Reviews for I Do? I Don't
loki125 chapter 7 . 11/25/2024
y es 6 vez que lo vuelvo a leer ahhh la verdad es necesario hacer 20 capitulos mas y que tenga un final ahhhhhh
loki125 chapter 1 . 9/26/2024
Queremos más ya le leí 20 veces más más publico aquí ya que el último cañitilo ya tiene un reseña mía y no deje ahhhh más más capítulos diosss :(
Loqui chapter 40 . 8/18/2024
Awww de nuevo leyendo este creo que es la 6 vez en este año si hiciera otros 10 capítulos y dieras un final seria awwwwww espero y siga bien y vivo/a xd
loki125 chapter 39 . 6/6/2024
Ahhh yo de nuevo muy buena historia ya le leído 3 veces y quisiera que hubiera un final o más drama espero estés bien y vivo o viva feliz 2024 ahhhhhh amo dr house y housecam :D
loki125 chapter 40 . 5/30/2024
Ahhhhmas de 10 años sin capítulos no se si sigues con vida o no y lo abandonaste pero fue lo mejor que he leído de dr house
Guest chapter 40 . 4/5/2024
Ik Im writing a review for this over 10 years later but I hope you see this anyways, this is such a fun and sweet story I enjoyed it even without the ending Thank you so much writing this, so much House fanfics are just sad on top of sad this story is such a sweet break with just pure shenanigans and sweet moments!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/23/2024
I read all 40 chapters in one day and bully for me because I didn't notice the in progress tag. Please update this wonderful story! I know you haven't updated it in 10 years but please come back! The full House MD series is on netflix now so obviously there's a renewed sense of interest.
Guest chapter 40 . 3/19/2024
I love your story. It's really great. I know you haven't written in a long time. I hope it continues soon. I would be really happy.
Greetings Celine
caterpillargirl215 chapter 7 . 3/11/2024
I LOVE this!

i wish you'd write more housecam, you do it SO well!
SGMW chapter 40 . 12/16/2023
I know its been 10 years since you last updated, but i hope you come back once again and update the story. Its one of the best out there. Thank you for writing this. Absolutely enjoyed reading it!
soccerlover74 chapter 40 . 8/10/2023
Really enjoy reading this story. I think I have already read it 3 times now. I do hope you continue this story.
CarpeLibrum87 chapter 40 . 7/6/2023
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I need to know what happens in this story! :(
OnceUponATimeBelle chapter 39 . 4/16/2023
Love your story. This particular story has been in my head the last few days but I didn’t remember the name or author. It was pure chance I found it again. If you’re still writing I hope you will return to this particular story as it deserves to be completed.
Cario Regun chapter 40 . 7/8/2022
damn you were good, I hope that someday you remember this and update another chapter with the conclusion of them staying as a married couple! :(
Guest chapter 40 . 3/15/2022
Hello! I know it's been years since this has been posted, but I just wanted you to know that it made my week (in case you still use this profile). I already read twice, and honestly feel sad that it's not finished.
Thanks for the great story!
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