Reviews for Force Bond 1: Orphan
Elocindragon chapter 13 . 3/28/2005
Great story!
TeeDee chapter 13 . 1/10/2005
Whew! And at one time I didn't think this could get any better. My favorite Star Wars stories have now grown to be the BEST Star Wars stories EVER. I really can't wait to see what other changes you're making.

It's nice how you expanded the world and brought more people into it. I never before realized it WAS a narrow view of people around him... That's probably because it wasn't narrow, it was just narrow-er-!

Seriously. I'm impressed!
anjela chapter 13 . 12/9/2004
Wow that's like twice as long as it used to be . I like the added bits. Especially the bits with Luke at the orphanage.
SSJ-Spiderfan Offline chapter 13 . 11/23/2004
Nice rewrite. I like it-definitely better than the original. )
Kazzy chapter 13 . 11/18/2004
Wow. That just blew me away. It is light years ahead of the original and I already thought that was very good. This is simply amazing. Words cannot express.

I am glad Tis is dead, completely dead. What a terrible creature. Maybe he wasn't once, but he is now. I hope those other Jedi get out all right and are able to live good lives.

It's sad that Obi-Wan is dead, but at least he managed to Luke to Vader - which, ok, is questionable, but still better than Tis. When Obi-Wan wonders what will happen to his pictures on Tatooine is a sad moment and it really makes you wonder - what did happen to them?

And now Vader knows.
Kazzy chapter 11 . 11/18/2004
I guess it was lucky that Luke didn't tell his name to the doctor in front of Vader because that woudl have been a nasty shock in the middle of the hospital! Luke Skywalker!

Chilee is a nasty boy, and yes so angry. If his father bothered to pay him the slightest bit of attention. I hate parents like that. It's so unfair on the children and then they end up like Chilee - little monsters themselves.

People give Luke flak for being a whiner, but I don't know, you have to be real strong to get through what he did in canon. Likewise you have to be tough to get through what he goes through here.
Kazzy chapter 10 . 11/18/2004
Ok, short review for just this chapter. Well, I never would have thought! But it's really fascinating to read about Murzil Tis and what his motives are for trying to get to Luke. I'm eith Obi-Wan though, he wrong (I guess that's the point). I would comment further but that would drag into spoilers. I think it's best how it turns out in the end, well, better anyway.

It's nice to see the extended version ;) of the scene at Imperial Palace. Odd in a way, because I remember parts of it from before, but I like the way this one draws it out, with Luke hiding behind the statue.
Kazzy chapter 8 . 11/18/2004
Poor Luke doesn't get much in the way of freedom. It seems everywhere he turns he gets snatched back again, poor kid. And now he's at Lerrod's - I remember him, and his son. I also rmember they weren't fun people. Fun for Luke anyway. Made life interesting for the readers though. And I suppose without Lerrod the X*X *Kazzy muffles her voice so as not to give away any spoilers to unsuspecting readers.

But the Jedi gets steadily closer to Luke :O Not a good thing. He's not an especially nice person. but then so is Obi-Wan :) And hey there's Dex, he wasn't there the first time round, but now he is. Actually I'm glad to see him. he's one of those charcters you can't imagine going anywhere. He's just there. I hope you don't have any plans to kill him do you. Please don't. Although, I suppose at this stage if you ahve it's too late for my pleading.

Love Vader's thoughts at the of chp 8 end how about if Obi-Wan would just show himself Vader wouldn't need to worry about patience. That is a classic Vader/Anakin answer!
Kazzy chapter 6 . 11/17/2004
So that's what happened to Luke! It seems like he got up to much more mischief than we knew the last time around! Wow, clever escape plan - but why was his escape plan the right thing to do. I mean I can make a few guesses, but it's still a little intriguing, coz it might be something new or if it's not I don't know exactly what...

Bail's around, cool! If I remember rightly, he didn't show up until a later book. Nice to see him. But now Obi-Wan is risking a lot by going to Coruscant. :O

Nice work as always. But it's my bed time now. I'll be back tomorrow!
Kazzy chapter 4 . 11/17/2004
It's Fode and Beed! :D And they got some characterisation. :p Seriously, it's kinda interesting to see their back ground as it is with all the characters. I'm really enjoying seeing how you're really bringing this story out. It's fascinating. Prior to this I thought this was an excellent story, but it's brilliant, now - almost beyond words (but I try not be beyond words ever)

I'm worried about Luke, getting caught by the Stormtroopers like that, that coudl be a problem. I hope hs friends are ok too. You've really added a lot of depth to Luke's character. Poor boy, it would be traumatic to see you aunt and uncle die like that and then get shipped off to the otherside of the galaxy, I'm not surprised he stopped speaking for a while. Nor am I surprised he found his way out that institution - he is a Skywalker after all!
Kazzy chapter 2 . 11/17/2004
So you're re-writing this? Let me be the first to say - YAY! :D

I like it so far, I really do. Particularly this last chapter with vader acting very Vader-ishy. :D He never did have much time for idiots, and that Senator does seem like a first class one. Bleh.

The confrontation between Vader and Palpatine at the end was very interesting, especially the second to last paragraph. I honestly don't know how Vader put up with being told what to do for so long. I guess it just goes to show the strength of Palpatine's mind games.

Brilliant work. It may take me a few days but I'm going to try and re-read all of this!
deletemeplzthnx chapter 2 . 9/18/2004
Wow - this a very original plotline. I'm enjoying it!
Garowyn chapter 4 . 4/13/2004
Very good! I just have one question. Who was the man fighting Obi Wan with the Dark Side?
Kateri1 chapter 4 . 3/4/2004
Fascinating story, very interesting. Off to read the sequels now
Wintersong chapter 3 . 12/4/2003
I really like this story!
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