Reviews for Force Bond 1: Orphan
Grand Moff Utahraptor chapter 5 . 7/17/2001
Force! This was one of the best AU fics I've ever read. I really want to see a sequal. Vader and Luke are my favorite characters, so I love reading these types of

AUs! Keep up the good work.
SJ chapter 1 . 7/16/2001
AAaarrrgh! Kitttttttt! You can't stop it on the roof, that's impossible! This is so great that I haven't been able to go to bed yet, and I really should :) Please, tell me that there's going to be a sequel to it :) Please, pretty please (SJ on her knees, begging)

I'm adding you to the author watch thing just so that I will know when you will post more :) So... please, write more of this awesome story :)
arron chapter 1 . 7/13/2001
More! More! More! More! More!
Silverwolf22 chapter 5 . 7/11/2001
This is a very good story. I can't wait to read the sequel.
selfadjustingsqueegee chapter 5 . 7/11/2001
Cool! If you got more, do it!
Miss B chapter 5 . 7/11/2001
Great plot! Loved it, escpecially the scenes between Luke and Vader. Sequel? Please? Heck, I *demand* a sequel! I wanna find out what happens! *whines*
Ferret Kunoichi chapter 5 . 7/11/2001
Sarah Kay chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
Wow that was deep. That was great!
Kato when signed in chapter 5 . 7/10/2001

Why do all wonderful stories have to end in these cliff-hanger endings! ANyways that was a great story and one worth reading! Great job! (I love AUs)

Dana chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
That was a great story. Will Luke become an agent of the Dark, or will he turn Vader back to the Light? I can't wait to find out!
Genesis chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
This is an incredable fic, keep it coming. I wonder what ramifications that last statement that obiwan made will have on Anakin? Keep it coming as fast as humanly possible.
Mary chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
Wow, great story! Couldn't wait to finish it. Vader almost seemed human.
Mina1 chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
That was fab. There's more, right? There has to be more!
basha chapter 5 . 7/10/2001
more,more,more please
KittandChips chapter 1 . 7/10/2001
hi, author here. I was really nervous about posting this, so thanks for all your positive comments. About the end - yes, the darkside user who killed Owen and Beru, the spindly alien in the cells, and the attacker at the end, were all the same person. I'll add a few sentences to the last chapter, to make it clearer.
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