Reviews for Dark Lord Potter Part 1
Agentegs005 chapter 3 . 1/2/2017
Harry grandmother was a black and Andromeda was an slytherin.
AvidGamer chapter 2 . 12/30/2016
the lack of realism when dealing with an abused harry, as well as the fact that Andromeda, who is kind in the books, didn't want to rescue harry when she heard him being abused is so ridiculous that I'm not reading this anymore. the dialogue is to unrealistic as well
1967HogwartsGoddess chapter 26 . 12/29/2016
WHERE THE HELL IS MY SEQUEL? I KNOW WRITING IS HARD BUT LUV IT'S BEEN YEARS! YEARS! Please this is really really amazing, I'm captivated by the character development, plot and writing style. It's fucking brilliant. Please post the sequel.
suziq968 chapter 15 . 12/29/2016
This is a really good read so far. You made me cry for Harry and Tonks, but the switch from light to dark is fascinating. It's interesting to think about how much different things could have gone if the facts were presented differently and Harry was just a little more angry at the Dursleys and Dumbledore.
Oddballzebra chapter 3 . 12/5/2016
All right, lets just give everyone shape changing abilities, cause that sounds like a great idea. Why does everyone keep screaming? You don't need to keep using caps. Also Dark Lord and honor don't go in the same sentence. So far this fic has just been really over the top.
Oddballzebra chapter 2 . 12/5/2016
Tonks was sorted into hufflepuff actually.
Oddballzebra chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
No way would any sane person wait so long to intervene. A normal person would have done something after the first scream.
Renern chapter 26 . 11/20/2016
Nooooooo I needs more
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 1 . 11/15/2016
A great many problems and annoyances with botched details, but the plot and Harry's journey are engaging.

It's moot anyway, as this story series has been abandoned for over 7.5 years.
Stillheartdeep chapter 25 . 11/13/2016
If you are alive. I understand your not coming back. I read some of your reviews and people are way harsh. Rude asses, you can critique without being abrupt, rude or nasty. Constructive criticism people. There is no obligation here! Let's see your fics!
Stillheartdeep chapter 26 . 11/13/2016
Hi The Santi! Are you still alive?
Hallowtide chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
I absolutely loved this fic, up until the last chapter. I was so happy to see Harry and Tonks getting along with the Malfoys, but seeing Lucius POV ruined all the good feels.
Neale chapter 26 . 11/4/2016
This was an interesting and engaging slant on the story. The way you have the characters relating to each other isn't the way I'd have written them until the end, but as I said it was engaging enough to keep me reading. I know it's been a while, but I for one would love to see Part 2 etc written.

LittleFlowerchild chapter 8 . 10/24/2016
If your trying to do Latin spells, Volo means to Want... So that would not work...
FallenZApple chapter 4 . 10/24/2016
Shit! This is too awsome! I need to read more!
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