Reviews for Hearts Aflame
Ravonsky chapter 14 . 1/28/2018
I absolutely LOVED this piece. I really enjoy you’re writing.

Seeing as this was published over a decade ago I think this may go unanswered, but have you ever thought about writing from Turniphead/Prince Jason’s POV? :o I think you’d do an amazing job. And you’d have more creative freedom since anything could’ve happened from the time before he went missing to returning him :o
Guest chapter 14 . 1/21/2018
Simply beautiful! Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing with us.
ZaffreBat17 chapter 14 . 1/19/2018
ZaffreBat17 chapter 1 . 1/19/2018
Epic Otaku Cherry chapter 14 . 12/20/2017
This was exactly what I needed. I had just recently rewatched the movie, and now that I’m older, I realize that there’s a lot that the movie didn’t explain. Knowing it was based off a book, I realize the movie seemed to include almost all the major plot and character developments and had a lot of details, but they didn’t really explain anything. The why’s and how’s were absent. I just finished a fic that takes place AFTER the movie that revealed some insight, but reading this, the movie so fresh in my mind and you going scene by scene was perfect. I finally understand why things happened the way they did, how they did it and why Ghibli presented everything the way they did. Every decision they made in direction and animation and scripts worked even more perfectly once you knew how the characters (specifically Howl) was feeling and the importance of every scene. It’s incredible looking back on it, how well they did without actually going into depth about anything, which is a problem, but makes me crave a version of the movie that better fleshed out EVERYTHING. That just would have been phenomenal.

Thank you so much for this story. It was everything I needed and more. It was so lovely to actually feel Howl fall for Sophie, since it was hard to know how he actually felt throughout until he told her.

I love you for this. Thank you.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/8/2017
This was simply amazing! I loved this story.
The characterisation was pretty good and I you convinced me the reasoning for all of his actions.
I know it's been a long while since you published this story but I had to review it!
It's just so damn good!
Meteor Gin chapter 1 . 5/27/2017
I so wish this story had continued...
LadyLament chapter 14 . 5/24/2017
I could easily picture this in my head, the voices the actions, it was awesome! I'm glad someone did this, it was beautifully written.
Walker 19049 chapter 14 . 4/30/2017
I had to review. Look, don't take it the wrong way, but I'm too much of an lazy ass and all... but your fanfic forced me.

The no. of favs and follows is so high! But the number of reviews does no justice. This wonderfully well written story needs atleast 500 reviews, from which you are just 1 away, so, why not?

And writing the whole movie from Howl's POV... is clearly not a piece of cake, and I know it as well. And believe me, your fanfic is on eof the best n refreshing one I've read yet.
Keep up the good work!
JustBecause170 chapter 11 . 3/21/2017
Hearts aflame indeed, mine practically melted! The end of thing chapter was sigh worthy and wonderful.
Keirra chapter 14 . 3/4/2017
This fic was, quite literally, a wish come true. I put the movie on tonight and got 10 minutes in before I needed a fic of his pov on the events. Really there was no way this could have been better! It's a wonderful take on it and I feel you got his character so spot on.
RAGAnne chapter 14 . 2/27/2017
It can be fascinating to go back and read earlier works from authors I love. I can see how much you've progressed in the last 9 years of writing and yet it still feels very much like you. I loved reading this story from Howl's possible point of view. It was fun to get some blanks filled in and see what could have been going through his mind at various parts of the story. Thanks for the fun read!
micaelaann chapter 14 . 12/5/2016
I love how you were able to capture the movie form Howl's perspective as well as add some of your own to it. Very nicely written.
Anne-Lilian chapter 14 . 10/11/2016
This was a great story, thank you so much for posting it, and for sticking with it to the end!
Autumn2005 chapter 14 . 7/29/2016
Thank you for this story! I actually found you from your Doctor Who fics, and I liked your style so I went looking for what else you wrote. When I saw Howl's Moving Castle I was so thrilled, I had to read it! I love how you breathed life into Howl without having to copy the movie word for word. At the same time your descriptions were so good that I could picture it in my head as it was happening. This really made sense and was very believe able. I also love that you've read the book too, as Diana Wynne jones is one of my all time favorite authors, RIP! I realize that it's been 9 years since you wrote this story, but I hope you still get this review and know that someone else loved your story! I will definitely recommend it to my friend!
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