Reviews for Ambush
KayValo87 chapter 9 . 5/12/2010
Holy freaking CRAP! How many twists can you pyut in one story? They're fine - no, they're ambushed - no, they're fighting back - no, they're dying - no, they're getting better - no, they're getting hunted - no, they're escaping - no, it's too late - GAH!

Awesome chapter, I CAN'T WAIT to see what you do next! :)
KayValo87 chapter 8 . 5/11/2010
The great escape has begun!

Seriously though, I hope they make it out okay. And that request Sam made of Dean ... so sweet and so like him. (BTW, I did notice that Dean didn't make that promise.)

Now, I told my friend I would post two chapters today (maybe even three), so it may be a bit before I can get to chapter 9 ... I'll try and write fast. ;)
KayValo87 chapter 7 . 5/11/2010
Holy CRAP! Are things EVER going to get better for the boys? Well, Sammy's awake, that's something good, but STILL!

Oh, and the part when Sam woke up ... HILARIOUS! :) I laughed so hard I'm surprised none of my siblings banged on my door telling me to shut up. AWESOME.

On to the next chapter ... right after I read the wake up scene to my best friend. ;)
KayValo87 chapter 6 . 5/10/2010
Okay, first off I am SO glad this isn't a cliffy because I have to go to sleep.

Second, I LOVE how Dean was all like take-me-to-my-brother-or-I-will-kill-you-from-my-bed. It's a good thing the hospital staff figured out that it's best to do what Dean says when it comes to Sammy. It's not smart to provoke a wounded Winchester.

Can't wait until tomorrow when I can read more. :)
KayValo87 chapter 5 . 5/10/2010
*gasp* No! He can't be brain dead, not Sammy!

Man, just when I think things can't get any worst for the Winchesters you prove me wrong. Now I am off to read chapter 6 to see if they come out okay ...
KayValo87 chapter 4 . 5/9/2010
Wow, what a way to end a chapter. Poor Dean is so broken at the thought of loosing his beloved brother.

BTW, even though I thought there was a chance Joesph might have come around (maybe) I must say I was glad tat the hunters got what was coming to them. Never mess with a Winchester or a Harvell. (And REALLY don't mess with both ;) )

Great chapter. I'll read the next one in the morning.
KayValo87 chapter 3 . 5/9/2010
Oh man, Jake is EVIL! (Kinda reminds me of the bad guys in my "Mojo" stories.) I don't know how they are going to get out of this one ...

Better keep reading so I can find out. ;)
KayValo87 chapter 2 . 5/9/2010
Man, I thought they were in a bad situation in the LAST chapter! Crap! This is not good!

Great chapter, it really sets the stage for what's coming. Oh, and it is SO like the boys to be hurt, bleeding, and worrying about THEIR BROTHER. Typical Winchesters.

I'm going to get started on chapter three now, but I am about to head out so I might not review until later.
KayValo87 chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
Poor Dean! I mean, I know Sam was he one who really got hurt here, BUT POOR DEAN! This is the LAST place he would EVER want to be ... aside from a world without Sam ... but this is a close second.

Good job on the fight scene. (I'm not that good at those myself, so I admire people who can make it work.)

On to chapter two ...
SPN4eva556 chapter 29 . 3/30/2010
Hey! Finally finished with the story ) Definitely a really long story and I enjoyed every single word of it. You captured both of the boys, and Bobby beautifully. Sam was extremely strong, yet vulnerable, throughout with all that he suffered. Dean was overprotective and fierce. And Bobby was the rock that supported them when they needed the help. The relationship between the brothers really showed throughout the whole story and continued getting reinforced. Truly amazing writing ]

For this chapter specifically, I liked Sam and Dean's talk about Sam's nightmare, and how Dean needed to open up more to Sam, not just about the grenade, but about everything. Dean's not the only one that's overprotective about his brother. The pranks and annoying gestures that entertained them during their recovery time was great.

Visiting Ellen and Jo's graves was unexpected yet understandable. Sam needed closure to ease some of his guilt and fears that plagued him. It was heartbreaking to hear Sam say that it should be him dead instead of the girls. Thankfully Dean set him straight that his life is much better with Sam in it. Sam doesn't believe his life is worth the lives of all that died, but he does value Dean's life above everything else so if Sam being alive improved Dean's life, Sam could find peace in that. Bobby leaving was another sad moment, yet it had to happen. I'm glad he stuck around for as long as he did, though I'm not surprised. And the final scene with Sam and Dean jogging together was a great conclusion to a wonderful story.

In response to your last review reply, my 2 other all-time favorite Supernatural stories are "Final Straw" by Zubeneschamali here on and "Here At the End of All Things" by mizpah and Cookie6 over on . "Final Straw" is a fairly short story but has a great plot and payoff. "Here At the End of All Things" is a very long story but has a truly amazing plot and also shows the brother's relationship very nicely. I don't have a real order for my top 3 stories, I just know that these two, and "Ambush," are my top 3 )

Well all good things must come to an end! To quote a saying from a Sorry! PC game, "It is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. It is perhaps the end of the beginning." ] Though this story is over (for this time around at least), I'll hopely catch you with "One of Them" starting sometime real soon. I really really enjoyed going over each chapter with you and learning about what your thoughts were when you were writing the story.

