Reviews for O Mine Enemy |
![]() ![]() ![]() SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE! This is always one of my favorite chapters to re-read! You've got THE HUG, the Dursley confrontation, Snape's unplanned offer to take Harry with him... IT'S SO GOOD! I always savor every blessed word you write when it comes to tender moments between Snape and Harry, and truly, few authors compare. You have this uncanny ability to pen Snape/Harry's early hugs in such a way that I'm laughing as much as I'm swooning. Harry's pure panic, the way he CLINGS to Snape, and the man's hesitation until deciding nothing for it but to pull Harry in because it's not working to push him away. I think that little moment is rather huge! Then, the way Harry burrows in, and how Snape's heartbeat and smell lull him back down from the throes of terror. GUH. And then - HILARIOUSLY - the immediate change of mood as Harry realizes who's holding him. Snape's awkward unease, Harry's horror. Oh man. CRACK I TELL YOU. And the fact that you go so far as to mention the wet spot on Snape's chest... DOUBLE GUH! The way you wrote the Dursleys' reaction was fantastic. Dudley barricading his door OMG xD Sadistically I quite liked Vernon jostling Harry's bad shoulder even further and Snape's delicious little tells that hint to his decision to come. His eyes on the shoulder, his stiffening, his uncharacteristic uncertainty. And Harry, oh Harry, trying not to appear weak. He nearly breaks me with his "Go... just go." And then of course I'm whooping with delight when Snape pulls the wand on Vernon - "I would suggest you remove your hands from your nephew, Mr Dursley" ;_; HE DID IT HE DID IT HE DID IT Thoroughly amused by Snape's weed enhancing spell and more than a little smiling over the fact that it was completely unnecessary revenge, yet he does it for Harry. Not that the man would ever admit to that. Oh no. I LOVE that "Unusual Creatures" comes up again later in the most powerful way. Love love love. One of the reasons why your story is one of THE BEST - you always end up bringing things full circle! |
![]() ![]() ![]() That dream still gets me even after all these years. Looking past the terrifying gloomy possible future, it's just such a NEAT subplot to have a seer Other Harry and a second prophecy... I bow to your creative muse! It's always been one of my favorite bits! And of course, it's wonderful fodder for angst. Don't mind if I'm giddy with anticipation for what comes next ;) This whole chapter is fun, with there now being an extra layer in every interaction - of "Harry knows Snape knows". And while there isn't any true change yet, you know it's not far from either of their minds. I love Snape's irritability when he's awoken by the owls and how Harry didn't immediately alert him to their arrival, and Harry's shyness about it being his birthday, the sharing of food, the Wall Watchers (OMG those darn things ;_;), and best of all the constant Snape watching Harry, analyzing every move to the point he witnesses Harry's shaken emotions by the watch and is disconcerted enough by it he has to later go looking to see what it was and why Harry would have reacted so! Delicious! |
![]() ![]() ![]() WOOO! As long as no one reviews as I am doing so, then I get to be your 3000th! (And may I just say, you deserve every freaking one and more!) Ahh this chapter. I did so love that they played this game to get information out of the other. I love that it comes up again later too. It’s so dang in character, especially from spy Snape who knows exactly how to lull Harry into a false sense of security before whipping out the difficult questions. And then there’s Harry who’s like a bull in a China shop, no subtlety or finesse xD I will probably say this a million times but it is SO COOL to know now what Snape means when he says Voldemort wants Harry alive for his blood. A decade of wondering xD I chuckled a lot, over them squabbling over semantics and Harry thinking he’s “out Slythering the Slytherin” and Snape offering Harry the seat (in his own room xD) and Harry stubbornly sitting elsewhere. It’s delicious when Snape gets his answers from Harry, both verbally and even non-verbally, like when he sees the way Harry reacts to Vernon leaving. Hmmm one thing I thought of and am having trouble remembering… did we ever learn how/why Snape was ousted as a traitor or was it left up to interpretation? Is this just my mom brain!? “Catch the snitch” makes me squeal, that last line. Because I clearly remember what happens after the dream in just another couple chapters ;D |
![]() ![]() thanks, again -.- |
![]() ![]() ![]() Omfg this was SO GOOD. I laughed several times (particularly at Snape freaking out), and binged the HELL out of this story. Love love love it, thank you for sharing it with us 3 |
![]() ![]() ![]() You have nearly rendered me speechless. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is probably the best fanfiction I have read to date. It is just... marvelous. Although I know it must have been a lot of hard work, your writing feels so smooth and effortless. And don't even let me get started on the plot! I have a soft spot for severitus and enemy-to-friend/mentor stories in general, and boy was this a treat, especially since it was over 1000 pages long! The story progressed naturally (as did harry and snape's relationship), not too fast or too slow, and every new plot element immediately sparked my interest. All the sub-plots were well-written and I was relieved that you didn't forget or lose track of any of them! Not everything was resolved and it was kind of an open ending, but I actually liked it that way. It makes everything that has happened feel more impactful when there's still some air flowing through... if that makes sense. Anyway, thank you for writing O Mine Enemy. I am so happy to have stumbled upon this gem. |
