Reviews for O Mine Enemy
Tonks7777777 chapter 1 . 12/26/2022
This was so great! Thanks so much for your time writing it! :D
AngelMoon Girl chapter 2 . 12/14/2022
Jumping right in…

Harry is making Snape wait to tend to his injuries because he’s pissed off at him. End-of-story-Harry jumps right into nursemaid even though he just found out Snape committed the worst possible umbrage against him AND IF THAT ISN’T CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT *hiccup sobs with love*

Ahhh I remember this part well too. The “car crash” Wormtail stages to try and get Harry away from the protection of the house. I’m so glad Harry had the sense to realize it quickly. That’s another thing I love about your Harry. He’s not dumb. He’s still prone to the occasional misconception/has a tendency to run headlong into dangerous situations, but he always has a strong reason for doing so. BTW I’m dying to know how your Wormtail ultimately fares in OME 2. I definitely think the watch and him still being on one of the hands will come into play ;) Sneak attack on Harry!? (*she hopes*)

When Harry’s shame gets the better of him and he ultimately does go help Snape, and he’s grossed out to touch him… guh… flash-backing (flash-forwarding?) to the way he cradles him after his “death” and wonders on how he could ever think Snape was greasy and untouchable… I’M NOT CRYING YOU ARE

I LOVE the way Snape snaps directly to attention after waking up. The spy never truly sleeps. Sort of sad how engrained it is into him now, to have to be alert 24/7. (I might be a little bit jealous. It takes me a half hour minimum and numerous snooze buttons to find me cogent.) But it serves him well later on with a troubled teenager who frequently requires nightly vigil ;)

Merlin it’s been so long I had forgotten just how much more of a bastard Snape is at the beginning. I love both versions, and I love most that even chapter 61 Snape still retains elements of chapter 2 Snape. He’s still the same person. Still has similar coping mechanisms, a short temper, prone to snappy retorts. But he deeply understands and cares about Harry now, and that makes all the difference. He knows now how to redirect, how to compromise, how to communicate. It’s so rewarding. Reading this reminds me how far we’ve come :’)

“Where exactly did you put me, the prison tower?” xD Snape’s complete disbelief that this is Harry’s room is hysterical.

I also love how Harry plays Petunia at the end of this chapter! Nothing like a little “m” word to put the fear in her!
AngelMoon Girl chapter 1 . 12/14/2022
Ooh I am so excited for this re-read! It’s my first since OME has concluded and wow what a trip it is. Harry and Snape are just BABIES here. Guh. Is it a sign that I’m already feeling weepy and I’m only one chapter in!? I can’t help but remember all the time I spent reading the original 21 chapters (over and over and over), thinking for sure you were through with writing and I’d never see the resolution to this beautiful burgeoning mentorship you created. YEARS of yearning and wondering and savoring. I could probably quote much of this chapter by heart xD But oh, oh, oh… what an overwhelming joy it is to have been part of your resurgence and to FINALLY know how it ends! It’s a treat to read them now with new eyes! :)

I know I’ve told you this a hundred times but humor me xD You have one of the best Voldemorts in fanfiction! I remember that was the first thing that struck me, reading OME all those years ago. He feels plucked right from canon. That dream sequence had me from go. There’s something about the discovery of Snape as traitor that gets me every time. I still remember your original synopsis about Battered Snape for Breakfast/Bil’s challenge on P&S. I went looking everywhere for any other responses once I finished yours because it was SO DANG GOOD and I just wanted more more more. It literally became a favorite trope overnight xD The part where Snape wriggles his fingers through the mail slot? Frigging ICONIC. Just that one image lived with me looong after the first read.

I really love your portrayal of the Dursleys. Self-obsessed, neglectful and cruel towards Harry, but not so over the top as to take us into AU territory. I love my Harry whump (is that still a word? Or am I showing my 2000s FF age too much? xD) and the resulting hurt/comfort from Snape, but I appreciate that you kept the abuse within the realms of what the canon Dursleys would have done/were capable of. Too much would’ve turned this into a different story. And that theme continues for the rest of OME, your utterly impressive ability to write as if you were JKR in disguise, making me believe that this really could be a viable alternative to HBP and DH! I think I - shh - might even like your version better!

I’m doing a little “I know something you don’t know” dance for entirely too much of this chapter xD It’s WEIRD in the best way to be reading and to actually KNOW what they’re referring to now, like with Voldemort’s teasing of “a plan” involving Harry. For 10 plus years I could only guess what schemes your brilliant mind was going to put us through. It’s a TRIP!

Snape is a badass. Seriously, the amount of times he’s managed to best Voldemort, escape his clutches, after having been beaten to a bloody pulp. It never fails to amaze me! And I can-NOT freaking wait to see him training Harry for his final battle with ol’ Moldy Shorts. Kid has much to learn.

OMG. The part where Harry is thinking about how he’s not a little kid in need of mommy and daddy to tuck him in at night but deep deep down a part of him still craves that. AND THEN TO REMEMBER WHAT’S COMING, and the amount of tuck-ins he’s going to get, and WHERE ARE MY DANG TISSUES!?

