Reviews for Muggle Summer, Wizard's Fall
MrsFH chapter 69 . 8/16
Don’t assume all Americans are ignorant when it comes to rugby and the haka, please. For example, several Texas high school football, soccer, and even baseball reams teams perform the haka before games. And the All Blacks, Black Ferns, Springboks, and other international rugby teams sell out exhibition games in the states every year. Even Dallas, Texas has a rugby league, and at least two Texas players have gone on to play internationally for leading national squads. Loved your Maori character and his anger over the los of his All Blacks jersey, by the way. I would be ticked if I lost the ones I got at the last three world cups, or he Bledsoe Cup last year.
ohhhdear chapter 69 . 6/3
Aside from the late Bobmin’s epic tales, this is one of the most fascinating and well written stories I’ve read. As your Muse allows, please complete. Thank you!
Detsella Morningdew chapter 14 . 4/21
Love this so much.

Also, I did a double take at "public secondary schools" being used in the exact opposite context it is in the States, until I remembered that trivia fact.

It makes sense in an odd way (schools owned/operated by the general public instead of the government), but it still feels strangest of the British differences I've encountered, and the least intuitive to me.
Detsella Morningdew chapter 5 . 4/21
This is so great. You do characters well. Or at least way better than usual "fix-it" fics.
mumphie chapter 14 . 2/26
Heh. An unusual agency, to be sure! ;)
blcoachmac chapter 69 . 2/15
Leave those three looking like oompah lumpahs and can’t wait to hear their gnashing of teeth when they are thrown out of the MOM! Waiting for more!
blcoachmac chapter 66 . 2/14
Scrimgeour, Weasley and Umbitch are going to die in prison!
blcoachmac chapter 62 . 2/14
Loving this story! Looking for more like it! Hope Harry learns elemental magic!
blcoachmac chapter 57 . 2/13
Prrcy persecuted by his brother! LOL!
blcoachmac chapter 47 . 2/13
That was both extremely cold and funny at the same time!
blcoachmac chapter 29 . 2/11
Who were the DE’s that got obliterated?
blcoachmac chapter 26 . 2/11
Is Amelia already been killed? If so then there isn’t a strong presence for right left in the Ministry. Robards might be it! Who is the minister? Scrimgeour?
blcoachmac chapter 17 . 2/10
Ron better control himself!
blcoachmac chapter 16 . 2/10
Should have killed the DE’s!
blcoachmac chapter 2 . 2/9
A 1911. .45 ACP will improve a death eaters look’s quickly!
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