding to the count hourly, though Dean begged to differ with him, suggesting the leaky pipe was in his mind."

Awesome. :)
KayValo87 chapter 14 . 5/27/2010
So, since I don't start work until this afternoon; I woke up, grabbed my laptop, and was like "What chapter of 'Ambush' was I on ..." (A testament to how good your story is, and this chapter didn't disappoint.)

BTW, I LOVED the ending segment with Sam eating.

"Hey, this is a great way to start your physical therapy for your arms. C'mon Sammy try to get the spoon."

LOL! I laughed so hard I probably woke my sister up. (If she wasn't up already.) Can't wait to see what comes next. :)
KayValo87 chapter 13 . 5/26/2010
Great chapter, sweet ending, and I am SO glad the doc wasn't evil. :)

Oh, and my favorite part ...

"Three Die in Hospital of Unnatural Causes... I think self defense is a natural cause of death. Don't you?" Dean quipped. "You threaten somebody's life, it's only natural they kill you for it."

Lol, so very Dean.

Too tired to read the next chapter tonight. I'll have to check it out first thing. :)
KayValo87 chapter 12 . 5/26/2010
Oh, poor boys. Poor poor boys. Well ... that pretty much sums it up.

Great chapter, by the way. I really liked the mask analogy. Can't wait to get started on the next chapter. :)
KayValo87 chapter 11 . 5/22/2010
Wow ... just ... wow. Not only is this story an emotional roller coaster, this whole CHAPTER was!

I was like this is a dream ... this is a dream ... oh good, it was a dream ... GAH! Where is Bobby? ... Is he still dreaming? ... oh good, they're fine ... ish ... Poor Sammy.

BTW, I loved how Sam kept worrying about Dean. (SO like him. :) )

Too bad I am about to leave and can't read/review the next one until tomorrow. :( (And sorry this took so long. Real life can be annoying sometimes.) Anyway, I'll get back to this as soon as I can. Later. ;)
KayValo87 chapter 10 . 5/12/2010
Hmm ... where do I start? how about with ... I FREAKING LOVED THIS CHAPTER! :)

One of my favorite parts ...

"I'm fine" they spoke in unison, Dean to brush off Bobby's attention, Bobby to mock Dean's stubbornness.


And ya gotta love the doctor wanting to come and help them, but Dean was right to keep his involvement at a minimum. (Reynolds means well, but I doubt he could spot a tail unless there were carrying a neon sign saying "I want to kill Sam".)

Awesome story so far, and I can't wait for the next part. :)
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