Reviews for Casting Moonshadows
softiejily chapter 6 . 10/18/2020
oh- that dream was intense
Guest chapter 87 . 10/17/2020
¿Esto ya ha terminado? Estoy leyendo desde México y aunque el traductor de Google quita algunos detalles estoy enamorada de tu escritura.
FadedNobody chapter 87 . 10/16/2020
woooot! love this story and im glad its still going!
Guest chapter 87 . 10/15/2020
This is so good! Best HP fanfic I've ever read, and I can't wait for more! Thank goodness you're still updating this one. Please keep going! Once again, it's just great, and the depth, quality and the story are outstanding. Whyyyy couldn't we have gotten something like this instead of Fantastic Beasts...
Anyways, I think I'll go back and reread this again. And again. And again.
NHPhoenix24 chapter 87 . 10/13/2020
Thanks for this chapter . It was a nice read.
ravenclawqueen chapter 1 . 10/12/2020
Thankyou so much! Please keep writing! This is the best thing I've ever read! I love this fanfic so much! It has made me happy when I'm sad, it has given me something to do when I'm bored, it has made me forget the tough stuff and feel better, and most importantly has made me feel like I have a friend when I'm lonely. This fanfic has helped me realize and understand my sexuality. This fanfic is more than any words can describe! This truly is the the best thing ever, and I hope that there will be an awesome 5 hour movie of it! Keep on writing, and make hundreds of chapters! Again I LOVE this fanfic sooooooooooooooo much, and I can't thank you enough!
queer dragon chapter 64 . 10/12/2020
oh no i want to give poor rowen a hug! this story keeps getting better and better though :) ily, you are amazing and keep writing!
queer dragon chapter 62 . 10/12/2020
omg remus's reaction to padfoots get up im dead. ily so much as usual keep writing!
queer dragon chapter 57 . 10/12/2020
well now he's back- fricking FINALLY! reminder that your work is gorgeous your gorgeous and ily
queer dragon chapter 56 . 10/12/2020
omg yay everyone's happy again! this is old i'm sorry but i love your work please keep updating. and maybe continue to at least harry being born? if u dont thats fine ily anyway
does it matter chapter 1 . 10/4/2020
if u r writing more can u plan for a chapter where lily finds out about them being animagus?
Miyagi-Fang-Unite chapter 5 . 10/4/2020
Very good! I never imagined Lupin didn't always get along with James, Sirius and Pettigrew
Guest chapter 87 . 10/3/2020
i home u make it till after graduation or whatever u call thayt
anon chapter 87 . 10/2/2020
well, this is a treat to find out about from a random youtube video comment! Glad to find a well-written extremely long fic, with such a dedicated author (I'm a young fan, of the AO3 generation, so I might be mistaken, but you published this first in 2007 and you're still going? amazing! - and good luck with you original fiction, too, hope that's going/gone well!) Love your character interpretations and the plots and emotions of this fic - so sweet and heart-wrenching and funny in turns; a virtuoso of the written word! 3 3 3
does it matter chapter 87 . 9/29/2020
hope you make more chapters
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