Reviews for Reactions to the Legend
Kashmiran chapter 11 . 11/12
Absolutely LOVED this story. I would love it if there was a seqeul to this. It would have made my day or night as its 11:37pm at the moment but i would have started the seqeul right away. Nevertheless, thank you for writing this story and allowing us to be a part of your imagination. Please do contiue to write. Absolutely BRILLIANT!
mumphie chapter 11 . 9/24
Lot's of fun! Thanx! ;)
mumphie chapter 5 . 9/23
Tepheris chapter 3 . 8/14
Guess there isnt a Statute of Limitations in regards to groundable offenses, or at least when the offender is still a minor.
Now Account chapter 11 . 5/16/2023
Haha, hearing what Harry got up to at school is the stuff of nightmares for any parent, lol.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/29/2022
It’s flowing like the river Thames.
Guest chapter 8 . 10/25/2022
Orange with hot pink streaks would rather suit him,don’t you think?
Guest chapter 6 . 10/24/2022
It was the most hilarious thing I have ever read!
ktbunyptch chapter 1 . 6/28/2022
I keep reading thus story over and over again I love it.
Menodara chapter 11 . 6/7/2022
This is the fourth time I am reading this story and it's as good as ever.
BlackjaxCXXIII chapter 11 . 5/10/2022
A fantastic fic! Well done! Also, gotta say, that punishment of Dumbles was inspired :D
bibliopuff chapter 11 . 4/13/2022
ahahah good riddance to all of them responsible with Harry's miserable life xD
bibliopuff chapter 11 . 4/12/2022
bibliopuff chapter 9 . 4/12/2022
oh hermione...
bibliopuff chapter 7 . 4/12/2022
its TOO hilarious
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