Reviews for Working In Groups
Deritine chapter 4 . 3/27/2009
Yay! I love this story so much. It's so political, but with all this angst, too... and my cousin tells me that I'm a sadist for loving this sort of had-a-lot-of-power characters that the plot keeps dumping on. You know what, so what? Right? This story just rocks. So many possibilities, from completely awesome Q-ness returned to depressing early death to utter humiliation and a life not worth living and such. Woo hoo! Plot could go anywhere.

Plus the writing rocks. And the characterization. Even Wesley, who is such a Gary Stu- somehow you managed to keep that part intact but make him less of a pain in the ass (possibly because Q is more of an ass? Heheh). And Deanna. She usually pisses me off, too, but not so much in the story... Riker is still an sycophantic jerk, though. (TNG has the best and worst characters, I swear... it's like touched by an angel or something).

Anyway... love the updates! What were you in like an internet free hole for the past er... however long it's been? lol. I could come up with some really romantic, frontiersman or humanitarian scenarios for that... hehe.
Gatherer chapter 4 . 3/26/2009
This reads as extremely well thought out. Very impressive work.
Deritine chapter 3 . 3/23/2009
Wow- words cannot describe how happy I am to get another chapter of this fic. Especially as I seem to be a bit drunk. But that totally aside- I love love love this fic. It's definitely something that one would think about, but not enough people write this shit. And I love our Q. Like a lot. Everybody is very in character- even the ones I hate like Mary-Sue-Crusher (aka Wesley) and the obnoxious Diana. But they are done very well in this- great use for plot development, really.

I'm so super psyched to see an update of this fic. Woo hoo! I have no idea where it's going, but that's definitely the best part, ne? I love a story I don't know where it's going. Q getting his powers back? Not getting them back? Only getting them back after dying? Possibilities are frickin endless. So cool. :D Love you're stuff, keep it up, you rock.
GuesssWho chapter 3 . 3/17/2009
More, please.
Ayuka86 chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
Please finish this. It's just too interesting.
GuesssWho chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
Cassandra Pierson chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
Lovely story. I especially enjoyed Q's reaction to Deanna reading him.
witchbsword chapter 1 . 9/18/2008

one of my fav TNG episodes. are you ever going to finish this story? Please do, it's amazing!
rocketcat chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
Aw please finish this! :(
Deritine chapter 1 . 6/16/2008
Hmm. Well, I thought being that long and not having chapters meant that this was a one-shot. But not. Sadly. Perhaps to have a second chapter? I really enjoyed this- everybody stayed well in character and it was a delightful debate on morality, philosophy, you know- all that neat stuffs. I'd likely be able to discuss it better if I hadn't been sucked into reading it all at once and now need sleep almost as much as Q does. Oh wells...

Really enjoyed it. I hope it ends the same, though- because losing Q powers is probably the most depressing thing evar and as much as the ending of the episode was really fluffy and almost touched-by-an-angel in delivery, it did give a nice warm and fuzzy feeling. (Incidentally- it was on Spike today so I JUST saw it and it was fresh in my mind- winner!)
JTS chapter 1 . 6/13/2008
Please continue this story, it seems like an odd place to stop for me and its an excellent story.
Dodie chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
Really awesome story! I hope you plan on continuing this!
minijo1990 chapter 1 . 2/5/2008
This story, is beautifully written, the arguments sound and intelligent and the characters are well developed and 3 dimensional. I really hope that you are able to complete it someday. Strangly I feel like I've learned something just from reading it.

Thank you

ScM15 chapter 1 . 10/12/2007
Is it odd that I found myself reading out your Picard? He rally had the voice going. I do amateur voice acting, you see. No idea how good I actually am as a Picard, but it just seemed to need that. Good work!

breakthehabit chapter 1 . 6/5/2007
I havent gotten a chance to read much fanfiction lately, but im glad i stopped in to read this story. Your Q stories are always amazing, and i cant wait to read more! ]
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