Reviews for O Mine Enemy
divvycrip chapter 61 . 11/12
This has been the most believable slow change of Harry and Severus’ relationship that i have ever read. A true delight to read. Thank you
Guest chapter 32 . 10/24
It REALLY feels like you're shipping them, and I don't like it.
sarahlan chapter 61 . 10/22
I had to write another review because this story was so damn good that the day after i finished it for the first time i sat down and re-read the whole thing again. I love how you chose to depict Snape and Harry; there was just the right amount of angst and conflict wrapped in tendrils of chest tightening happiness. I do hope the sequel you mention is still a possibility, only because otherwise I suspect I will continue re-reading this story on a weekly basis if only to get my fill of tears and warm fuzzies.
sarahlan chapter 61 . 10/21
I haven’t been glued to my phone devouring 50 chapters in a day in a very long time. This was fantastic and I am so glad you wrote it. Just wow.
Murai-Sakura chapter 61 . 10/21
Hi Kirby,

For what will likely be the last time, I leave you a review.
This last chapter written from Dumbledore's point of view was a very nice ending to the story as well as a very well thought-out bridge to the next one (should you ever decide to write it).

I already told you most of everything I wanted to say in my previous reviews. You know you have my admiration and respect and I needn't explain that I would eagerly welcome a new story from you.

As for ideas - well, the things you've listed all sound amazing and I would be there for all of it. And while I know you don't do romance, a love interest for Snape might be a nice thing to explore? It doesn't have to happen in an explicit or even often spoken of fashion. It doesn't even have to amount to anything. But the man is 36/37 at this point in the story and hasn't let go of the one woman he ever loved. Surely, Harry has to have some thoughts about that. And Snape... can't very well move on like this, can he?

I hope you're faring well and that your absence from fanfiction is not a sign of something bad but merely you becoming more bored or disinterested by the medium. It happens to is all, after all.

In any case, thanks for writing and completing this monster of a story. And congratulations on 3K reviews.

Murai-Sakura chapter 60 . 10/21
Hello Kirby

*Groans* Why? Why did it have to end there?! I know you're mentioning a sequel and there's so much room for one but *checks your profile - again* There is no sequel!

*Inserts Zuko meme* That can't be all? Where's the rest of it?!

But seriously, you have taken all of us on a wild ride. And you did so taking all of the correct roads and pitstops. I loved every second of it and rarely put your story down. I read it in bed while nursing, I read it in the tub while soaking, I read it at work when I had no more work left to do. I read it at home instead of gaming and I read it even more in bed when I should've been sleeping! I couldn't possibly put the story down because it never stopped being an interesting read!
I love Snape's development into a being with a heart - which has grown 3 sizes.
I love Harry's growth in which he learned to depend on an actual adult. Okay, it probably helped that said adult rsiked life and limb to save him from a narcisstic megalomaniac but still!
I loved the friendships with Ron and Hermione that you didn't neglect and I loved how you had Voldie use Ron against Harry.
I especially loved everything you did that had to do with Occlumancy and Legillimency. It is not easy but it is - in my opinion - one of the most interesting things JK Rowling came up with. It's a shame that she put it to so little use but it did leave room for awesome authors such as yourself to really have your way with it and create something dazzling and beautiful.

I want to thank you for all of the time and effort you put into this fic. And I want you to know that you have made my life fuller for it. That might be a bit silly to say about a fictional story but as someone who likely read and wrote her fair share of books, you'll likerly understand.
And when I see not only the quantity but also the quality of the reviews you've gathered for this masterpiece, I know that I'm not the only one who felt touched by the artful way in which you told this story. And of course, the amazing plot you put out there. I will likely revisit this story time and time again and who knows - perhaps one day, I'll stumble upon a sequel or perhaps an entirely new mentor fic. I am eager to read either.

I know there's one more chapter left, and I'll get to it but since you implied that this is the true ending, it is the chapter in which I wanted to express my true feelings.

Thank you so much for writing!
Murai-Sakura chapter 59 . 10/21
Hi Kirby!

That was so beautiful. The battle was chilling. I literally got goosebumps! The imagery was incredibly on point and I loved every morcel of it. It was also well done of you to not make Harry an overpowered chosen one who can now best Voldemort without a second thought. No, the uncertainty of his future is still there, even if he managed to siphon off some of old Tom's power, again. And that keeps all of us on our toes. Yes, I realise that you said that Harry won't defeat Voldie in this story but it's still an important part of the story you keep making us aware of, if that makes sense.

The gentle care of Snape afterwards. His worry, his joy and his love made my heart flutter. At the same time, I realise very much that there are only two chapters left and it makes me sad already. Because what am I going to do with myself after I'm done? You wrote no other mentor fics! And I'm not about to reread everything in French. I may be Belgian but my French is only so-so.

Anyways, thanks for writing!
Murai-Sakura chapter 58 . 10/21
Hi Kirby!

That was stupendous! I kept battling myself, wavering between wanting to skip ahead to find out what happened and being glued to the page because everything you write is just so good!

