Reviews for Casting Moonshadows
BabayBunny chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
that is so sad. i can't believe i have misty eyes and it wasn't even a long first chapter. Your good. Poor Remus i guess its not like his father will be loving, after all it seems as though his beloved wife died saving him. I readly do hope that this story turns out to be slash.
Psycho Hippy chapter 9 . 2/16/2007
Woohoo I get to be president! I shall bear the title with pride *bows*

He is a good character though. It's hard to make a character that horrid - well for me anyway. I always end up feeling bad and finding some reason for them to be nice ;;

Wow. I loved the description of the shack afterwards. Poor Remie...

And Sirius can't stop staring...heehee. Do James and Peter ever notice that he stares at Remus a lot?

Afaim chapter 9 . 2/16/2007
Well, thank you. And thank you for the fast update (again).

That was Remus first fullmoon in the Shack and of course it was horrible for him. Poor thing... But at least the others treat him civil now.
Riku-Rocks chapter 9 . 2/16/2007
This story I excellent and this chapter is wonderful.

I particularly enjoyed the descriptions and subtle hints about how the lycanthropy affects Remus’ senses and the way the transformations are written.

The characters are very well written as are their interactions. Remus in particular is (ironically) very well balanced, and there is an obvious level of depth to all the characters. Even the horrible characters are written in a manner so that you appreciate them within the confines of the story.

I am really looking forward to reading more of this story.
aclytie chapter 9 . 2/16/2007
Ohh I love this story! The notion that James, Sirius and Peter not befriend with Remus right away as so many fics do makes me love it all the more. And I love the way they gradually warm up to Remus. And the nickname loopy, haha, is cute. I haven't thought it to be invented by James. Nice talent for nickname, isn't he, the one comes up with "little furry problem"?
Shuffle Queen chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
You've quite a nice story here - well-written and a nice plot. One criticism I did have - there are quite a few spelling mistakes; some words are just consistently spelled wrong or a homonym is used (i.e. 'shoe' for 'shoo'). I would recommend getting a beta reader, at least to proofread. If you can't find anyone else, I would be willing to do that. Keep up the good work and update soon! _
that's the way love goes chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
That little tidbit about his transformations at home in his room, probably wwasn't a wise thing to say to . I can already tell that he's well on his way to becoming her favorite student. Finally they've layed off of him but staring is just as bad as anything else. I hate when people stare.
Hana's account chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
Thanks for updating so soon... :)

Great Chapter! XD Sirius is really getting interested in Remus... :P

I really like the way you picture the library as a safe place, the image of Remus' mother was a nice, kinda sad, but very cute touch... _

Love the way you did the full Moon part... poor little Remus...

I usually don't pay attention but I really like the way you did Madame Pomfrey... she's very nice...

Looking forward to see the next chapter... how would he hide his injuries from the rest? (especially Sirius...)

Update Soon please!
rekahneko chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
I was so delighted to find a new chapter of Casting Moonshadows to read today!

Thank you much.

It is cold out there and I needed cheering and though this might not be the most fluffy of chapters, it was wonderful and entertaining and I had been wondering about how the first transformation would go.
KiaraNxiar chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
Heart touching! I love the way you portray Remus, innocent even after such a hard life. His character seems to fit in with the story well. Can't wait for the next update!
oxWolfxstarxo chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
aaw poor little remus.
knowwii chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
OMG. I love this fic SO MUCH! (And you haven't even finished it yet!)

I love how you put Remus's iner marauder right in there and the fact that everyone thought that he was crazy. I haven't seen that alot! Good job!
Miss Avery chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
O my goodness! I am one of the ones with your story on story alert, but I have never left a comment! Sorry, my laptop's keyboard doesnt work or I would have already (I am on my school computer right now) I havent had time to read this chapter, but I am ever so excited to get home! I love you story, it is really detailed and you update ALL the time. But I am dying with the lack of slash! Is it Sirius/Remus slash? I hope so... Anyways, I love the way yo portray the characters, it is how I think that they would really act. Looking forward to reading this new chapter!

(And I sing the reveiw song too, for my blog comments)
Dailan-chan chapter 9 . 2/15/2007
Good!I really liked poor Remus first moon in Hogwarts, and it's nice to see that James and Sirius are starting to, at least,tolerate him. I love Remus
Psycho Hippy chapter 8 . 2/15/2007
Oh poor Remus! I hate his dad. He's a bully. He should burnt with a hot iron in all the places he burnt Remus. Grr.

Aw little Sirius likes little Remus! They can bond over the shared traumas of their childhoods.
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