Reviews for Casting Moonshadows |
Afaim chapter 8 . 2/15/2007 I feel really honored that you dedicated a chapter to me, well not just me, but still. Thanky you (never happened to me before). I know that I suck at giving reviews (never know what to say) but I do try and I am grateful you noticed. However, I am glad that they decided to leave poor Remy alone. And I also like the fact that you didn't made Sirius in a poor beaten boy with horrible parents who like to hurt him. There are, after all, enough fics where that's the case, and I think one Marauder with a psycho-father is enough for one fiction. Keep on updating! |
QuifrmQueenz chapter 8 . 2/14/2007 I love your story I wish your chapters were longer. I hate having to wait until the next one to find out what is going to happen. |
Riku-Rocks chapter 8 . 2/14/2007 This story is really coming along wonderfully. The characters and themes are all very well written and thought out. Little Remus is really having a hard time, but at least it looks like Sirius is starting to develop a soft spot for the poor lycanthrope.;) I am looking forward to the next chapter. |
that's the way love goes chapter 8 . 2/14/2007 Finally, they agreed to lay off of the boy and leave him alone. They are getting pretty intrested in him though and I know remus heard everything they said. I can't believe they questioned longbottom about remus and if he did anything to him. Those boys are really over the top. |
Hana's account chapter 8 . 2/14/2007 Thanks for updating so soon! XD Nice chapter... Love Sirius' PoVs... very smart to notice the lotion and scar thing... James is starting to warm up to Remus... I was wondering how were you going to do that... Looking forward to see what happens next... Update soon please! |
rekahneko chapter 8 . 2/14/2007 I really liked the byplay between James and Sirius. It really showed how they deal with each other so well. And could it be that Remus has a bit of werewolf hearing? Hmm... I hope he is relieved that they are going to be polite to him though the other things they said must have hurt his feelings. Good chapter! |
Psycho Hippy chapter 7 . 2/14/2007 I make no comment concerning Peter... I love the 'inner marauder' thing! That's obviously where their name is going to come from. (And Sirius blatently likes Remus and is only being mean to keep James happy! Eheh ;;) |
Afaim chapter 7 . 2/14/2007 Remus Father is really a... well, let's change topic. I liked the way you portrait Frank. James is still mean, but as long as Sirius isn't too mean I don't really mind. |
that's the way love goes chapter 7 . 2/13/2007 Silver burns,that silver is everywhere. You would think that somebody would take special precaution for all that. As for peter, james, and sirius, ignoring them is the best thing he can do right now even if that doesn't work to well. Remus' dad is really psycho. |
Hana's account chapter 7 . 2/13/2007 Great chapter! SiriusxRemus is my fav HP pairing... Love the way you did Frank... very cool... Is the Full Moon Near...? I'm curious of how are you gonna approach that (especially from Sirius PoV) Looking forward to see what happens next... Update soon please! :P |
rekahneko chapter 7 . 2/13/2007 I was laughing so hard at the ending! If only everyone could have Remus' ability to gather their magic together. hehehe It was nice to see the Marauder in him too - it really fleshes out his character nicely. |
Dailan-chan chapter 6 . 2/9/2007 Great work! I love the way you portray Remus! (sorry for the bad english) |
Black's Crystal chapter 6 . 2/9/2007 grate story when are you going to write upto time wize? BC xx |
that's the way love goes chapter 6 . 2/8/2007 I'm glad they're going to leave him alone but it took a sick mom to do that. |
Hana's account chapter 6 . 2/8/2007 Thanks for updating so fast! Love the story... I especially love Sirius PoVs... nice work! Looking forward to see the next chapter! update soon please! |