Reviews for Dark Lord Potter Part 1
missgsmith51 chapter 22 . 7/29/2016
Well, the Gargoyle thing was totally scary. The way Tonks described Gargoyles reminded me of the information Harry was given about Shadow Mages. The two definitely seem to have some things in common with Harry.

I wonder if someone as frequently angry as Harry will be able to keep the "inner Gargoyle" under control. I can see him unleashing it at Ron, the twins, or anyone who hurts someone Harry loves ... or anyone who has hurt Harry in the past. This would explain his feelings of wanting to kill Snape or Dumbledore. I dread what is sure to happen the first time Vernon or Dudley touch Harry. The Gargoyle will shred both of them.
missgsmith51 chapter 20 . 7/29/2016
Tempers certainly ran high in this chapter. Unfortunately for Harry, the only way anyone is going to support him against Dumbledore is if he reveals the abuse at the hands of the Dursleys. If he were to do that, I think his feelings about Dumbledore would be instantly understood by McGonagall and Flitwick, as well as many of the students. The Wizengamot would have to address Dumbledore's failures and how they have impacted Harry.
missgsmith51 chapter 19 . 7/29/2016
Well, at least Harry had a good alibi against the opening of the Chamber and the petrification of Mrs Norris. Does he know what the diary he gave to Hermione does? Does she still have the Diary? I wonder how long it will be before Harry connects her (assuming she is the culprit) to the opening of the Chamber and the petrifications that I assume will be starting soon? What will happen when it comes out that a Muggleborn is behind it? Will Riddle even want to use a Muggleborn?

I'm curious, though. Will the whole school accuse Harry of the petrifications even though he was obviously not the one who opened the Chamber?
MikeyBlue chapter 26 . 7/29/2016
Great story I really hope there is a Dark Lord Potter part 2!

Amazing story!
missgsmith51 chapter 18 . 7/29/2016
Dumbledore: "How did Harry find out I was his guardian? Why would he want to have me removed?"

It seems to me that the first question is actually the answer to the second. SHOULDN'T Harry know who his guardians are? Aren't they supposed to be teaching him his family history and training him in his family responsibilities? The fact that Dumbledore has never done any of this proves him to have been sufficiently derelict in his duties that he deserves no second chance. He cannot, after all, plead ignorance of the law, since he is head of the Wizengamot.

I wonder if Flitwick will ask Harry about this particular animated toy soldier battle, as it was quite violent. I should think he would want to know what kicked Harry into such a violent mode. I certainly would.

I don't understand why Hermione hasn't learned that speaking out without being called on or butting into others' conversations will earn her detentions or result in loss of points. It's as if she is under some sort of compulsion to call attention to herself. I wonder if she has discovered the Diary and what it does yet. Something about the way she left Tonks in the Great Hall - at breakfast on the first morning - made me think she was under some sort of compulsion. I guess we will find out at Halloween, as that tends to be a day of weirdness.
missgsmith51 chapter 17 . 7/29/2016
"Number 44 is actually dedicated to nothing but showing how to cook certain foods. Our house elves have been watching it nonstop for the last two days," Blaise said with a grin. *** LOL at the House-elves watching the Cooking Channel!

"Harry spent most of his night speaking with Salazar about Tonks. Unfortunately, his familiar refused to do anything but play the Devil's advocate as he completed agreed with Mrs. Tonks' opinion about Draco." I'm surprised Harry isn't listening to Salazar more closely, although I didn't understand him to be THAT hostile to the Rabbit. Perhaps Harry should talk to Salazar a bit more about the Malfoys. Harry trusts him, and perhaps Salazar has some insights Harry is unable to discern. I think a familiar should be trusted, especially Salazar, who has proven his loyalty and wisdom repeatedly.

