Reviews for Hell is Other People
Alpapaca chapter 34 . 2/6
I don't even have a ffnet account anymore, but I recently remembered this fic and just HAD to track it back down. I am so glad I found it; I've spent the last few days rereading it. Your Alex strikes the perfect balance between sopping wet and genuinely skilled, which is just an absolute treat to read. Not to mention the way you weave the OCs into the narrative in a way that just further showcases the Issues this poor boy has. Very very good stuff!
Guest chapter 34 . 1/14
Just wanted to drop in and say that I truly love this fic. When you first started posting, I was younger than Alex is now and it's been so wonderfully strange to revisit this piece through the different ages of my life. Especially the rapid transition from looking at Alex as a fellow-teenager "yeah! cool! super spy!" to my current state of "oh good god".

I don't know if you're able (or willing!) to return to this story at any point. We would love any and all words that come from your brain! However, I just want to say how thankful I am that you got Alex to this point where "there was no longer anything he had to protect them from. There was no longer any danger". Hope you're doing well and thank you for getting Alex out and safe!
basin8881 chapter 34 . 1/7
A great fic. An update would be dearly appreciated.
minaeong chapter 34 . 1/1
that was so gooooooood
I started reading this about 10 years ago, i was about 13 or 14, and didn't think i was quite old enough so i put it down. I dont think they'd made it out of camp yet haha. And then i saw the Wicked movie with my friend and kept thinking of your profile picture so i had to come back and reread it. And lo and behold, there was SO MUCH MORE, oh my gosh they got KIDNAPPED, and they got RESCUED, and the whole thing with CHLOE ! (i love her and i hope she's okay you said she'll show up again, i am so glad!) the escape was tense and terrifying oh my gosh. Especially right after Alex's bravado with Andrei when he screams no one is coming to get them because no one ever does oh my gosh
(Do emojis show up in these? I am typing a lot of sad faces and broken hearts, this poor boy! I love him mom )
And then the slowburn strangers-to-guardians.. the part where alex broke and started describing to richard when and how he got each injury? Oh my Gosh. I couldnt breathe. Richard i know u were trying to be professional but how, man, how the frick, mask of steel omg. (But they figured it outtttt my heart. The boy. Dear alex omg he is really so small and a child )
Dacres is neat cause he feels so straightforward. I dont LIKE him per se. The whole bit with roslyn and "temptation"... Sir, back away from the Alex... But i love him as a character. (Also lol it is fun seeing him right next to roslyn. They feel almost like mirror images of each other... In vibes or something...)
And roslyn. I love him as a person and a character. He's like a grumpy softie grandpa. I love him. U will be a good godfather figure mr roslyn sir.
Im glad all of K-unit got to be there for his testimony. And he kept calling them "MY unit" yea buddy that is your group, your pals. Yep. Eagle is the best ️️ im so glad hes here.
I dont know what else to say, ive spent the last fiiiive? days binge reading this and stayed up til 5 and 6 in the morning a couple days (rip my sleep schedule. Its a holiday its fineee).
Thank you for writing this. I really really really enjoyed it, just as much or more than 14-year-old me did haha. Have a great new year ️
Guest chapter 34 . 12/28/2024
This decade, you say… hoping we’re gonna see more of this fic!
Guest chapter 34 . 12/28/2024
Just finished my probably, 3rd reread of this fic, up till the most recent chapter. Hoping for an update, and just wanna let you know this fic is as amazing as ever, and I’ve enjoyed my every second of reading it!
ExcuseMyTears chapter 34 . 7/6/2024
I first read this fic in 2007 when I was fourteen on an account that I can no longer remember the username or password of and would probably make me cringe if it knew. I kept up with it on and off over the years. Now seventeen years later a chance remark made me think of this fic, I came back to remind myself how it had gone and to my surprise and delight it had grown so of course I had to reread. It is now nearly 2 in the morning, I forgot to eat dinner and I have a headache from crying. I have laughed, been anxious and hyperfocused on finishing this epic and I cannot thank you enough for the literal decade plus of coming back over and over despite how your life must have changed. Is it weird for you? To look back on the earlier chapters and think about where you were as a person when you wrote them. It's lovely to me that despite all the changes in the world, lives and fandoms that I've come back to this fic as a touchstone and as I read it again, now an adult, I think about how my younger self was excited by every new chapter. I know you said that you want to rewrite some of the earlier camp chapters and I look forward to reading the re-written ones but please know that the original versions still hold a place in at least one reader's heart. I love your horrible monster baby who will - I hate to inform you - in about ten months no longer be a horrible monster baby but will actually be a horrible monster who'd be a legal adult. Isn't that wild.

Wishing you a happy life from a long time reader.
Speedster1014 chapter 1 . 7/5/2024
Love how you edge crack
Siljeilstad chapter 34 . 6/22/2024
Hiiii i was just wondering if you still have the rest and in that case if you could update? I would love to see the others reactions to what Alex has been through
Calliegirl chapter 34 . 6/5/2024
I’ve been following this fic forever and this is my yearly check in on it. Still love it!
Snowy chapter 34 . 4/17/2024
I know you probably won't see this but of all the cliffhangers this one truly hurts.

You wrote a great story!
Algyspitfire chapter 34 . 3/31/2024
Keep coming back to reread this it's brilliant. Any chance of another chapter?
pandorianlesma chapter 34 . 2/26/2024
Fantastic story, if perhaps a little too engaging as not been able to stop reading it in every spare moment for a few days! Hope you to get round to posting an update at some point, would love to see Chloe and Alex meet again…
Fluffy the vampire chapter 34 . 2/26/2024
This is highly addictive and I don't even follow the series but I love the way you write. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/25/2024
Whooooooooh. Loving this. Had to take a break and the withdrawal was crazyyyyyyy. It's cool that you're in law now. I'm ok with the long breaks between posts. The only thing I worry about in terms of posting is you getting sick and dying before the end. (Which I hope is at least 50, 60 yrs from now.) Didnt review many of the previous ch, so this is me catching up. It's been cool to read your notes in the beginning and hearing about how your life was at the time of making that ch. I could put this fic at the same level of greatness as Pongnosis's the Devil in the Great Blue Sea. Which I recommend if you haven't read. Every wait is worth it friend. See ya.
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