Reviews for Reading the Signs
sarahsezlove chapter 24 . 5/23
So good to read this again.
Tony Moonstone chapter 25 . 1/29
I must admit I wasn't expecting this.
It's rare for myself to read a story where Snape takes care of Harry from year 1, most stories its year 6 or 7.
So this was unusual but also refreshing to read about.
Thanks for writing this story that grabbed my interest.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 10 . 1/29
You never explained what year this story is taken place, when you mentioned the 3headed dog only mentioned in this chapter.
Did I realize this is the first year.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 4 . 1/29
Poor Harry!
It’s so sad to see Harry this way and truly hurt.
Losing one’s voice through abuse/violence must be incredibly traumatic.
I can only hope with time that Harry will heal.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Ghostwriter chapter 25 . 1/14
Good fic. Well done.
Emi O chapter 3 . 7/4/2023
Story Weaver chapter 25 . 6/24/2023
This was…indescribably amazing. I loved the character development here, and harry finally gets a real family, and Sev won’t be alone anymore…this was beautiful. And hey! If Voldemort knows about Sev being a traitor, the likelihood of him having Nagini attack Sev is really, really low. In other words, Harry and Sev get to be family until old age! Yay! I loved this, thank you so much, and keep up the great work! :D
tristeinfierno chapter 1 . 4/25/2023
BEAUTIFUL STORY! Most of the time I just wanted to hug Harry tightly
Oceanamckleen chapter 26 . 10/30/2022
That was a beautiful story. Thank you for writing and sharing.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 26 . 7/30/2022
This was a fantastic story! Very well written! Great job! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 25 . 7/30/2022
Snape is going to adopt Harry! So I guess Voldemort already knows Snape is a traitor. Oh well. He’s on the better side and the side that will win. :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 24 . 7/30/2022
Poor Harry. He just embarrassed himself, but it’s nothing to be embarrassed by. I’m glad Snape is okay.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 23 . 7/30/2022
Harry better not go against the coupon. Love that Snape caught the trio. He knew they were going to try to save the stone. And Harry spoke! And Ron and Hermione know about Snape and Harry being “father” and “son”. Also, Draco Malfoy is Snape’s godson too.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 22 . 7/30/2022
I love this! Though this will make Snape being a spy a bit difficult. Lol. But Snape willing to be a surrogate father to Harry is great! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 21 . 7/30/2022
I’m guessing Harry’s sign off Snape has something to do with having a dad? I love that Harry wants Snape to be his guardian. But he can’t be because of his spy situation. I’m glad Harry and Ron hugged. :)
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