Reviews for The Marriage Stone
Nagilover4ever chapter 78 . 2/16
Loved it so much. Hope live is treating you well.
hanasierrahana chapter 78 . 2/14
When is the next chapter coming out? Just finished Chapter 77 " The Marriage Stone " and I absolutely loved it! Your work is inspiring for next generation. If you're open to feedback or minimal communication, I'd love to share some thoughts on the next chapter and cover design
More inquiry:
Discord: hana_sierra
Insta: hanasierrahan
Email: hanasierrahana gmail Dot com
Starsofspars chapter 78 . 2/4
Dear Josephine,
It's been almost 20 years since I discovered this story, and I find myself loving it more every time I read it, which has been several times by now :) Despite everything that Harry goes through in it, the story is a warm, comforting blanket to me, and I want to thank you for having taken so much of your time to write it and share it with us. My heart goes out to you for these difficult years. I'm happy to learn that you started writing again - writing pretty much saved my mental health at some point - and that you see a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you keep getting better. Lots of hugs!
Still just a fan 3
Guest chapter 78 . 1/29
I just finished this entire story in 3 days; it was just consuming! The author is a very talented writer, and amorous the story is unfinished, it’s a lovely read that will stick in my mind for ages.
Aether chapter 78 . 1/20
I have no idea if you still get these notifications, but I remember reading this back in 2009, and waiting for any sort of sign you were doing alright when you stepped away from writing.

I am sorry for your losses. That is never easy, and there are no words adequate enough.

That said, this fic stuck with me through the years, and that much I wanted to share with you after doing a reread after a literal decade and a half.
reditusm chapter 78 . 1/17
Hallo, kann leider kein Englisch. Lass mir die Geschichte ins Deutsche Germany übersetzen. Ich bewundere dich für deine Kraft und wünsche dir sehr viel weiter davon in deinem Leben. Ich muss ehrlich sagen, dass ich unendlich dankbar bin für die ein oder andere Fortsetzung, da ich diese Geschichte hier einfach nur abgöttisch, liebe ich mir aber auch Egal wie lange es her ist wünschen würde, dass du sie voll endest.
summer164 chapter 16 . 1/17
Love Worldbuilding
Ep secret counties
Guest chapter 78 . 1/14
It's been over 10 years since I first came across this story, and yet every re-read is as enjoyable as the first.

It is comforting, like the presence of an old friend. So long, beautifully detailed, and emotive, The Marriage Stone remains my most favorite fanfiction across any fandom.

I took care of my dad for the last 3 years, and lost him this last October. While I sat holding him in his final hours, my chaotic, wandering mind brought me the memory of the final chapter you wrote. It drew parallels to the amazing way you described the heartbreaking emotions that the characters were going through, and it brought feelings of both comfort and hopelessness. I made a note to read this again once the stress of settling his affairs had passed, and the deep grief of loss wasn't so all-encompassing. Yesterday was that day, and I needed this story more that I could've imagined.

If you ever come back to read these, please know how much I appreciate what you've done. The ecstatic beauty of the world you've created has helped me immensely, and I am forever grateful.

Looking forward the the next reread in a couple of years. Light and love to you, your family, and to the gift you've given people you'll never meet. Thank you.
ManYeol chapter 2 . 1/5
Hi, it's been almost two years since my second review, and four since my first!
That, it my head doesn't make sense. It feels like yesterday since I first read your story and fell for it!

Since then a lot has changed but my love for 'the marriage stone' has remained the same (if not grown, I'd be lying actually if I said my love hasn't multiplied tenfold), I finally read a couple of Jane Austen's novels and I'd like to thank you for influencing me to do so. Last May I read Pride & Prejudice and last November I read Emma. Emma is my most favourite book! So thank you for that!

I have to confess that from the first time I read your story I regularly think about it, if not daily then almost. I just cannot stop thinking about it. So, I have to read it at least once or twice (if not more) times a year.

This time I just couldn't help myself and had to leave another review just in case you keep reading these and you see it and it makes you a little bit happy!

All my love, your ever devoted fan Man Yeol.
SkyPrince09 chapter 78 . 12/26/2024
Dear author,

I know that it has been a while since this note was published, since according to the website, it was in 2016. That does not mean that I do not want to congratulate you for being so strong and finding the courage to move forward, despite the difficulties that life has imposed on you. I want to tell you that I have never, even though I am a long-time reader, read something as masterfully written as your work: the way you describe each character and delve into their world, giving it life, color and the power to connect with each person you meet. set your eyes on him, regardless of which character he is; that darkness, light and romance intrinsically intertwined is too exciting.

I don't know if you have already buried this story, considering all the factors that have made its resolution impossible, but it seems infamous to me to see that other authors, even if they are well-intentioned, destroy your work by deforming it and making it more cheerful, without any context, long without substance or of low quality, which impresses me because they have the excellent raw material that your story shines through.

I must admit that being curious and begging for a conclusion is extremely selfish, so I don’t intend for this message to be misinterpreted by telling you that if you have inspiration, stability and time, do not hesitate to continue, as a way of improving yourself, with a clean. Taking the advice of the wise in emphasizing that writing, as well as other arts, is a viable escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Thank you for informing us of your situation, even though you don't owe anyone an explanation, and we appreciate the effort you may not be making toward this story.

Saying goodbye,

An admirer.

PS: Sorry if there is a bad translation from Spanish to English; blame Google.
SilentReaderFF chapter 4 . 12/23/2024
Hmmmm. Its not harry’s fault tho? Draco is being a shit so obviously harry needs to protect himself. And nobody ever said or tutor him on how he should behave now that he is married. Nobody even taught of teaching him about the wizarding world traditions and rules. Its the adults responsibility obviously. Its like victim blaming.
sleepingisbliss13 chapter 77 . 12/22/2024
I'm still waiting for you to finish this story, even after so many years. Every few months, I re read The Marriage Stone because it is just so good. I have always wondered how you would have continued the story. What would happen to the muggles? How would the world deal with the fallout of all the deaths and magic potentially being completely exposed? How would the team deal with Voldemort? How would Harry and Severus' relationship continue to develop? Will there please be a happy ending? On here and on other websites, I have read many other autors versions of your story where they pick up where you left off. Some are pretty good, but none are you. This is your story and no one can finish it properly in a way that sounds like you wrote it. I understand that life happens and people get busy, but this is one story that I would love to see you pick back up if you are able, even if it is just to dump everything in one post. I hope life is treating you better now. Praying for a miracle!
Your lifelong fan
Animeworld2.0 chapter 15 . 12/17/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I run a YouTube channel called Infinity Harry (Channel link: Infinityharry), where I share fanfiction stories with an audience that prefers listening over reading.

I would like to inform you that my channel is now monetized, and I make sure to give proper credit in the description of your story. Additionally, I will share the video link under your story review for your view. I respect authors and their copyright.

If you have any suggestions, such as a title starting with “What If” or any other preferences, I am happy to make changes according to your guidance.

I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. Please reply at your earliest convenience with permission.

Thank you!...
Pepsicorn chapter 78 . 12/13/2024
Hey. I really hope you're well.
I think I've just read this for the 4th time and enjoyed every minute. I'm another one of those who'll happily be surprised with an update however long it takes.
I hope you're inspired one day to continue the magic.
Meren chapter 78 . 12/12/2024
I just did a re-read of the story. It's still as capticating as it was When I started Reading in 2006! I still love every bit of it. And I am one of those readers that will wait for the next decades! Just so you know - this is one rare thing out there :-)
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