Reviews for Uninvited Guests |
LaineeCera chapter 1 . 3/27/2013 I've read this story like... 7 times... xD It's so awesome. |
Guest chapter 41 . 3/25/2013 Okay, I admit it, originally I was a bit skeptical about how good it could possibly be. But I was wrong. This has to be the single most hilarious bleach fic I have ever read. Now I'm kind of left with a craving of reading something with Toushiro and Harribel. And preferably Gin. .. I think I died with laughter when he defected. |
KaMaNd114 chapter 10 . 3/15/2013 Oh my GOD!this story is absolutely awesome!this is the best humour story i have ever read!ooooo and chapter was perfect!:-D:D:-D:D:-P |
MorgantheFae chapter 41 . 3/11/2013 "And he smiled. Oh, he did smile." This line never fails to creep me out. It's possibly my favorite line about Gin –i mean Ing– i've ever read, and it's possibly my favorite line in this entire fic. It's hard to be sure, given, well, this entire fic, but i do love that line. It makes me want to look over my shoulder. |
MorgantheFae chapter 33 . 3/10/2013 ...So even Soi Fon forgot about Komamura, huh? |
MorgantheFae chapter 21 . 3/9/2013 Apparently, the way a ghost can get tuberculosis is if he had it before he died, and then died of it, and the symptoms carried over into the afterlife. Who'd have thought? By the way, this is i think the third time i've read this fic, and i only love it more each time. Thanks so much for writing it! |
omnimon12 chapter 41 . 3/6/2013 *hoarse from laughing* |
Druja chapter 16 . 3/4/2013 Bwahahshahahahahahahah! This is the most funniest shit ive eer read |
Druja chapter 7 . 3/3/2013 I love that last line. And if we don't? We find some popcorn. Hahahahahahahahaha too funny |
Proper the Incredible chapter 41 . 2/22/2013 Because of you I read the entire night. Poor innocent me opened this story at about six o clock at a Wednesday and since then I have LITERALLY not slept. In the middle of the week when I still have to go to school I just stopped sleeping so that I could read as much as this as possible. I hate you yet I love you. There are so many amazing lines in this story I really do not know which one I liked the most. You, my good author, posses a frightening, awe-inspiring ability to create chaos when you write, it was so funny it was sometimes hard to keep up. I would not stop laughing no matter how tired I grew. I am now going to sleep for twelve hours straight, then I'm going to go through ALL of your other stories. You're amazing. |
Criticanon chapter 22 . 2/17/2013 Was that an Aaron Allston reference? |
MiracleAngel500 chapter 41 . 2/6/2013 *And thank you to every future reader who steps on after the ride is completed and gets to read it all the way through in one sitting.* No, thank YOU. Where did you learn to write like this?! Oh, god... how long has it been since I read a story like this? Um... the number of years is the same as my age! This story leaves me with one comment: LMFAO. |
KanadeSong chapter 41 . 1/17/2013 funniest..STORY..EVER. |
claymade chapter 41 . 1/12/2013 Wow, finally getting back to this story after getting sidetracked on it for a while, and remembering just how hilarious it was. Actually re-read most of it from the beginning, just to get the straight-through feel of the whole experience. It's nice to see it reach some measure of closure, especially since it nets our hero some moderate measure of peace and satisfaction. It did get progressively more "meta" as the story went along, which I think in some ways lessened the impact just slightly versus some of the earlier stuff. But I think it was also kinda the natural progression of the kinds of things you were doing, and I don't know that I would have really wanted it to go differently in the final analysis. Part of me felt a little left-hanging by the "return to mostly status quo, with some exceptions" ending, but it definitely fits with the tone of the piece. And of course, seeing that one last "Aizen claims credit for absolutely everything, everywhere as part of his overarching plan" parody scene was an absolutely golden and hilarious, and it was also great to see Komam...oh, sorry, the "Dark Lord Wolfington" finally get a REAL moment of awesome that wasn't just a dream. All in all, a most excellent finale to one of the funniest fanfics I've had the pleasure of reading. Thank you very much for sharing this with us! |
fouth wall broke chapter 41 . 1/5/2013 Wow. That was amazing! You managed to break the fourth wall in a way that seemed natural and was extremely funny. Many other authors who try this make it seem forced and takes away from the story, wheras you make it add so much to the story. Wonderful job. This is one of the best bleach fanfics I've ever read, and I've read a lot, (maybe around my 800th story by now.) Great job. |