The Twins really do seem to be bullying toward Tonks. What makes it so bad is that they not only bully her for her Metamorph status, but they impugn her reputation with subtle sexual innuendo. Of course, the parents never see this aspect of their "teasing," so they don't see it as bullying. I hope Tonks doesn't feel sidelined by Ginny.
missgsmith51 chapter 16 . 7/29/2016
Wow! You certainly packed a lot of action into this chapter.

"NYMPHADORA GAMMA ORIONIS TONKS!" I found it interesting that Gamma Orionis is another name for the star known as Bellatrix, which happens to be the name of Andromeda's other sister. I find it odd that Andromeda would give her daughter a middle name that has anything to do with Bella. Is there some requirement that Tonksie be named after her aunt? If so, is that why Andromeda used Gamma Orionis instead of Bellatrix? I'm just trying to figure out this one, because it doesn't make sense, knowing Andromeda ... unless the Black family magic forced it in some way.

The robe Tonks "acquired" and gave to Harry seems bound to eventually cause trouble. He surely can't wear it. I guess he'll have to settle for just knowing he has it. If Andromeda ever finds out what Tonks has done, I wonder what she will do. She already doesn't like Tonks to be around Harry. What if their relationship progresses to something more serious? The way they both acted while they were estranged reminded me of stories about soul-bonded couples who were separated. Is that a possibility with these two?

I'm surprised Lucius didn't do something to Harry for switching thr Diary to Hermione without asking first. I can't imagine him being too happy to have Harry "improving" upon his plan, especially since it would remove the punitive aspect from Arthur. Harry doesn't understand what the Diary is, correct? He just thinks it is a Dark artifact?

If Harry has to rescue Hermione from the Chamber ... or would he just leave her there? After what happened to him the last time he rescued her, he might not bother.

With all of the focus put on Ginny's wand and Ron's hostility over it, I expect something to happen involving Weasley wands. Will Ron's wand be broken this year? If so, it shouldn't be due to crashing the flying Anglia, since I don't expect Ron will need to fly it to school this year. Then again, he's such a twit that he might find an alternate reason.

I don't envy Lockhart this year. This Harry doesn't seem like he will be content to just sit idly or even skip a bad class. I can see him really hurting Lockhart, especially if Lockhart's ineptitude causes harm to someone Harry cares about ... like Tonks, Draco, or even Ginny. Does your Dumbledore really understand the harm he is doing to the students with these bad choices?
missgsmith51 chapter 15 . 7/29/2016
Well, I guess Andromeda won't be petitioning for custody of Harry; I had hoped she would be. I suppose Lucius will be trying. I'm sorry, but I really don't like OR trust Lucius and Narcissa.

As far as Harry looking to Dumbledore for any "guidance" ... I think that ship has sailed. Harry was already angry with him at finding he was responsible for Harry's ten-year long "incarceration" at Durzkaban. Condemning Harry to another summer in their "care" - especially after Tonks and Andromeda's eyewitness reports of two incidents of violence upon his person by Dudley and Vernon - has served to further reinforce the things Voldemort told Harry about Dumbledore wanting to control him. Dumbledore is doing everything to ruin his own standing in Harry's eyes, and this Harry is not impressed by Dumbledore's reputation. He's also not willing to cede control of his life to the Headmaster.

I'm curious to know if or when Harry plans to let Dumbledore know the blood wards don't exist, since there is no blood connection at Privet.
missgsmith51 chapter 14 . 7/29/2016
"That will be 78 pounds," the driver said quickly as he pulled up the dirt road near the Weasleys' home. ***** That's a pretty sneaky way to get out of paying the cab fare! Surely it can't be legal.

I think Harry was lucky Alexander Smith was a squib. Otherwise, I fear there would have been a major disaster. Of course, Vernon was lucky, too, because Salazar is a magical snake, and Vernon would have been bitten, no doubt about it. I fear this issue may not be over.

