Reviews for Uninvited Guests
Sakura Chara chapter 41 . 4/23/2016

Guest chapter 2 . 3/31/2016
'Locus' means 'place' in Latin
Hyouton Inuki chapter 22 . 3/27/2016
Just want to say that no matter how many times I read this story, it never fails to entertain me 3 You're so talented 3 It's all crazy but somehow, I still find our beloved characters very in-character, even naturally they should be OOC. Then take a look at them, and I think "oh, if they're thrown in these circumlations which could be called hell, they'd definetly act like this". LOL

I really love how you portrayed Ukitake. He's so nice and crazy at the same time. Shunsui, stop bully your best friend ~ Though as a reader, I like how cruel he was )))))
Zmeiss chapter 41 . 3/14/2016
Great story! Thank you! Recently heard a song about the same subject. Sorry for the terrible translation, the song is in Russian and I don't know very well English. I hope at least a bit understandable...

Today at the fire meeting of the detachment
Around the campfire, there were formerly the barracks of the ninth...
I told you not to smoke there boys!
What a shame, but what a joy to Cenpatico!
For training more space
What us the fun!
Earlier we used to closely...
And Shuuhei? -You will move!
And when you learn how to think brain?
When exiled in the 12th brothers-Shinigami!

-The guys who burned my bed? -Well, he...
Yumichika, well, who asked you to surrender? -Well, he...
Yumichika, you or me?
-Well...I will think until tomorrow!
What, your captain dope burned?
Isn't that,
Fried a little bit now he's a nigger
The Unfortunate Tōsen...
We all squad rolled up in a blanket
Can I go take a look?
You have little?

Aren't you ashamed to disturb my captain?
Let otospitsya though Unohana. What?

Aren't you tired of it kolis Fukui-Tycho
Both are silent, and not get another!
Yes since because of you I now have no place to sleep
Look at the squad extra bed
What are you doing? We have in the squad the lack of walls and doors!
The more beds, but there is a place on my...

With condition one you sleep
What are you doing, Baldy, my power to experience?
The glow of the fire gonna blow captain
With zanpakutō open will meet him there
Will last him 5 minutes - welcome to the squad!
You here and sake is poured on the bed and shelter...
And if after 10 minutes you will be still alive-
Welcome to Cenpatico on his left shoulder.

Today at the fire meeting of the detachment
Around the campfire, there were formerly the barracks of the 10th...
I told you not to smoke there boys!
What a shame, but what a joy to Cenpatico!
For training more space
Booze will also be in style!
Earlier we used to closely...
And Rangiku? -Me Rangiku!
And when you learn to think here anyone?
-And when 1 will get us hooked Yamamoto!
kabs9000 chapter 2 . 3/4/2016
kabs9000 chapter 1 . 3/4/2016
love it
Guest chapter 41 . 1/5/2016
...I cant think of any words to describe how great this is. Hilarious, amazing, beautiful... I loved it.
Diggin chapter 41 . 11/24/2015
I have no words... I have a theory that this is one of the funniest and best written stories I have read in a long while. But that is just one theory and we should consider all theory's.

In all serious kudos man, I know it has been almost 4 years to the day but you did good :)
EsperHeart chapter 39 . 11/21/2015
Oh my gosh, that really IS everything you would expect from a filler episode! This was just BRILLIANT! My, how the tables have turned, Great Hero Aizen! XD
EsperHeart chapter 9 . 11/21/2015
Oh my, poor Toshiro! I can just about see his nerves literally fraying!

Storyman09 chapter 9 . 10/24/2015
This is the funniest chapter yet. Seriously! I nearly died laughing. I'm alive fortunately, though if I had died I can't decide whether it would be good or bad to end up in Soul Society...

Anyhow, it was hilarious.

MEDIA RON chapter 41 . 10/2/2015
I only wish the vizards were in this story
okamishirokuro chapter 41 . 9/8/2015
Beautifull, wonderfull and indcredible. Bravo!
Sterp chapter 9 . 9/8/2015
U just jealous of Komamura's awesomeness. Don't insult characters other peeps like. It's rude and also a BIG fuckin gray zone. Don't go there, bro.
M. J K-N chapter 41 . 8/25/2015
I just binge read this and I must point out that it is incredible, and not just because your writing skills are flawless. I usually hate humour fics completely, and prior to reading this, there were only three humour fanfics across ff. net, ao3 and LiveJournal that I actually liked, and this just stole the top spot. It made me laugh like a lunatic all day and had me in hysterics, which very rarely happens. My nan thought I was crying for half an hour when I had to stop reading around the point of Matsumoto's ascension into godhood, as every time I tried to pick up reading where I left off, I was crying again. And the Ichigo-bashing... I love Ichigo but your evaluation of him? Priceless. Yachiru, Matsumoto and Shiro-chan though probably stole the show, they were perfect and I genuinely adore the fact that you centred the fic around them in particular. And the fourth wall breaks were nothing short of perfection, I ended up choking a few times because I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. So I'd just like to say thank you for writing such an incredible fic. I would definitely recommend it for all Bleach fanfic readers, regardless of whether or not they like long fics/humour etc.
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