Reviews for Hell is Other People
Guest chapter 29 . 1/22/2021
Omg this is so epic. I'm begging you to finish it. I need to know the ending!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2021
Just started rereading this while stuck in lockdown! Forgot how amazing it was, I love how you write Alex. Really hope you write more and finish this x
ArgentiSolis chapter 1 . 1/11/2021
hah January 2020 I don't think she's gonna update... maybe she is I mean she's updated this since 2007 that's 13 years
Reina36 chapter 33 . 1/11/2021
All the feels omg I just want to bundle Alex up in soft cotton. Also, I can't wait for his testimony against Blunt and all the reactions of his nearest and dearest!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/7/2021
I will be reviewing again but here’s one thing: never stop writing you’re too good! Seriously this is amazing. Not even just for fan fiction, you could try short stories or novels. Reedsyprompts have weekly writing prompts for contests and stuff, you would rock at it if you wrote there too
Eva Haller chapter 33 . 1/3/2021
Hey there, I started to read this fic in the summer and absolutely love itttttttt. I’m not going to rant about how damn long it’s been since you’ve updated, but plssssss update soon? Like, I’m begging here lol. It is wonderful in so many ways, and I can’t wait for another chapter.
Anyway, I hope you’ve been well and are not too affected by the hell 2020 was, but if you were I hope you have a better year in 2021.

All the best,

Shadowfox452 chapter 33 . 12/31/2020
OH MY GOD, I CANT BELIEVE HOW MUCH IVE MISSED *flails* Gods, I'm so, so sorry amitai! I've been away from ffnet for a while due to personal reasons and I honestly didn't see your updates before now. I'm so sorry! But, holy hells, these past twelve chapters...GODDAMN, amitai, you've outdone yourself here. SERIOUSLY. I have no words. Heck, this whole fic is just...BLOODY AMAZING. I had to go back and read from the beginning seeing as I'd been away for so long, and once I started, after that first chapter...I just...I couldn't stop. Literally. I was so mesmerized (I AM HOOKED) I ended up skipping sleep for a day and binged the whole damn thing. And I don't even regret it, consequences be damned, because BLOODY HELL YOUR WRITING IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE I CANT EVEN *flails* Seriously, Amitai; your writing is absolutely breathtaking (and downright addicting). 3 Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this with us 33 Reading your work never fails to make my day. THANK YOU 33 *hugs*

PS: How are you? It's been a while since you posted this - but there's no rush updating (seriously - take the time you need!) - and I really, really, really hope that you're doing OK 333 And, despite the world basically going to hell in a handbasket, I hope you've had a peaceful holiday and that you'll have a nice celebration tonight! 33 Happy New Year, amitai! Let's pray that 2021 will be better for us all! *sends lots of love and support* 33 Thank you again *hugs*
Guest chapter 33 . 12/11/2020
Please update soon!
BearChild chapter 33 . 11/29/2020
I don't know if it's possible to binge read, but I think I just spent all my spare moments the past week doing that with this amazing story. It's everything I love about the books - that inate darkness is there amongst the action, and Alex trying to work out where he fits in the world is at the centre of everything - but you took it further and have developed this whole new world of characters. I've particularly loved all the kids developing as characters (I loved the growth of Will and Charlotte into fully fledged characters, growing up in ways they shouldn't have had to), Chloe and somehow Sir Christopher, Eagle and of course the Drs Manning! I suspect that when Tom finds out soon that Alex is not returning to London he will be nothing but relieved and happy his friend's finally gets something for himself. If and when the book series ever truly ends, I hope it resembles something like this closure for Alex, an escape from the manipulation and some true comfort and healing. Congratulations on this epic, I hope you enjoy writing the next part and eagerly await its arrival whenever Crazy Real World allows.
Guest chapter 33 . 11/28/2020
I can’t believe I never found this story before now in 2020! It’s definitely one of the very best Alex rider fanfics I’ve ever read. Sorry it’s taken you so long to get to this point. I do hope you finish it and tie up the least loose ends. Maybe write a side story about how blunt was arrested :) I do hope he doesn’t make a reappearance, Alex needs a break. I hope you get to it before the end of the year but I understand how life gets in the way. Cheers!
lifeandliterature chapter 9 . 11/23/2020
Aw thats so sweet
Nikki chapter 33 . 11/20/2020
Yaaay, I'm super glad things all got sorted out! Very keen to see how the next few chapters work out. I hope Blunt has a very painful unfortunate accident, Morozov too. I can't wait to check up on Chloe and Sir Christopher, I hope they get their rescue pup!
On an rl note, I hope this year has treated you as well as can be expected!
Nikki chapter 32 . 11/19/2020
Omg, FINALLY it clicked! Goddamn :P
Poor Alex going out of his fricken mind and I'm sitting here going out of mine cos I just wanna shake the Mannings XD
Guest chapter 33 . 11/8/2020
Please update!
TomQuinFan007 chapter 5 . 10/27/2020
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