I wondered how Dobby would fit into this story. I'm curious to know whether he will be quite so interested in Harry's welfare once he truly realizes Harry's connection to the Malfoys. Will he turn on Harry, or will he try to help him?
missgsmith51 chapter 13 . 7/29/2016
While I still find Harry disturbing at times, he definitely has a moral code, or compass. It is simply influenced by what has been done to him over the years, chiefly by the Dursleys. His loyalty to both Tonks and Neville show that he is capable of appreciating those who are truly good people. He would do anything to keep them safe.

I liked the way you handled Harry's first year. It was different enough not to be a simple rehash of the books while still including the major plot points ... and that is an achievement.

I find myself wondering if Dobby will be interested in helping out this Harry and attempting to keep him away from Hogwarts. I also wonder if the bars on the windows, the locks on the door, and the cat flap will be making an appearance. I have a feeling the Dursleys will live (or die) to regret every inappropriate thing they ever did to Harry. It should be an eventful summer.
missgsmith51 chapter 12 . 7/29/2016
That was certainly an interesting meeting. And it was all Hermione's fault ... and Tonks's, I suppose. If Hermione hadn't insisted on going after the Stone, Harry would never have become involved.

I wonder if Harry will tell Dumbledore about Lily being adopted - even if he doesn't give specifics - so he can avoid the Dursleys? Or will he go back and seek revenge on them? This should be interesting.
missgsmith51 chapter 11 . 7/29/2016
I'm not a big Harry/Ginny fan, either, and I simply don't believe Ron and Hermione could ever work. I do like Harry with Tonks, Hermione (not this version, though), Luna, Susan, Daphne, Katie, and even Fleur.

I have to say that Forbidden Forest detention has never made sense to me. Why on earth would McGonagall send four untrained first years someplace they're forbidden to be, with a giant who is not allowed to do magic, to find something dangerous enough to kill a Unicorn and scare the other denizens of the Forbidden Forest? This makes NO SENSE AT ALL ... unless Dumbledore dreamed up the detention as a test for Harry. The same is true for the ridiculous gauntlet set up on the third floor to "protect" the Philosopher's Stone ... with protections that could be overcome by three first years. I think these show an unpleasant aspect of the Headmaster's character.
missgsmith51 chapter 7 . 7/28/2016
"[McGonagall] was vaguely aware that the Weasley twins gave Ms. Tonks a rough time last year ..."

I should think that, as Head of Gryffindor AND Deputy Head Mistress, she should have been a heckuva lot more than "vaguely aware." No wonder the abuse continues. Didn't Andromeda complain? If the tables had been turned, I have no doubt Molly would have been screeching about it in Howlers to the perpetrator and her mother, as well as both Albus and Minerva.

Harry is arrogant. He acts like a young Sirius in some of the "prequel" type stories I've read, with the exception of his anti-Muggle and Muggleborn sentiments.
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 7/28/2016
I find the accusation of plagiarism interesting. I have read hundreds of fics on this site, and even the most unique stories have SOME similarities to other stories, no matter how much tinkering is done with characters, their ages, etc. So far, yours is rather unique, but then I haven't read any other stories that have Harry acting dark so early in the game. I also think it is quite possible that people can come up with similar ideas all on their own. Don't worry about the jerks.

Having said all of that ... I find your Harry disturbing in his Muggle and Muggleborn bigotry. If it were just the Dursleys and Dudley's gang, I wouldn't be as bothered, but the blanket hatred is disturbing. I will also admit that Hermione was a pain, too, but Harry's responses were ... scary. I'm withholding comment on the Weasley situation for a while, as I don't like their actions, and they should know better. I admit I'm curious to see where you take Harry in your story.
missgsmith51 chapter 5 . 7/28/2016
Well, it looks as though the Dursleys, through their treatment of Harry, created the means of their future destruction. I hope they learn this, as it should keep them living in terror while they await their fate.

I wonder ... Will Harry's Shadow Mage abilities provide him any protection from Dementors? That would be nice.
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