Reviews for Going Native
Guest chapter 67 . 12/6/2024
Excellent writing and story. I could hear each character in the words. Thank you!
VPraval chapter 67 . 6/8/2024
Loved it. Didn't thought Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek would fit so well.
IronHair chapter 1 . 5/16/2024
IronHair chapter 67 . 5/16/2024
Loved the second read. Ty
IronHair chapter 1 . 5/15/2024
Guest chapter 32 . 4/16/2024
You've written Kara Thrace to be an arrogant self-centered egotistical self-righteous arsehole.
Good job.
I'm serious. You've made it work so well in the context of the story, that it makes the crossover even more viable.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/15/2024
" Yeah, well, maybe you want to consider what kind of people they are, if their biggest rule is that they can't share their tech." Kara brushed past him and stomped off.

She has no context for this. If they had no valid reasoning behind not sharing, then yes, she'd be absolutely right. However, they have many valid reasons behind not sharing. TOS showed an instance of Kirk giving natives guns and the Klingons giving them better guns, so Kirk then had to give the natives even better guns. Not to mention how sharing technology with cultures and societies that weren't advanced enough led to their own destruction.
The rule is that they cannot share the tech but that doesn't mean that they cannot share the benefits, as they are doing right now. It's not that they don't share their tech; it's that there are rules and regulations on how they share their technology. The Prime Directive is not that they do not share their technology. The Prime Directive is that they do not interfere in the natural development (cultural, scientific, religious, etc.) of any species and this extends to their internal political, cultural, scientific, religious, etc., affairs. This was illustrated when Starfleet refused to intervene in the Klingon Civil War.

Plus, would she be so very quick to judge them in anger if the Cylons had met them first and convinced them to share with them instead of Galactica?
Andrew Joshua Talon chapter 62 . 3/20/2024
I thought there would be an easier way of Baltar getting nanites: Via sexual transmission. It seems more like him. Not sure how he doesn't have every STD known to man.
RandoMando47 chapter 67 . 4/28/2023
Good story, didn’t know I wanted to read a BSGxTrek fic, but here we are, and I’m glad I did (even if it’s been more than a decade).
RandoMando47 chapter 53 . 4/28/2023
Nailed Starbuck. She’s as frustrating here as on TV. Ditto Gaius.
RandoMando47 chapter 16 . 4/28/2023
That’s a very Starbuck approach to gathering intel.
RandoMando47 chapter 11 . 4/28/2023
I didn’t realize this was a Trek crossover and it almost put me off especially with Gaeta being a sad sack. But it has picked up and meshed surprisingly well so far. Thanks for putting this out there.
JV chapter 64 . 8/11/2022
Love your unique take on the Cylons.

A sequel on the Human-Forms reclaiming their freedom from the Centurions would be interesting.

Thank you for your story!
Hank1967 chapter 67 . 7/27/2022
Excellent story! Gotta hand it to Kara, she really doesn't care what anyone else thinks. Love how you blended Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica lore and you did it so seamlessly. It's like the two stories just fell into each other's arms. Great job with that! Really appreciated the nod to T.O.S. with the follow up on Apollo's family. Enjoyed all of the twists and turns in the story, especially between Gaeta and Thrace. Also loved the resolution for Gaius. That bit with the nanites was just brilliant! Also thought the reworking of the lore in a way that it was the Centurions manipulating and controlling the skinjobs rather than the skinjobs controlling the Centurions was absolutely fantastic! Really well thought out work. Great job!
Captaindrake123 chapter 21 . 2/7/2022
"It was a glorious battle"

Never change Worf, never change.
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