Reviews for Ambush |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! Again, wow! One baddie hunter down and one left to kill. Sammy's in a lot of pain this chapter, but at least he's relieved of the pain of Dean's death, at least mostly. I loved it when Sam gathered strength from Dean's presence and kicked Bracken in the chest. So cool :). Felt so bad for both of the boys the whole time Dean's trying to get Sam down. Dean's aching for Sam and Sam's just in pain. At least Sam's still got hope so he's not completely broken, of courses because Dean's not dead. Just like Sam at the end to take off after Dean with a shredded back to prevent his fear from coming true of Dean dying. Can't to see how the showdown ends :) ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! Wow! Really intense yet super awesome :D. It was cool watching Joshua save Dean from a death by grenade (and I see how you would be very knowledgeable about grenades now :)). Joshua does care about Sam, he's just learned to not feel emotion to prevent pain. So, I don't love him, but I do like him as a Winchester ally. You really put Sam through hell for this story! More drugs, and now a brutal one-sided trial. Add to that the emotional trauma of believing that Dean is dead (which is definetly the worst of it for Sam) and Sam is really in a lot of pain by the end of this chapter. I know Sam's trying to hang on just for the chance Bobby might make it out, but we know that all he wants to do is die and join his brother. Sammy's gonna be in really bad shape by the time Dean and Joshua get there (cause we know they're coming). You really feel Sam's pain with every hit and every swing of the whip. Gotta love limp!Sam but it still hurts to read :) Can't wait to read more :D ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hola! Like I said, couldn't wait to continue reading :). It's cool to see the action starting to pick up again in this chapter. Didn't guess that the cashier was a snitch, just thought he was intimidated. The entire second half of the chapter with Bracken was very suspenseful. The first time I read it I knew that Sam would end up sacrificing himself to save Dean, and Bobby. I love the tenseness of the situation and both of the brother's thoughts and fears for each other's lives. Having Dean subdued by rope and a grenade is a very creative idea of killing him :). Well we know Dean can't die cause he has to rescue Sam, and Bobby. Poor Sammy, reliving some Roadhouse moments through Braken's actions towards Dean. Very heartbreaking (or is it heartwrenching...) Well on to the next chapter :D Can't wait! ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey again :)! Couldn't help myself and had to read another chapter ASAP. And now with the teaser you put at the end of this chapter, I'm gonna be reading the next chapter really really soon :). More humorous physical therapy. I couldn't help but smile when Sam knocked Dean backwards onto the floor. That was really cool. I kinda remembered that Derek was gonna get out of jail, but I still felt bad for the brothers and their deflating security. Finally Dean let Sam venture outside the apartment, to live not survive. It was a nice idea of Sam's to stop at the Mini-Mart so both of them could face their fears. The panicky cashier was kinda funny instead of scary. I guess the boys could be intimidating :). I love both fights between the brothers (to get outside and to go into the Mini-Mart). Finally Sam's mood is lightening and his hope is increasing. Though by the look of the teaser and from my memory, it won't last too long :). Well I definetly can't wait to read the next chapter and it will be soon :D. ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! I do the same thing where I watch scenes from episodes with brotherly moments and angst rather than watch whole the whole episodes :). I think Kripke wil recreate thr unity between he brothers by the end of the season and into the 6th season (if there is a 6th). It hurts to see the brothers so distant. This chapter was awesome. Really loved the physical therapy session for Sam. It's great to see some humor in the midst of the fear. Though you can tell that Deans struggling with his guilt and fears for the beginning of the chapter. The chat between Dean and Bobby definetly helped Dean to try to move on and let go of his guilt, though he will never stop protecting Sam cause that's who he is. Hopefully Dean will let Sam have some independence to start healing. It figures that more hunters are probably conspiring against Sam. And of course Sam has to be morally correct and choose life over protection. You know, during Dean and Bobby's talk when Dean mentioned that San had been shot four times, I started counting them in my head and only came up with three: shoulder and thigh at Roadhouse and his arm from the sharpshooter. Took me a bit to remember the shot to the head during the hospital escape :). Anyway, can't wait to read more :D ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! One more great chapter down :) I really enjoy reading the story, but the more chapters I read, the closer I get to the finish :\. Oh well, good things always have to come to an end. From your earlier review reply of what's my favorite TV eppy, I think it would be easier which episodes are my least favorite :). Damn there are too many great ones. Um, The End, All Hell Breaks Loose I and II, Bloodlust, and Hunted have always been the ones that I rewatch constantly so they are definetly up there :D You did do a good job at leaving the reader uncertain about Joshua. Though, after this chapter I'm beginning to like him less. I know he doesn't mean to hurt the boys, but he can be a little insensitive I guess. But he does mean well I suppose. I was waiting for Dean to kill him after