I've read my fair share of Occlumency er... sessions? And yours is - without a doubt - the best I've ever come across. Although, I do suppose it's more Legilimency but they are linked close enough to be the same pool in my mind.

You take your time to really detail every little thing that Harry is going through in these sessions and that's marvellous! I normally dislike too much detail but I find that when you're describing something intangible; something that's not real and we can't possibly know how to picture, it is quite welcome. For me, you seem to find that balance and make it one of your strengths. You are amazing.

Haha, it was kind of gratifying to see that my last review - in which I was guessing what would happen - was correct in some ways, down to accidentally having quoted a couple of sentences. Perhaps I have really come to know your Snape and Harry. Though I could never have guessed that Snape would be the one to help guide Harry towards Voldie. Not in this situation.

Well, I need to find out about this third battle now!

Thanks for writing!
Murai-Sakura chapter 57 . 10/21
Hiya Kirby!

Oh yeah! Go, Harry, go! Snape is going to be so upset with him but that's better than a dead Sn ape, isn't it?
And I am quite sure that Dumbledore won't even mind. Sure, he'll likely try and pretend that Harry needs to convince him but he's probably counting on it, isn't he?! He doesn't want to lose Snape anymore than Harry does and he has so much faith in Harry's abilities! Maybe he'll even help guide him or something. Whatever the case, Snape will likely be upset with both of them after they're done!

I usually leave longer reviews but I simply can't wait. I need to know what happens!

Thanks for writing!
Murai-Sakura chapter 56 . 10/21
Hello Kirby!

I already know that when I finish this story, it will have left a big Snape-sized hole in my heart that I won't quite know what to do with. I already checked to see if you perchance wrote more mentor fics but - unfortunately - you didn't! *Cries desperate tears*
But seriously, are you perhaps ever planning on writing more of them? Or are you of the one and done mindset? I can respect that, I just can't get enough of your writing.

As for this chapter... I really don't like Remus. He's such a child. All the fanfiction is right. He did leave Harry alone in fourth year, never even bothering to contact him and I suppose that I never quite thought of it that way when I first read the books many, many years ago. As such, I like him less and less. And while I think your Lupin is accurate, that doesn't mean I have to like him.

As for Brooks... I don't know. With his Harry-praising tendencies, I wonder if they'll evolve into something more... nefarious once this particular Professor gains confidence. That could of couse be my drama-sniffing brain in action. More likely than not, he's fine. Although, he is a DADA Professor...

I love the little chats Snape and Harry have and I just hope that Harry can help Snape soon with his mark. Better to ask forgiveness than permission, right? Especially if the one you care about is in constant pain.

I'll move on to the next chapter now.
Thanks for writing!
Murai-Sakura chapter 55 . 10/21
Hello, old friend.

Long time no see! I recently got back into fanfiction and I just threw myself at the mentor fics as if I've never been gone. Most of the fics these days don't do a good job of keeping my interest, though, and I often find myself just skimming only to then quit the story altogether.

And then I remembered yours and I knew that I never reached the ending of it. As you were updating, I was pregnant and overly tired which is probably why I neglected to follow up on your updates. I didn't quite remember where I left off so I started at the beginning and boy, this truly is one of the best fics I've ever read.

The agonisingly slow burn between Snape and Harry is delicious and I'm here for every bit of it! I couldn't quite recall where I left off, so I checked my review history just now to realise that the last time I reviewed was for chapter 49 so I've skipped a couple. My apologies!

I should probably move on to reviewing the actual chapter now.
It's a very sweet one. I love how caring Snape has finally become. And his softness is all the more amplified because of the long journey they took getting here. It's not sudden or jarring. No, he grew into this person. And it was so natural that anyone might have missed it, were they not paying attention. I do hope that Harry can become more forthcoming soon. His fear of the dark is heartbreaking and I hope that he will tell Snape about it soon.

And they're finally sharing things about Lily. In a way, I think it was good that you put your story on hiatus way back in the day because otherwise, we might've never experienced the scrumptious agony and guilt Snape feels when it comes to Lily. That and love, of course. Lots of it. And it's all the better because it comes from your metaphorical pen. You are an artiste and I enjoy every syllable you write.

I'm looking forward to more drama, fluff and occlumency. So I'd better get to it!

Thanks for writing (even though it was 4 years ago)
Max chapter 24 . 10/2
Such a good story!
parkeraym chapter 61 . 9/16
This is often a story I’ve come back to read many times, and it never fails to make me fall in love with it over and over again. You have the perfect characterization of Snape and Harry and write such a gradual yet realistic evolution of their relationship. Even the rest of the characters are written perfectly. Everyone is flawed and imperfect but so likeable. I’ve never read a more satisfying story on fanfiction, and eagerly await the sequel even though it’s been a few years. I hope you still intend to continue with it one day. I truly think you are the best writer I have come across on this app!
vendy chapter 59 . 8/14
this was amazing, rough, touching, beautiful, thank you very much, very well written :-)
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