Reviews for Eden
AstorothsPeace chapter 50 . 12/14/2024
I loved this story. However, I like to believe Hermione healed and truly learned to love Ron. Lucius was a sick man, even when he loved her, he hit her. He would have been physically and mentally abusive their entire lives. She was "his" and she would have bowed forever. With Ron, Hermione can heal and have a true relationship. It was right that her and Ron survived. She twisted a twisted man up and made him love her in order to be the tool for them to survive. It was the one good thing Lucius died, as sad as it was in the moment. Ron even raised his son as his own, with no hatred, likely because he loved Hermione so much and knew the boy was also half her.
ElectricThursday chapter 50 . 10/21/2024
First time reading this fic after finding myself deep in the world of LuciusHermione. This story has had me in an utter chokehold the last three days! Incredible writing, characterisation, overwhelmmy god, I’m not certain I’ll ever recover from thisthank you! 3
Dunesya chapter 50 . 3/28/2024
This honestly still the best fanfiction I’ve ever read.
I read it first ten years ago.
Now that I reread it, so many details make more sense than back then.
I truly hope you are a published author now.
This masterpiece cant forever stay on fanfiction .net…

Thank you.
seeing-is-believing chapter 50 . 3/19/2024
Harrowing. Just absolutely harrowing. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve re-read Eden over the years but I first read it around 12 years ago (which is mental to think it’s been that many years and I still can’t get it out of my head). I genuinely think I develop PTSD alongside Hermione for a while after every time I finish it. I’ve never had quite the same reaction to reading an actual real book as I have when reading this masterpiece. Everything about it is stunningly perfect; the plot, the writing, the characterisation… From the start, you said it wasn’t going to be a happy ending but boy was I not prepared for how un-happy it was. It’s all too obvious from the start that Lucius has to die in the end but Jesus, I didn’t expect it to tear me apart as much as it does. It made me feel as though I was experiencing the pain Hermione felt as she lost Lucius. Bravo, obsessmuch.
issasio chapter 50 . 12/5/2023
All I've Ever Known- Bahamas,I’ve read this fic few days ago, But when I first heard the song, my tears just…
Eva Presser chapter 50 . 9/17/2023
At the end I cried like a baby. Thank You for this uniqe, specific story which showed the incomprehensible, complex but real depths of the soul. I can believe and understand it. Special thanks for not making it a romantic slime.
Bionic chapter 50 . 7/19/2023
I’m absolutely destroyed. Thank you so much for this wonderful, terrible, mind warp of a story.
kayaa0218 chapter 10 . 3/10/2023
I’ve never read a story like this it’s so good. I can’t stop reading it
reallybeth chapter 50 . 2/26/2023
Never in a million years would I have thought to read a Hermione/Lucius pairing, but here we are.

First off. The story was brilliant and horribly sad and twisted...keeping me come back for more.

That being said, I feel like I am one of the few who, from chapter 1 to chapter 50, despised Lucius Malfoy and never wanted him with Hermione. He was irredeemable from start to finish, and he never loved hermione at all. He was possesive and toxic and even in the end i couldnt be swayed and was happy when he died. Hermione definitely had some form of Stockholm syndrome, and the poor girl should have had years and years of therapy from the emotional abuse she had to endure at his hands. And god. Out of everyone, HE is the one who deserves to be happy. He was an absolute Saint and I love him more than I already did. He was willing to do anything and everything for Hermione, unlike effing Lucius who just had a strange obsession with her.

Anyway, great fic!
Margaret chapter 50 . 1/16/2023
I keep coming back for Eden. Still the best fanfic I've ever read. It's already maybe 12 years since I first read it. So well written and amazed by the plot and whole story. Thank you Author for writing this beautiful story (eventhough maybe you didn't read comments anymore).
AnyaVista chapter 1 . 11/17/2022
Forst of all, thank you, I really liked the story plot and some of it's parts.
But... I guess some chapters and descriptions of internal and external turmoil were really monotonous.

I guess, due to the specific context it is supposed to be so, because this is how it is i. reality.

The vibe slightly reminded me of "The Process" by Frantz Kafka or 1984...(which are also monotonous...)

I guess this was a point in the storythe dystopian writing styleto which I couldn't really relate...
But the rest of story line was great!
Again, many thanks!
Dunesya chapter 1 . 11/9/2022
I will forever come back to this story.
The best piece of fiction I’ve ever read and I am a literature major mine you.
My yearly read.
As each year, it makes me fall into deep sadness over the bittersweet ending.
I truly hope this author has been writing novels since this.
morganvleeee chapter 1 . 10/15/2022
God this is such a good story
Read it ages ago but still like to reread when I want to torture myself
So traumatic and sad but so good!
Wow 3 chapter 50 . 7/9/2022
I just...I've been reading this at least once a year for the last ten years, and it still makes me tear up and sob the whole way through. Everything is so beautifully written and still so horrific in it's own way. I adore everything about this story still, and will continue to cherish it 333 Literally writing this still with tears in my eyes from crying over the last five chapters3
LizzieJo chapter 50 . 6/16/2022
Oh my God! This story is sooo disturbing, sooo intense! I totally love it! I didn't thought I would have identified in Hermione so much! It's very odd but... I cried a lot when Lucius died! It's insane, isn't it?
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