Reviews for Shadows Within the Light
fhl1234 chapter 49 . 5/31/2020
Definitely hope you went with a.
fhl1234 chapter 48 . 5/31/2020
I love Marissa, she's so cute.
fhl1234 chapter 45 . 5/31/2020
I know that the fic is over, but I'm still going to vote, b and e.
fhl1234 chapter 39 . 5/30/2020
He should definitely fall in love with Luna. Loving the story so far.
LianaRamsay chapter 30 . 5/8/2020
I have loved the prequel to this story, and I am really enjoying this work, but I was definitely disappointed in this chapter. I was so frustrated that Shadow (and Severus and even Neville to an extent) gave in to Ginny. Her character seems very similar to how Ron's is/was - they keep repeating the same mistakes, apologizing, people forgive them, then they repeat the action again (it's a vicious cycle). On the other hand, I love how invested I am in the world you have written - where I am completely frustrated on Shadow's behalf about Ginny. I also don't understand why Ron and Hermione had to be told the secret. They have been honestly not great friends from the beginning (book 1) and they get told this monumental secret? It was very (and I get I have repeated this word multiple times already) frustrating.
DracosTaintedDreamer chapter 36 . 4/12/2020
did he seriously just slap him?! I-im actually tearing up.
DracosTaintedDreamer chapter 35 . 4/12/2020
...sev lying. if he overhears their plans. why TF did he take so long to show up? boy lying. lie lie lie
DracosTaintedDreamer chapter 35 . 4/12/2020
when the author said "Voldemort walked' I lost it. I was like come on now. we went through all that! and he still alive. everybody done died but he still alive
DracosTaintedDreamer chapter 34 . 4/12/2020
awwSeph demanding Severus back makes my heart just ahhh
DracosTaintedDreamer chapter 25 . 4/12/2020
aww. Draco with boy makes me cry my eyes out
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
"In a way…" Harry said slowly, his eyes sparkling playfully. "It's kinda like I'll become our child, were it possible for us to make children."

"That is the most disturbing thing I've ever heard you say," Severus sneered.

Oh my god the entire part since these two were alone in that room is so so hilarious and touching. I'm shaking with laughter.

WhimsyAndMalice chapter 41 . 5/28/2019
The ending of this chapter was amazing, leaving me both sad and relieved.
WhimsyAndMalice chapter 34 . 5/28/2019
Holy shit. This is my favourite chapter yet!
WhimsyAndMalice chapter 13 . 5/26/2019
I love what you're doing with the story. I could hardly put it down last night to go to sleep because the characters are written so well and the story is just so damn engaging. I saw the small bit with Umbridge so I'm looking forward to seeing how that stuff pans out
a pair of ragged claws chapter 45 . 5/20/2019
One of my favorite chapters yet. In the Seraphim section, the language reminds me of mid1900s translations of Anglo-Saxon poetry (a really good modern one is “The Wanderer” by W.H Auden), with a superfaithful rendering (I.e. super literal translation, even when it sounds odd to our ears). So that was amazing—such a cool way of conveying Seraphim’s point of view while we can still imagine what Draco is feeling. Then there are so many tiny things I love. Like the way Draco says “okay” three times in a row when he and Shadow are trying to figure things out the day after, because it reminds you of how young these characters really are, even as they are coping with the most ridiculous lives ever. Also, animal kinks usually leave me cold, but this scene with Draco and Seraphim was incredible—kinda hot with the black magic stroking around, but at the same time really poignant with the history of abuse that Seraphim is overcoming in his animalistic moments. I feel myself tearing up all over again just thinking about it, so I better shut that down and go see what the next chapter holds. (I definitely feel lucky to be able to binge-read this whole series (and “Growing Pains” too) all in a row without waiting weeks or months for updates!) Thank you!

P.S. it’s obvs too late to vote, but what the heck: Marissa should definitely be D) a Muggleborn child, because of that hint about Shadow feeling dizzy when she looks in his green eye!
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