Reviews for Dark Lord Potter Part 1
stevem1 chapter 2 . 6/3/2020
This AU so far has an interesting start. Tonks deviates from canon in that she is 3 years older than Harry and in Gryffindor (not 7-8 years older and in Hufflepuff per canon). Harry hates Muggles due to the Dursley’s abuse. He makes friends with Malfoy.

I’ll keep reading.
AnimeAsim chapter 1 . 5/6/2020
OK I haven't read much but I already know its a great story and I love the fact that this is already quite different to the real Canon Harry Potter being tonks in griffindor and she is still in school nice plus Harry is sort of seen as a bit godlike which idk why but I love those stories
Thiago-Gamer12 chapter 26 . 4/28/2020
hi. what is the lk of part 2?
drgraves129 chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
The Philosopher's Stone Retransmuted?
mumphie chapter 25 . 4/26/2020
Did a reread. Still a well done story. Hope that Harry's gargoyle will give him a better conscience, and Ginny and Tonks cool off. Not sure what your plan was for the Malfoys. At the end there it sounds like they would turn Harry over to Morty (voldie) in a heartbeat. Still sad that you never posted part 2. Eleven year hiatus. Sigh.
Unicron The Destroyer3104 chapter 9 . 4/14/2020
Nice. My hands are shaking right now, this was so good. I cried 1/5 of the way into chapter 9, and cried till the end. You have a fabulous writing style. Please write part 2.
Accio Allsorts chapter 5 . 4/12/2020
For the freezing spell may I suggest Glacius instead of Freezus?
Inactive-Account-Free-Stories chapter 26 . 3/21/2020
I dislike how the story isn't just a change of how the villains aren't actually evil. I was rather liking the idea of Lucius being a good person, and that the light side was just overly radical in it's ideas. The story could do with Harry finding being all dark isn't good but being all light isn't good either.
While the story is great, it's just not what i was looking for or expecting.
iddek chapter 26 . 3/4/2020
I wish you would finish this
gindensmi chapter 26 . 2/24/2020
I enjoyed this story!
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 2 . 2/15/2020
You DO realise Tonks is/was a Hufflepuff, right?
The Gentleman with a Mustache chapter 7 . 2/3/2020
I'm honestly surprised that Dumbledore isn't freaking out at the fact that Harry is a Slytherin. It's honestly a nice change of pace. Though there's still the whole Dumbledore intentionally playing
Evil Fanfiction Writer chapter 26 . 1/29/2020
Wwhen will there be a dark lord potter part II? Where is the continuation?
GNesnios685 chapter 26 . 1/19/2020
I must have read this several times now over the years, it's an excellent story. What ever happened to the rest of it?
odonnellzoo99 chapter 2 . 1/13/2020
Tonks doesn’t know that Draco is her cousin and Lucius is her uncle? Ooookay. Knowing Lucius’ reputation, but not that he is married to her mother’s sister seems highly unlikely.
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