It literally never fails to give me a chuckle, the scene where Harry has to haphazardly toss Snape into the cupboard xD I would LOVE to know what (old) Snape would have to say about that! It also breaks my heart the amount of cleaning up after that man Harry has to do, and punished for his good deed nonetheless. Harry dragging Snape up the stairs also lives rent-free in my mind just so you know! It’s a little bit funny and a lot of a bit sweet. I always remembered that scene very clearly no matter how much time passed. I definitely have to laugh when Harry starts hollering at the unconscious Potions Master about how if the roles were reversed he would pull up a chair just to watch Harry die. Ah my sweet summer children. How little you know of how wrong you shall be…! ;)
VeniH chapter 61 . 11/24/2022
I enjoyed your writing a lot! Now I am looking forward to the sequel .
CorvusCorax13 chapter 61 . 11/19/2022
Wow. This was a thoroughly enjoyable and brilliant epic, thank you for writing it, sharing it, and also for returning to finish it too! I think without doubt I have to put it down as my favourite Snape mentors Harry fic ever.
I've been writing and reading Snape fics on and off for 20 years and have not got bored yet. In my eyes JKR did Snape a huge disservice and took the "easy" way out with his death. I also thought the character of Canon Harry wanting also, something which you develop much more skilfully than JKR does in your story. (I also dislike the way JKR 'glosses' over the abuse meted out by the Dursleys, well, perhaps it wasn't intentional, certainly the story is more the product of its time - I'm almost the same age as Canon Harry and attitudes to abuse at school, and at home were different then.)
A few months ago I had a flash of muse and decided that I needed to finish my very first Snape fanfic, (which I started way back in 2003 and abandoned 40k words in. After almost 20 years, however, my writing has obviously changed a I've had to spend some time tweaking the story arc, filling in plotholes and tidying up characterisation! It's not easy to return to old writing, is it? Also I really struggle once stories get over around 30k words long, due to - I think - my OCD and ASD. My original fiction also suffers from these same problems. :o/
However I've got an ending for this fic in mind and I want to do it justice, even if I don't finish the other unfinished ones!
I hope you have a good day! ~Corvus~ (Formerly Thirteen Ravens)
Ash Linton chapter 61 . 10/24/2022
I devoured this story so quickly and fell in love with it so hard, that i kept on praying to myself that there must be a sequel already up! alas i was wrong. given that you've said that there'll be sometime for sequel to be up, I'm going to wait till the end of my days for it. I didn't realise what a wonderful gem i have been missing. I absolutely love the story and the portrayal of characters of Severus and Harry especially. everything just flowed so naturally. even your account of magically core strengthening was a good theory. all and all said, I'm going to be here when you take up the story ahead. I cannot wait to come back to Sev and Harry. Good luck and hope to see you soon!
Guest chapter 61 . 10/14/2022
Sequel? Please?!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 1 . 9/27/2022
I wonder how Snape was found out.
NaraR13 chapter 61 . 8/7/2022
Hi! I think I have started to read this when you first started to write it and I am absolutrly delighted rediscover this gem! What a ride, what a story! I am very grateful that you took the time to get Harry and Snape closer. There are stories which are more about actions and there are those that are more about toughts and emotions. Yours is a perfect balance with emotion focus. Well done, very well done! :) And I am one of those silently waiting for a sequel. ;)
E.BACKER chapter 61 . 8/3/2022
¿habra secuela?
Brainiac5 chapter 8 . 7/19/2022
I forgot how much I love this fic
Snape is honestly so perfect - he's still cruel, rude, self-centered, and off-putting, but you get these small glimpses of what could be called compassion in another person, and it's great. Harry pov just doesn't understand Snape at all, and so the way his actions are interpreted...
Though honestly Snape's actions are still very very snapeish! I especially loved that he never offered Harry's bed back (I suspect harry would have been embarrassed anyway but I found it amusing), that he ate Harry's birthday food without apparent remorse, that he had no qualms about digging through his things TWICE, and his only remark was basically "if you don't want me to look, find a better hiding spot" (which is So Very Slytherin of him I laughed out loud)
Anyway what I love is that there's no instantaneous Snape transformation. He's still an asshole and cruel and suspicious. But now he's seen something unexpected and I really can't wait to keep the reread and see where it goes from here

Anyway these thoughts kept building up so eventually I had to say something :)
Guest chapter 61 . 7/7/2022
Loved the way u depicted Snape's character- so perfect, especially that 'steady gaze' he watches Harry with...
animalsarepeopletoo chapter 61 . 6/20/2022
Absolutely loved binge-reading this story and beyond excited for a sequel! Really going to miss reading this. This story was so well-written, in character, and filled with emotion. Harry and Snape were so charming to read and their relationship really pulled at my heart the whole time. And I loved how long this was so I could properly enjoy it! Hope you feel up to writing soon, but I know the muse can be fickle haha
silverangel116 chapter 61 . 5/9/2022
Love the story and can’t wait for the next. Please add me to your list to be updated!
Guest chapter 36 . 5/7/2022
Such a good chapter. Just what I needed today! I was feeling teary eyed about just general life stuff and retreated to my bed for some alone time. To be able to sink into fiction and let loose my tears about something happening to the character is so incredibly healing. Thank you, this back and forth trust building is beautifully done.
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