he got done consoling Sam. He's got pretty good control over his anger :) Okie, now for the chapter :) I can see Joshua's point of view of killing the remaing hunters if they pose a threat, and yet more killing is not what the boys or Bobby needs right now. Guess it will have to depend on what happens in the (near) future. As soon as it was revealed that Sam was in the hallway, I knew he heard everything. Really heartbreaking when Sam decided he couldn't deal anymore and wanted to die (love the angst O:)) Glad that Dean was able to think in terms of what Sam needed and pulled him out of the "lost all hope" frame of mind. Dean does know his brother the best. Can't wait to read the next chapter ) ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! Another great chapter. Loved the Dean's dream insert, and his abandonment of Lindsey when he learned Sam was hurting. Don't really have an opinion of Joshua yet, but he's alright for now. I liked Bobby's outburst. Like Dean, he had to get it out of his system at some point and he finally reached his breaking point. I liked the "chick-flick" talk between Dean and Sam. It's cool that Dean gave Sam some hope and reassurance about his arm and that loss of feeling doesn't change anything. Kinda figured Sam would find his reason for living in Dean, and that he would get upset that Dean was planning on sacrificing himself to save Sam. At least Dean finally understands that if he sacrificed himself, Sam would follow and would make the sacrifice kind of pointless. Can't wait to find out what else you are going to put the boys through cause I know they're not done yet :) ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! Yep all's well here, just been busy and got distracted. I reviewed Chapters 15 and 16 back in September and when I didn't receive replies, I started wondering if you were well and then I got distracted again :) But now I'm back, hopefully til the end. Yea I did reread the first 16 chapters. My favorite part of the story is the roadhouse interrogation. And I figured it's been a while so I wanted a refresher for he story before I continued. My favorite chapters would have to be the interrogation (3 and 4) and Sam waking up at the hospital. I love the interrogation because of the self-sacrificing Dean and then of course the angst that fills the chapters. I've always gone back to those chapters whenever I want a bit of small angst reading. Therefore, now that I'm reading as far as Chapter 18, I don't remember too much of the end of the story. I remember little details but it's mostly blank, which is cool cause it's like reading a whole new story :D Anyway, back to the current chapter :) I felt so bad for Sam, really sick with fever and having the added anxiety of not knowing if Dean was going to be okay. I loved it when Bobby was playing nurse and Dean was cursing and being his snarky self during his "surgery." It finally looks like both boys are on the mend and getting better. Gotta love Bobby and how much he means to the boys, and vice versa. Now we see what else gets thrown at the boys :) Can't wait to read more :) Catch you in the next chapter! ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hey! It's Vicky. I know it's been way too long since I've reviewed this story but I've finally had some down time lately and decided to reread the first 16 chapters since it's been a few months. I truly enjoy every part of this story :) This chapter was great. Sammy's body seems to be on the mend from the gunshot and everything else he ewas put through. And now it's Dean turn to collapse. Typical of Dean to ignore help until Sam is taken care of and he finally collapses. I love the dialogue between the brothers (and Bobby) when they are trying to distract Sam from the stitching. Sam(Jared) really can't sing on-key :) Still love him! Anyway, can't wait to read more and I'll keep reviewing as I read :) ~Vicky |
![]() ![]() ![]() I LOVED THIS! This was totally one of my favorite fanfics! I actually liked Joshua by the end of this. I kind of understood his reasons for his feelings about Sammy. He basically felt that with Sammy being so sensitive he would be more vulnerable. But he loved Sammy at the end just like everybody! I really think you should write a sequel. There are still more hunters out there. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I know how DEan feels. When my little brother Jacob was 14 somebody hurt him in the worst possible way. I felt like I had let him down because of what the so vcalled man did to him. Jacob is 23 now and always has told me that it wasn't my fault but in my heart I know it's always going to be my job to protect my baby brother. THis really hit home for me. I totally need a tissue! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Poor Sammy but what the Hell was he thinking? You just don't go jumping in the water to save the very same man that tortured you and tried to kill you! OH SAMMY! (Rolls eyes) I love the kid but SHEESE! EXCELLENT JOB! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I don't like Joshua at all. I think he's a jerk. I understand that he wants to save the boys but I hate the way he is. Bobby wants to save the boys too but he doesn't act like Josh. Anyway as I said before you have really done a fantastic job with this! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I don't trust that Josh dude at all! I'm still not sure about the freakin doctor! Too many people are out to get Sammy. It's kind of hard to trust anybody. Except Bobby and Dean of course! |
![]() ![]() ![]() I swear who doesn't love Bobby? He's just so awesome! I'll be the first to admit I have a huge crush on my redneck!I honestly don't know what our boys would do without Bobby! This is so well written! You can almost see everything as it happens! |