Reviews for Jurassic Park Documentary
AzazelLuciferDeathCrowley chapter 1 . 2/18/2012

Hi this is Davie. Jane just tried to leave but the stampeding dinosaurs just squashed her. Maybe I should level with you, I'm not a documentarian. The truth is, I'm substituting because one of the documentarians, Rob, was too lazy to use his own legs so he asked a Spinosaurus for a ride and it ate him. But this documentary is stupid. There's dust everywhere because the dinosaurs are stampeding and I can't see a damn thing. Wait; is that a T-Rex? I'm going to get my photo taken sitting near its mouth. That should be an awesome photo when I get back! Okay, cameraman, take the photo in 3… 2…

(CHOMP! Scream, dying gasp, silence "Okay, we're going to need another documentarian.")
Raptor Moses chapter 1 . 3/26/2009