Reviews for Butterfly
ossifiedtotem chapter 28 . 6/30/2018
I like the way you ended it.

I liked pretty much the whole fic, honestly.

Was quite a good read, despite the length. I usually read absurdly long things, but when you're searching for a pairing like this you really don't get much in the way of options. I'm glad for that- I likely would've passed this by if there was a plethora of longer dics.

Really excellent. I like your characterizations, particularly of the lesser characters in the source material- Lavender, Parvati, Padma, etc.

Remus having a wife and kid was sorta odd, considering the instance where that's dropped is one of like four scenes including him, and I think the only one where he has any significance really. I feel like you really glossed of Remus and Tonks just for the sake of pairings.

And where was Sirius in the epilogue? Did I miss him, or was there actually just no mention of him in it?

My only other complaints are that the pacing is somewhat odd. You really glossed over a lot of descriptions, and that's sometimes a good thing, but it left any scene with actual battles feeling rather weak and lacking. Since there's about three of them, this is also a fairly minor issue.

Oh! This has slightly bugged me since I read it originally- silver doesn't rust. You mentioned the Black family silver rusting awhile back. It's probably already been pointed out, but I dunno.

Thank you for this delightful read!
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 6/16/2018
Excellent beginning.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/15/2018
Hindi girl? Are you kidding me? Hindi is a freakin language; one of the hundreds in India. It's Indian girl. Jeesh. No offense, but a bit of background reading helps
Guest chapter 28 . 5/7/2018
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 11/8/2017
An interesting idea. Let's see where you go with it.
ThunderSphinx chapter 28 . 9/10/2017
Disappointed Harry and Parvati did not name their daughter "Lily."

What do u mean by "Harry and Parvati paid off all their debts?" Harry *has* no debts. The Potters were and are filthy rich.

How on Earth could Rose Weasley he 8 years-old, already? That makes no sense. Ron and Hermione are only 24 and 25, respectively; and, you said they had her at, like, 21 years of age? That's impossible math, lolz.

Magic can very easily heal Lavender's father of his cancer.

I really wish that Luna featured more in this story. :(

Good story. I'm glad you finished it. So many stories nowadays are unfortunately abandoned.
ThunderSphinx chapter 27 . 9/10/2017
Lol. Solly Parvati. U should have taken ur heels off, yep. Hehe. :)

I'm glad that Voldemort is dead. He was an A-Hole lolz xD.
ThunderSphinx chapter 26 . 9/10/2017
Grr. I hit post in the last review before I was ready. I ALSO meant to ask, "what kind of joke is this?" Harry would EASILY wipe the floor against Malfoy.

This story just lost all credibility, no offense.
ThunderSphinx chapter 25 . 9/10/2017
Harry could *NEVER* lose to Draco Malfoy in ANYTHING, *ESPECIALLY* a Wizard's Duel.
JackiePotterhead chapter 28 . 7/5/2017
I am impressed, among other things, by your research for Indian things.
Quick question, are you Indian?
Guest chapter 13 . 6/6/2017
Tonks and Remus are to very different characters and even though they might be well together they really shouldn't Bond like that they're more friends and people to me so I agree that they belong separated having a kid between them it's just so weird they should just remain friends not hook up thank you for saying it that way
Guest chapter 8 . 6/5/2017
I love the story so far but I feel you need a sort of dark twist
Guest chapter 17 . 5/4/2017
Dumbledore fucks in everything in fanfics
phhsdj chapter 28 . 3/4/2017
I like the story up until the end your rushed it. Your AN makes it sound like you just got tired of the story so you ended. I am sorry to be negative but there is nothing more disappointing then a great story being ruined by a rushed ending.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/22/2017
Someone really needs to cave Rons ugly face in, seriously.
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