Reviews for Twisted Hearts
Orkidea16 chapter 30 . 7/3/2024
I can't even remember how many times I have read this story, I just come back from time to time and read and read and read again, it's been almost 12 years since I finished this for the first time and I still enjoy it, and I promise that I will be back in a couple months, maybe years, I will.
I can tell you this is one of my very favorites, thank you again for such an amazing story, you are amazing, hope you get to read this comment sometime.

PD. I had to put the comment in this chapter because I already added a comment in the last chapter XD

Saludos y mucho amor desde México! 3
Guest chapter 4 . 6/9/2023
I know this story is old but just finished chapter 4 and woah. I found fan fiction way too late
Mushishixxxholic chapter 31 . 6/7/2023
MarzEly chapter 31 . 8/1/2022
Esta historia es mi favorita. La amo. Me quede con mas ganas de que continuaras. Ojala y alguien me pudiera decir si subieron el video. Saludos desde mexico! chapter 31 . 2/23/2022
Historia hermosaa y que final
Sess2022 chapter 31 . 2/3/2022
Beautifully done!
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 31 . 1/5/2022
I enjoyed reading this story so much!
Thanks for sharing it with us! 3 3 3
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 30 . 1/5/2022
I think part of the reason Sesshomaru left was because of Kagome's mom, afterall, she did told him that her daughter would be better with someone other than him. I wonder what would happen if Kagome knew what her mother said to him.
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 29 . 1/5/2022
Bakamaru, how could you!?
You shouldn't have left her! She needs you and you're not there with her!
That's a cowardly thing to do. I'm so disappointed in you, Bakamaru.
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 28 . 1/5/2022
This chapter was a-f*cking-mazing!
I loved it so much!
I was at the edge of my seat reading this from beginning to end it grabbed my attention.
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 27 . 1/5/2022
That's karma, b*tch!
You deserve it for what you did to Kagome!
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 26 . 1/5/2022
OMG he growled!
Sesshomaru growled and it was so sexy!
I know he's in pain because of Kagome's disappearance but he growled!
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 25 . 1/5/2022
OMG love them so much!
I'm so happy for them! They deserve each other and I'm so glad I can get to see how happy they are.
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 24 . 1/5/2022
I was prepared to kill Bakayasha for what he did to Kagome. Not only in this chapter but when he broke her heart, but now, regretfully I should thank him for doing that because that lead to where my baby girl and Sesshomaru are right now.

(Fangirl Mode ON)
They're kissing! Finally!
Lady of Vampires019 chapter 23 . 1/5/2022
I loved his back story.
Although, to be completely honest, I hated Touga, Izayoi and Inuyasha so much because of what my Sesshy's mother suffered.
At least, Kagome now understand him better. I'm pretty sure this time that they share will be a turning point for their relationship.
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