Until next time )

Leahelisabeth chapter 29 . 3/29/2010
wow, this is simply incredible. it had every element of story that i love, from the loads of hurt!Sam to the wonderful brotherly love. it took me a while to get through, but it was worth every second!
SPN4eva556 chapter 28 . 3/25/2010
Hey! I'm back! Sorry it took me a bit to read the next chapter. Between current stories being updated, today's episode of Supernatural (pretty awesome D), and the fact that there's only one more chapter after this one and then I'm done :(, I haven't been able to complete the chapter until now.

Glad Joshua has lightened up a bit. And although he is going back to hiding his emotions, at least he let them show long enough to tell Sam essentially that he isn't weak. Bobby and Joshua bickering over the stories make them sound like siblings (or a married couple that has been together for way too many years).

It's cool that Dean remembered that Sam didn't want to survive, but wanted to live, in making that tough decision for Sam's life. His choice turned out great in the end, Sammy is on the mend once and for all, and all the hunter threats are finally eliminated. Now the brothers can get back to their version of normal.

I love Dean annoying his brother with the TV channel flipping at the end. I have a little brother and I remember doing stuff like that to him just because it was fun annoying him (though granted he annoyed me more times than I annoyed him but hey, what are siblings for :))

I know it's a nightmare that Sam's caught in at the end of the chapter, because no way is there another hunter. That's got to look funny with Dean and Bobby running into the bedroom with their guns poised and Sam just lying there asleep having a nightmare :) Guess the two older hunters are a little on edge, but who can blame them.

Well only one more chapter to go :( So sad to see the story end, though it is truly an amazing story, definetly in my top 3 best fanfiction stories I've ever read D. I've read and reread your story "One of Them" a couple of times cause its another awesome story. But maybe I'll read that one again and leave little "chocolates" (as you call them :)) at the end of each chapter just to keep chatting. It's a lot of fun talking to the author of a story and seeing how they came up with their ideas. (Hm this paragraph should've probably came at the end of my review for the final chapter since I'm not quite done with the story yet. Oh well :)).

Hopefully I'll read the final chapter within the next couple of days (though the next chapter looks pretty long too :)). Just in case, have a great weekend!

SPN4eva556 chapter 27 . 3/22/2010
Hey! I'm back :) Another great chapter, though felt short after the last one. Poor Sammy back in the hospital again, like a round-robin. At least this time he woke up quickly instead of a 7-week slumber. I like the insertion about Sam fearing being sedated. It would make sense after everything he has been put through by the hunters to fears needles. I also like how you wrote Dean's anxiety while he was waiting to hear news about Sam. He definitely would have barged into the triage room had Bobby not been there to calm him down.

A lot of medical terminology in this chapter :). Sam's got a lot of issues as a result of the near drowning. Also cool that Joshua came becuase he truly is worried about Sam. The nurse at the end was very sweet. Its good that she got Dean to open up, even just a little.

Well, one more chapter down. Can't wait to read the rest :D

MRitz chapter 4 . 3/22/2010
No...I don't think I could ever get bored with this story. This is most probably the thousand times I am reading this and I still love this story like before. This story is awe-sam, just awesome. I know I had reviewed you before, but couldn't resist myself to do that again.

Love love love AMBUSH...

SPN4eva556 chapter 26 . 3/19/2010
Hey! Wow! Really long chapter :) Took me a while to finish it. A lot of action her, and suspension. It was tense to "watch" Sam and Dean moving through the warehouse where you don't know if Bracken is gonna pop out of nowhere and attack. The fight between Dean and Bracken was great. Especially when Dean found the strength to fend him off to protect Sam, of course. Sam and Dean meeting up in the warehouse was funny :)

Figures Sam wouldn't let Dean take down Bracken by himself and he has to follow through the crate maze. I'm glad how you had Sam kill Bracken to save Dean's life. That way it wasn't murdered and Sam would feel a little better about why he died. Sam jumping in after Bracken to try to save him was kind of surprising, but typical Sam (though I kinda knew that Bracken was already dead - can't him live now can we :)) Dean getting Sam to breath again out of the water was great. Though Sam doesn't sound so good at the moment. It's a good thing they're going to a hospital cause Sam's got a whole lot of pains that I don't think even Dean could fix :(

Joshua's "revelation" was sweet. How he saw Sam as strong instead of weak and vulnerable. He's still a hardened man, but at least he understands more about how Sam feels and why he does the things he does.

Oh and I had no idea that Supernatural was renewed for a 6th season by CW back in February. I thought we were still waiting to find out. Kinda sad that Kripke is not gonna be leading the show next season, but Sera Gamble is most likely gonna be the head and Kripke will work with her somewhat and she's a great writer and producer.

We definitely got to find something else to talk about when this story is done cause there's only 3 more chapters left :( All things must come to an end I guess.

I'll be kinda busy this weekend so I might not get to the next chapter til early next week so I'll see you then :D

Can't wait to read more! (This has got to be the longest review I've ever wrote :D)

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