![]() ![]() we are still here, reading -.- thanks for that |
![]() ![]() ![]() SQUEE! This was always such a huge turning point in the story. Now Snape KNOWS and there's no going back to his comfortable pre-conceived notions about the boy. You write one of the very best "reveals" out there because it's not over the top, it feels like it could've been the same treatment in canon, but it's so deliciously angsty and the reactions are SPOT ON. I so love the way Harry clams up, using anger as his defense, and Snape assesses the situation and decides to use the knowledge he has to his advantage to get the truth he's looking for. What a classic spy move :D If there was ever a scene I needed from Snape's POV, it's this one. I will give you all my money, and a box of caramels xD As for the rest of the chapter, I love that you can FEEL how cooped up these two both feel, it comes across so well. I love Harry acting like an annoying, bored teenager, and Snape at his wit's end, long-suffering and so full of snark when Harry starts in on his line of questioning. Snape talks circles around him but I love that there are little nuggets of foreshadowing in there for Harry to chew on. And for an entire decade, us readers as well. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop marveling over the fact that on subsequent read-throughs I will now have all (or at least most ;D) of the answers in my back pocket! For SO long I was like, BUT WHY? WHY WOULD HARRY BE MORE USEFUL TO VOLDEMORT ALIVE? xD And now it all makes sense! Salted caramel. I will even make it salted caramel. Dang that chapter is good. Always one of my favorites! |
![]() ![]() ![]() This might be the best fic I have read or will ever read. Thank you. |
![]() ![]() ![]() It's sort of hilarious how this version of Harry - beginning of the story Harry - is just so utterly on edge around Snape and how he's having thoughts like, well at least Vernon is less intimidating now when double crossing Death Eater extraordinaire Severus Snape is upstairs ransacking his room. *snorts* Speaking of which, I really LOVE that he does that, because it's just so in character for Snape to need to tear apart and analyze every blessed detail in order to find evidence Harry is lying. The truth is staring right at him, Harry even TOLD him straight up "My relatives despise me and here's the list of ways they show it", but he absolutely will not believe Harry until he (or more literally, Harry T_T) is slapped in the face with it. His image of Harry is still strongly James' Spoiled Brat. The "You're delirious Potter" and his line about "if you insist on living like a pauper in your self-pitying make believe world you'll have no sympathy from me" is *chef kiss*. Bravo bravo bravo for such a perfectly canon reaction and also curse you in the very best of ways for drawing it out the way you have. The way the dominoes fall so to speak just happens so very naturally that I want to cry. So so few stories can pull their weight all the way through to the end :') That Petunia bit where she keeps sneaking glances makes me wonder, much like Harry, what she's thinking. Guilt? A modicum of concern? Contemplation about his similarity to her sister? Just thinking he hasn't eaten much today? It's probably just a way to cover her butt but also sweet (as much as the label can be applied to Petunia) she gives him a "better" snack than usual. Which leads me to the thought. Will you have anything happen differently to the Dursleys in your sequel? Personally I've always loved the angst factor when Voldemort kidnaps and/or offs them to get to Harry and the conflicted emotions that brings up in Harry. I sure would love to see how Snape would handle THAT, given his own feelings about Harry's relatives. Ah the peaches slurping, shirt wiping, disgust Snape as much as possible scene. CLASSIC. Always stuck out in my memory. I LOVE IT. Sometimes we just have to be reminded that Harry is only a teenager, and still a young one at that. It's ADORABLE to see him acting a bit childish. Okay and imma bring up the sequel again, but how much do I want to see a little bit of this side of Harry again, with post-OME Snape rolling his eyes and sighing with exasperation but this time there's paternal affection in the reaction. HOW MUCH! I'm sooo excited for the next chapter, because I know what's coming next! *he knows he knows he knows omggg* |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is really a fantastic story. I'm so glad I discovered it, and even more glad I didn't discover it until after the 10-year hiatus! Your representation of Snape is one of the most believable and satisfying I've seen, and I appreciate your consistency with the narrative perspective. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is when the story really starts ramping up. I remember reading on tenterhooks thinking, "Is this the chapter? Is THIS the chapter?" Knowing you had to be leading us towards a scene where Harry's treatment of the Dursleys would be on full display, and DYING to know what Snape's reaction to it all would be (which ultimately is just... *chef's kiss*). Oh I just love love LOVE the slow burn. The way you end the chapter with the escalating argument and how Snape grabs Harry's shoulder... Harry's embarrassment, Snape's careful response that reveals neither cruelty nor concern, but you KNOW the wheels are turning rapidly inside his mind, then the way it OF COURSE devolves into more anger and no answers, thanks to Harry's deflection and refusal to take off his shirt for Snape. Brilliant brilliant brilliant. Reading this I am also reminded of how much work these two have put into controlling their usually hot-headed tempers around each other by story's end :') I snicker every time at the part where Snape wants Vernon's clothes and Harry is like, um, CLEARLY you don't know my uncle! And at the image of him in Dudley's clothes. Ah, I wish there were a fan picture out there :P But most of all at the scene where Snape so rudely shoves Harry out of his own room, thinking the brat is just trying to play nursemaid and not realizing he's actually in Harry's bedroom! "Do you have a hearing problem, Potter?" "This is my room... YOU get out!" Harry taking his life into his own hands there xD I could seriously read this chapter over and over. Oh wait. I have! ;D |
