Reviews for Uninvited Guests
Guest chapter 27 . 3/4/2023
Well rip hamtaro as an executioner. I love how hitsugaya is like look we're screwed of you keep fighting my favorite part was when he insulted ikkaku by saying he wouldn't trust him to find his way out if his own house. I liked how they insulted each other and then compared tips. My favorite ikkaku line in this fic might be "why do I care? These weirdos aren't my friends and then promptly realizes yumichika is his friend.
Guest chapter 26 . 3/4/2023
Aizen losing to yachiru in a battle of ewits was great. Hamtaro trying to strangle whole Ukitake offered tips was funny. I love hallibels reactions to hitsugaya's comments and Matsumoto getting more and more angry.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/4/2023
I love how hitsugaya is like halibel is useful so we're keeping her. I like how over the top this halibel is compared to Canon and her random crush on hitsugaya is hilarious. Soi fon figuring out she has a crush and staying the exact same was great. Poor hamtaro and having the alarm shinigami reappear was funny.
Guest chapter 24 . 3/4/2023
I love kyoraku's terrible plan it sounds like something he might suggest in Canon in jest. I love how hitsugaya pivots when Matsumoto threatens to never move out and the ensuing banter is great. It was mutually detrimental deal though unfortunately for gin.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/4/2023
Hitsugaya coming back to sanity was really nice scene I liked how it was kinda character growth. Matsumoto solving her problem was also good growth on her end. I love hanataro getting a moment to shine. Yamamoto and co being terrified of soi fon was hilarious.
Guest chapter 22 . 3/4/2023
I love how Matsumoto can't lie and then the horror in aizens reaction when he realized yachiru was loose syaelzaporro just bawling was funny. I also thought Yamamoto agreeing to murder kyoraku for Ukitake was touching. Momo being delusional was funny too.
Guest chapter 21 . 3/4/2023
I love how none of them care its grimjow and tousen wants him to die. The prison scene was a nice change of pace good to know soul society still has problems. Momo coming with some good plans and aizen just getting confused was great!
Guest chapter 20 . 3/4/2023
Mr whiskery best OC of all time. Matsumoto is not good at excuses and it's hilarious the cake baking was funny. Yumichika worried about his face was funny too.
Guest chapter 19 . 3/4/2023
Hallibel your taste in men is concerning yet hilarious. The cheese works once more XD! Unfortunately Matsumoto couldn't get past grimjow.
Guest chapter 18 . 3/4/2023
Berserker hitsugaya just going to town on Espada was awesome I also like how we don't see the fights just the result it makes it seem like it's too graphic for readers. Hallibel being into it was hilarious and Matsumoto threatening 11th division was other high points. I love neurotic aizen more than Canon aizen.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/4/2023
Aizen just overthinking was great and his whole convo with gin was fun especially them just ignoring tosen. Hinamori with the worst thing involved swords was an ouch but aizen creating the world with his hands was hilarious. I also like how she's not worried because aizen is there.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/4/2023
Hitsugaya has exited the building. I love how soi fon is like oh he saved me the trouble. Yumichika just knowing not to mess with rangiku was great and so was aizen's confusion.
Guest chapter 15 . 3/4/2023
This is one of the best chapters in the whole fic imo. It starts hitsugaya's complete insanity arc at the end. I really enjoy whole conversation between Yamamoto and kyoraku especially the part where Yamamoto is going to need a new doctor and the part where kyoraku talks formally instead of like someone who he met at a bus station. The rumors were kinda funny and I enjoyed hitsugaya just being annoyed at Matsumoto until he realized it's zarakis fault.
Guest chapter 14 . 3/4/2023
The plot twist of momo at the end genius. Soi fon bring a terrible master of spies was hilarious as was the ever escalating rumors. Rukia and byakuya talking and deciding its not worth getting into was great too.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/4/2023
I really enjoyed the detail of ikkaku and yumichika being insanely good at darts. From cult to treason was the obvious solution and I thought it was nice hitsugaya was worried about Matsumoto even if she's about to stab him in the back. Also the fact he counted rukia not being mad at him as a win on his end was funny.
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