Reviews for In Your Dreams
Espied7 chapter 32 . 5/18/2012
Fabulous story. It has just the right amount of detail, a perfect combination of wit and wisdom, an endearing and not ridiculous romance... I also really love your Draco and Neville. They're wonderful. Thanks for a great read!
Espied7 chapter 31 . 5/18/2012
You're right. I can so see Tonks calling him nuncs, and such a hilarious thought that is...
Espied7 chapter 8 . 5/18/2012
Slyther-in-law? Genius. And your sorting song was also rather wonderful :)
Ice Demon Ranger chapter 32 . 5/14/2012
Nicely written. A very interesting alternate ending as well as adding clarifing little tid bits from canon.
Melissa72 chapter 32 . 3/6/2012
Wow...what an amazingly creative way to not only bring Hermione and Severus together in marriage but in ending the war.

Loved this fic...and absolutely love the fact that you don't stoop to sex or swearing to tell a story...when your 3S's are gone it leaves more room for character depth.

One phrase I remember from the other fic I read of's stuck with me as such a bit of wisdom. When Hermione and Ginny were talking about the difference between Ricky and Severus...about how the storms brought one couple apart and another together. And how Ginny just wondered why Hermione just didn't get out from the rain...the insight of "but the storms are on the inside" incredibly true:)

Love your writing...thank you for sharing God's gift with us:)
Librasmile chapter 13 . 3/4/2012
Okay, I just started reading this. I'm only on chapter 13 but I had to stop and say Brava for pointing out just why Snape is up Harry's ass every second of every potions class. I can't imagine - well, actually sadly I CAN - a child being THAT colossally stupid. I guess what I really meant is I can't imagine MYSELF being that colossally stupid, at least not at the age of 11 or later, in terms of chemicals.

Oh and thank you a chapter or two ago for pointing out that Snape is not the favored son. I hope Dumbledore actually learns LITTLE humility from that. chapter 32 . 3/2/2012
Definitely one of my favourite ever stories, absolutely loved this :D
Jinge chapter 14 . 2/21/2012
I really enjoy your story so far, and especially your short, but delightfully informative notes at the end :) I'm learning so much!
Light on the Horizon chapter 32 . 2/16/2012
Great story. I thought the romance moved a bit quickly, and the way some people swallowed the story about using that outdated law was a bit hard to believe, but overall I liked the plot, and you write brilliantly.

Really enjoyed reading it :)
Severus Snape's Beloved chapter 32 . 2/6/2012
I really enjoyed this story, and the unique way you brought Hermione and Severus together.

I loved how you wrote the prophecy, the hat song, and all of the articles. They sounded like they were from the books themselves-really fabulous.

BarbaraKaterina chapter 32 . 1/30/2012
Oh, finally! I've been browsing through SSHG communities, looking for a decent story, and failing to fins one for saved my weekend, really!

I loved this, even if it was rather quicker and shorter than I'd have wished it to be - I always feel it'd take Severus ages to trust someone, let alone fall in love...but in spite of that, this story was fantastic, really.
JaneA0202 chapter 20 . 1/23/2012
Hermione is so annoying...she is so naive and horribly honest that its almost funny...I often think If she is thirteen instead of eighteen... the things she says are almost least I would be...I hope she will change later, because so far she is really a child..(silly child) Thats of course only my opinion about Hermione, its not insult of the story...and Im afraid I didnt explaint very well what exactly I dont like about Hermione, its just hard to explain it...I like this story (at least I did like it before since I added it to favourites), Im rereading it now (to be sure I still like it)
JaneA0202 chapter 5 . 1/22/2012
not happy with these two chapters...those are poor attemps to persuade Molly and her parents...why didnt they just lie? everything they told was the almost-truth and the almost-truth is not good, it screams everything Molly said, so Im surprised that ther parents would be better If they told them some better version...this was just weird.
No-Rhyme-Just-Reason chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
"In general, my stories are an N/S3 zone, ie, no slash, no swearing, no sex..." That one line in your bio was enough to make me place you on my Favorite Authors' list recently! Please ignore the earlier reviews from readers (some of whose profiles appear to be somewhat trollish) that take you to task for this ship/story topic. I see that you've already finished this story in a quite reasonable time frame over three years ago; and am looking forward to reading every chapter.

On another note, I wish those who are midway through or have finished reading would please refrain from posting their reviews on *Chapter 1*. I am one who likes to read existing individual chapter reviews before posting my own (partly to avoid redundancies in observations); and these "whole-fic" or "last chapter" reviews can be real plot spoilers. I wish the site would allow participants to edit their already-posted reviews. I think it would also result in contributors receiving more reviews, if respondents know they can make a brief comment and then later come back (when they have more time) to elaborate on details they might have missed.

Anyway, thanks for writing.
Seyfert chapter 32 . 10/13/2011
Absolutely brilliant!

I loved how you portrayed the characters and their evolution. I love SSHG, they are my favourite pairing in the fanfic potterverse, but I can't help feeling sorry for Draco. This is the third fic I've read in a row in which he ends up secretly and hopelessly pining for her... I may even look up some DMHG fics to relieve my guilt.
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