![]() ![]() ![]() I have been reading fanfiction (mostly in the Harry and Snape Mentor genre) on and off for the past 15 years and only recently came across this story. Whilst I wish I could have discovered it sooner, I am thankful to have found this story at least now, and I wanted to let you know that I have been completely blown away by it. I have read many stories over the years and I can honestly say that hands down, this has to be one of the very best fanfics that I have ever read. Your story is truly spectacular. I cannot express in words how happy I felt whilst reading it. Your portrayal of Harry and Snape, not to mention the other side characters such as Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Remus etc has been nothing short of brilliant. Your creation of Kneader was very realistic and very well done. I was so very impressed to see you keep Snape perfectly in character throughout the story. This is an outstanding achievement. I have found that a lot of fanfics will start out really well, but unfortunately will have Snape or Harry (or both) falling out of character at some point or other in the story. The relationship between Harry and Snape then becomes saccharine and does not progress naturally. I did not feel this way at any point about your story at all! Your portrayals of the characters were very much in accordance to canon and I was delighted to see this. Snape is such a difficult character to write and you have written him amazingly well. The character development of Harry and Snape in this story has been phenomenal and is very believable. Every single scene with Snape and Harry in your story was an absolute joy to read and their reactions and interactions felt just perfect. I particularly enjoyed the slow burn of the evolving relationship between Harry and Snape. You have developed it extremely well and it has progressed very naturally. The one step forwardtwo steps backwards approach was done very nicely, and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the story. It was very enjoyable to read through all the relationship drama, all the angst and all the scenes showing Snape slowly beginning to care about Harry and vice-versa. Snape’s efforts to be kind and care about Harry are initially so subtle, tentative and cute. Their rapport began so tenuously and was so fragile at first and there was so much tension between them at times that I found myself to be quite addicted to reading the story to find out what would happen next. I also enjoyed Harry’s sassiness and inner dialogue. Your plot is very original and highly engaging. I was totally captivated by the storyline surrounding the Occlumency lessons, the second prophecy and Other HarryInner Eye dreams, Harry’s capture and rescue and his increased powers. I found Snape’s rescue attempts to be truly unforgettable and amazingly well written! I really enjoyed all the scenes where he was masquerading as Crabbe and even though I knew you would (probably) not kill him off, I was still worried for a time that he would end up dying during his imprisonment. The torture scenes were effectively done, and I liked seeing Harry’s defiance throughout his capture. You have thought out all the finer points of the plot really well. I really liked the way you addressed the deep issues between Harry and Snape, such as Snape’s backstory with Lily and his involvement in her ultimate demise at the hands of Voldemort. The way they overcame these issues was very believable and also helped to give me some closure, as I have always wished for Harry and Snape to discuss these issues in the books and was disappointed that they never managed to reconcile (in person). Your writing style is exemplaryit is very expressive, with very good attention to detail. I honestly could not stop reading or thinking about this story when I wasn’t reading it. I had a few very happy, glorious days reading this story and I sincerely wanted to thank you for writing this fanfic and spreading so much joy among your readers. You are an extraordinarily gifted writer and I am already looking forward to the possibility of a sequel. I would be so very enthusiastic to read a sequel. I really, really, really hope you write a sequel one day! This will go down as one of the best stories I have ever read. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I have now read and re-read this story at least half a dozen times, if not more. It’s probably my favorite HP fic to date and every new re-read brings new discoveries and just as much excitement, anticipation, and enjoyment as before. I cannot overstate the positive impact this story has had on my life. It has touched me in so many ways and given me a light in the darkness when life has been hard to handle (hi 2022). I am looking forward to the sequel more than I can explain with words. Whenever it comes, I will be here waiting. Even if I’m old and grey, I will be here. Regardless of when the sequel comes, please know that you are an incredible, talented, fantastic writer. Your ability to tap into characters’ deepest feelings and represent their dialogue (both inner and outward) in such an accessible and believable way… it’s unrivaled. Whatever you write, just please keep writing. You are a treasure and you have greatly enhanced my life. Thank you and good luck in all of your endeavors! P.S. I’m not sure if you’re more active here or on AO3, so I’m leaving this review on both! |
![]() ![]() great story |