Reviews for A Part of Me
jacyrubycat chapter 44 . 2/13
I really, really love the Dark Prince stories. I can think of no other sentence to praise the great author, but I am glad to have read it. The psychological changes in this article are very interesting.
Please ignore my grammar mistakes, my native language is not English.
m chapter 13 . 1/25
omrielok chapter 15 . 1/22
This is my first time seeing the writer describe Harry's emotions so vividly. The transition from the dark side to the bright side feels so natural. His feelings really show the depth of his past suffering, what he did to Voldemort and Bella, and how those feelings affected both him and his family. It all feels so real.
RK chapter 38 . 8/31/2024
i got into the story cause of the rewrite (which is actualy good)
this however is hot garbage- i only stuck with it this long cause the rewrite is unfinished and i wanted content too desperatly and tricked myself into believing this is the same story
RK chapter 33 . 8/31/2024
harry is trolling so hard lmao
he could litteraly just take over britan instead he plays punching bag
10/10 acting on that kid
RK chapter 27 . 8/31/2024
i genuinly think its revulsing that harry forgave something like that. absolutly disgusting. there are mistakes in life u cant even make once.
RK chapter 27 . 8/31/2024
im so sad knowing that harry will eventualy come around
betrayal like this should never be forgiven
also im surpised that ron and herminy showed up in that spell he cast on himself- not because they betrayed him but because they legit are only minions that harry should have no real atachment to unlike in canon. which is, i guess, their redeeming quality: beeing harrys best friends in canon
RK chapter 25 . 8/30/2024
"are you breaking up with me?"
lmao she broke up with HIM the moment she decided to betray him
RK chapter 22 . 8/30/2024
RK chapter 10 . 8/30/2024
i cant believe how much i hate james and lily in the original version- and how much i love them in the rewrite
makes the original extremly unenjoyable
Hi chapter 32 . 8/7/2024
I love this chappie and pls keep calling it chappie bc it feels more like you’re talking to a friend
PapaG125 chapter 11 . 7/22/2024
If at a quarter way through a story the author has to still leave Author's Notes telling the readers not to worry, that there IS a plot to this story if they just hang in there, I no longer believe them.
Harry chapter 44 . 6/22/2024
AMAZING ENDING! Great job, and now I'm gonna go read the last part and comment incessantly on that! See ya!
Harry chapter 42 . 6/22/2024
Dirty little trick that was...
Harry chapter 41 . 6/22/2024
AAHHHH! Not Draco! And what happens if the Dark Prince comes and attacks Potter Manor and Damy can't escape because of the spells? Also, since the Dark Prince called them, wouldn't they be able to trace the number/ figure out that he is in a muggle area? And why is it so important to find out what his name is? It won't matter what his name is if you find and kill him...
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