Reviews for Survivor
stacymartjimenez chapter 4 . 5/29/2024
Estoy sin palabras. No puedo creer lo mucho que lloré con esta historia. La amo absolutamente.
ScruffyFox chapter 4 . 4/9/2024
I cried, 10/10
mamacasper06 chapter 4 . 3/2/2024
Great story, it made me cry but it would be nice to have an epilogue where it shows what Ron accomplishes in life up till his death and then him meeting up with Harry and Hermione in the afterlife
IcyChef chapter 1 . 3/1/2024
i cried. 10/10.
Haggart chapter 4 . 2/15/2024
Heartbreaking but beautiful
SimplyAdventures chapter 1 . 2/4/2024
Not only is it great at showing HP grief but also RWs grief and how he is handling it. I love it.
kaskazi117 chapter 4 . 1/16/2024
Thank you for putting those feelings into words. One of the best harmony fics.
Ohma chapter 4 . 7/21/2023
2nd! I forgot about the actual first...
Ohma chapter 4 . 7/21/2023
I've been reading fanfics for years and this is the first fic I've favourited

The only thing I think that could top this is a version where they get to live and have their dreams come true.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/6/2023
No matter when I read this, whether it be next month, next year or even the year after, I always shed a tear, a very sad love story. One of my favourites.
Sleepyhawk502 chapter 4 . 4/22/2023
Oh My! Great, awesome, emotional story! Thank you so much for sharing!
Rebatrek chapter 4 . 3/9/2023
Wow, so sad, I’ve never cried this much over a story! Well done.
harmione72 chapter 4 . 11/24/2022
first fanfic to make me cry. very well done. take the first statement as you wish.
heartofthelion chapter 4 . 9/27/2022
Gosh I can’t stop crying! The tears started on chapter 1 and did not stop. The story on its own is heartbreaking enough, but to have it told from Ron’s pov? My heart didn’t just break, it shattered. Now I kind of want a fluffy, smutty fic on Harry and Hermione’s relationship before everything just to balance my sadness out haha. Great story!
josamen1 chapter 4 . 9/3/2022
This wasn't a single onion someone was cuttin' near was the whole damn bag T_T

Great Romeo & Juliet take on this love story
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