Reviews for Settling the Score
Anon chapter 1 . 11/3/2015
This story was... wow. I can't even tell you how amazing it was. I read this from a tumblr blog first, because this was deleted off hpff and they wanted to help. But even if you aren't reading this, this was amazing.
Baby doll chapter 25 . 6/25/2015
This was wonderful! I wish you could've written a sequel.
Hi chapter 25 . 6/22/2015
Oy my goodness. I stayed up all night reading this literally laughing out loud! You freaking hilarious! The ending was ok though I was disappointed you did completely finish but at least you put something in and wrapped it up nicely! Thank you this story is gold!
JJ chapter 25 . 6/7/2015
I'd just like to say I wish you the best of luck with your writing career and can't wait to read your own published work one day. I hope and predict it will be just as great, amazing and unique as this. Your writing in phenomenally amazing I could go on but you already know that. I'd just like to thank you so much for giving me the lucky chance at reading such an astounding piece of Fan fiction. Thank you for sharing your writing, please, please, never give up because you have an amazing talent and remember, words have the power to change things, more ways than we will ever come to understand. Xxx
mayfair22 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
So the guest review from an indian girl was from me.( in case you ever have news about your original work) I think i wasnt logged on when i first reviewed... I am not sure, I downloaded the app and I am all sorts of confused.
Guest chapter 24 . 4/5/2015
First of all THANKYOU... I am going through some major mess and difficult time in life right now and the other day-after a gruelling lecture from friends on doing things which make me happy - I decided to go look for this awesome story, I had been reading while in college but somehow had lost track of it. I remember feeling happy reading it. A quick Google search got me hear and I cant begin to tell you just how satisfied and happy your epilogue and the entire story in general has made me. Thank you so much for all your effort, your humour and just the effing brilliance of it all. I love ever word of it. I should probably tell you the favourite quotes and stuff but I can only manage an emotional rant right now becauce thats how I feel. Whatever happened to your original work? Did it get published? I am in India so I may have missed it. If you can, let me know about it. I'd like to read it someday . Bye
ariamouramara chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
I love this story! Please keep writting! You're very talanted. I find Andy's personality relatable and everything about this story is well thaught out I'm sure! The ending was a bit upsetting, but I understand you have written for other websites? I would greatly appreciate a link to a few of those! KEEP WRITING FOR THE GOOD OF THIS UNIVERSE
Elis.n chapter 25 . 3/14/2015
Great story, realy. I love the tension, I enjoy how you described the matches. I also like the other characters. Realy good job but I'm little bit disapointed by the end. :'(
But still, I'm going to put that in my favorite list. :)
PanickingFangirl chapter 20 . 3/7/2015
chel123 chapter 25 . 2/21/2015
Wow this is such a great story-just the right balance of romance, humour and actual plot! I love how all your characters had their own personalities and were so original, I think Katie was my favourite minor character (as hopeless romantic myself, she was very relatable). Also, your writing style is flawless: the interaction and dialogue was all effortlessly believable and the plot, character development and description were very well balanced. I would 100% pay to read any original fiction that was written this well! Best of luck with the book, I'm sure it's phenomenal x
manicureval chapter 16 . 1/18/2015
infiresugar chapter 25 . 1/8/2015
Wood and Andy kind of reminds me of Toy Story. Hahahah
That aside, brilliant story. Thanks for writing it.
Lilyan'James chapter 25 . 12/20/2014
ohh god...that was simultaneously hilarious and completely maddeningly awesome. You are a wonderful author - I mean rather than leave the end unfinished and people dissatisfied you ploughed though it bravely and achieved the better. The story definitely got the ending it deserved with the epilogue snippets; you put things to rest.

It was a great story - Wood being such a Quidditch intense character sometimes we don't find him with much past emotional things that may follow up. (Despite that it's only my second Wood/OC story). Overall it was brilliant ... I loved the match - building up to it, the tension, cliff hangers etc. Andy is such a crazy character which is partially why, I think, coming to love to her was so easy (for me anyway). The spontaneity, open book face, saying what you think, quite impulsive ... (the list goes on)

Ok, aside from the main characters, I particularly liked Alicia - her no nonsense ,blunt, attitude was what made her so striking. Thus, leading on from there, her and Gabe were my second favourites in the story. I mean not just as a pairing but Gabe as a new character because yeah you're (Wood?) is right, he really does have the perfect amount of charm entwined with laid back confidence going for him - mysterious yet charmingly sweet. Well - keep writing and being brilliant - I'm off to check your other stories :)
Mikki chapter 25 . 11/27/2014
This is around the fifth time that I've come back to read this story, and that fact that I keep actively seeking it out just goes to show how much of a phenomenal writer you are. This made me laugh out loud and squeal like a 12 year old girl, and I can't express how awed and grateful I am that you took the time to write such a beautiful conclusion. Please PLEASE let us know when (I say WHEN not IF) your works get published. I will most definitely be reading them.
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