Reviews for Firefly Wings: A Naruto Fanfic Sequel
akane neji chapter 10 . 1/25/2008
Acea Rukojou chapter 10 . 1/5/2008
XP i have writers block to the extreme! I can't help it... *pouts* I did write another story though, have you read it? -anyways, great chapter. But PLEASE dont split up Sato and Hotaru up... TTTT
Ragged-Writer chapter 9 . 11/28/2007
Contuine I want to know what is in that jorunal...grumble.
Acea Rukojou chapter 9 . 8/27/2007
O.O A Mysterious notebook? What could possibly be inside?... hmm... Anyways, yay for longer chapters - and i will update... but why update when i can keep you in suspense? lol jk, Love yah, and cant wait to see the next chapter.
Acea Rukojou chapter 8 . 8/7/2007
AH! Short CHAPTERS! O_O lol, jk *sigh* i will update.. i swear... sometime this month, keep an eye out .~ Anyways, great job, though you MUST add more.. or else I'l have to go over there and knock the writer's block outta yah! .~ love yah. -Acea Rukojou
Ragged-Writer chapter 7 . 7/19/2007
It's really cute so far. And whats up with Kyra don't kill her off.
Acea Rukojou chapter 7 . 7/17/2007
Acea Rukojou chapter 6 . 5/27/2007
WOOT! 'Nuther Chapter! - WHAT'S WRONG WITH KYRA? O.o *pouts* i can't believe you're leaving me in the dark on this one... *brightens up* BUT that just means you have to upadte more frequently - Yay! Anyways... keep up the good work, and cant wait to see the next chapter -

-Acea Rukojou
Acea Rukojou chapter 5 . 5/16/2007
WOOT! 'Nother Chapter, 'Nother chapter! - Great job (as usual) Kyra. I like how you show more of Hotaru's personality in this one. (HAhaha, i was laughing my head off when she was talking about her cooking skills (or lack thereof) .~ Anyways, keep up the good work, and i will try to keep in touch... ( i just need to keep my phone charged...) KK, later and love yah, Kyra!
Ragged-Writer chapter 4 . 3/10/2007
Kyra good job so far. I love the eleven year thing
Acea Rukojou chapter 4 . 3/8/2007
WOOT! New chapter! - I LOVE IT! Hehehe, though I almost cried when I read about the miscarriage... T_T anyways, great job, and cant wait to read the next one!

(Oh, thanks, actually timeskip Sakura was a last minute (literally) costume, but it turned out awesome! )
RomanticWriter365 chapter 3 . 2/24/2007
I Love Your Story! I can't wait until you write more. This is one of the greatest stories I have ever read!
Acea Rukojou chapter 3 . 2/1/2007
AW! I LOVE IT! Great job Kyra-chan, though I did get a little confused with the other characters there since i didn't know who they were... " but other than that... it was AWESOME! keep it up I need to know what happens next! O.O
Acea Rukojou chapter 2 . 1/16/2007
NO, the suspenseful end of the chapter two... Cant wait to see what happens, please hurry! oh and good job -
Acea Rukojou chapter 1 . 1/16/2007
YAY! The sequel begins! Awesome job with the first chapter! . WOT Kyra-chan's PREGNANT! *bounces up and down happily* phew... ok yeah anyways, cant wait to read more, keep up the good work
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